ORIGINS: USS Hood February 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Fireside Chat==
===by Lena Rose and Brian V. Mansur===
SD 2261.054
Scene: FIrst Officer's Quarter's, USS HOOD
"Pardon me sir for being blunt, but I think I'm owed an explanation as to what is going on."
"Miss Saxman, you don't owe me any courtesy right now.  My ass is drunk and you just saved
it from a letter of reprimand."
"Not so drunk if you're able to talk this much, sir" she retorted, not able to find it in
herself to completely break protocol.
He shrugged at the point.  "Maybe I didn't have as much as I thought."  He looked at the
bottle on the bed stand and tried to remember how much had been in it to begin with.  "And I
took a little something the doctor gave me.  Maybe it is working."
Kiska shook her head in disbelief. “You know better than to mix drugs and alcohol.”
Again he shrugged.
Frustrated by his ‘so what’ demeanor, she huffed away a stray strand of hair that had
slipped from her ponytail. “I don’t understand. Why are you doing this to yourself?”
“It’s personal, Miss Saxman.” He said quietly and then hiccupped. “Excuse me.”
“Personal? Personal!” she bit back flinging her ponytail over her shoulder with a ‘to hell
to protocol’. “Not when it affects me as well!”
He held up his hands as though defending himself from a pistol whipping.
"Nurse.  Take a look at me.  Do you really want to get acquainted with my demons?  Don't you
think you would be happier to leave it at a sincere apology?"
Kiska thought about it for a second.  She'd met enough substance abusers in her career to
know how to handle them.
"That isn't going to solve our problem.  Respectfully sir, you're going to get help one way
or the other.  I will *not* spend the rest of my tour of duty worrying about what a drunk
man might be doing with the ship that my life depends upon.  I deserve more consideration
than that.  I already worry enough for my patients because of how the doctor abuses
*himself*.  So unless you want me to go straight to Mother with this, start talking. Sir."
Even half drunk, Sean knew he had no choice.  It would take no time at all for Mother to get
her hands on the flight recorder for the deck he'd broken down on.  And if the Captain knew
"You're a dead ringer for my dead ex-wife," he said with a dry mouth.  "She died on Vulcan
when Nero hit it.  She was only there because we couldn't make things work out."
Kiska was in no mood now for sympathy.
"So that's it?  That's what all this is about?  You screwed up in life like the rest of us. 
By bad luck something worse than usual happened because of it.  And suddenly there is
nothing for it but pity parties with irresponsibility and self-medication?"
Sean did not answer.
Kiska thought she was going to pull her hair out at the commander's pathetic behavior, but
forced herself to be calm and at least somewhat sensitive.  "She loved you didn't she?  Do
you think she wanted you to be like this?"
"No.  She wouldn't."
Kiska shook her head.  "Mother has had this talk with you already.  Hasn't she."
Sean looked up startled.
"Thought so.  I'd wondered what was going on the other day when she'd locked down sickbay.
She spent what, about 4 hours with you?  You know, I don't think I have that kind of
patience.  Nurse your pet guilty conscious if you must.  But you're either the XO of this
ship or you're not."
She waited for him to say something.  He hiccupped again, but when it was evident that he
had nothing to say for himself, she got up to leave.
"Saxman," Sean said suddenly.
Exasperated she stopped and turned. "What, sir."
He looked up at her.  The corner of his mouth twitched upward.  "You're going to make a
kick-ass head nurse someday."
"And you'll make a great XO when get your head out of your butt sir.  And while you are at
it, why don't you go get some religion in your life. It is obvious that you still believe someone
is up there.  What I see you doing in the next few days will make up my mind just what if
anything I am going to tell Mother.  Good luck and good morning Commander.
As Kiska stepped outside, she started to tremble a little.  She, a junior lieutenant, had just
told off her superior officer big time. She didn't know if she should be proud, scared, or
NRPG: See if *you* can spot Brian's tip of the hat to that "magnificient bastard" Ron Moore (see def
Respectfully Submitted,
Lena Rose
LTjg. Kiska Saxman
Nurse, USS HOOD NCC-1703
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick

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ASR Origins
ASR Origins

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Dropping On To The Bridge==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Dropping On To The Bridge==