ORIGINS: USS Hood February 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: A Texan Is Still A Texan==
===by Steve Apple===
SD: 2261.057
Scene: CMO’s Quarters
Corbett sat at the desk in his quarters sipping from his glass of tequila. He was off duty and enjoying a slight reprieve from the stresses of being the head of medical. Putting his feet up on the desk he saw the blue light under his desk blinking as he shifted into position.
"John," Corbett said almost imperceptibly, the anger in voice unmistakable.  "If you don't want me to bolt an eye patch into your other, good eye, I suggest you stop bugging my quarters."
[It's my job as head of security] DeSimms' voice said almost immediately through the speaker of the comm. unit. [Also doctor, I'd be careful who you threaten.]
"Let's make this quite clear." Corbett smiled and adjusted his hat. "There ain't another living soul on this ship that can match your personal arsenal, but me. Also as cousin to the Texas party leader, any little assassination attempt you try on me will be investigated to the fullest and met out with Texas justice."
[Accidents do happen, even to doctors]
"Yes that is true; however, red jackets are notorious for getting themselves quite dead, quite often."
[Seems once again we are at a stalemate Stile. However, one day either me, or one of my operatives will change that.]
"You just keep thinking that way John and maybe one day it will happen. Until then I'd keep one eye open." Corbett paused for a moment and chuckled. "That's right you only have one eye. Well then if I were you I'd make damn sure you don't lose that one too, Corbett out."
With that Corbett opened the top drawer to his desk and pulled out a box with a red button and depressed it. There was a loud squeal and the blue light under his desk signaling the working operation of DeSimms' listening device went black.
DeSimms was a worthy foe, he thought and quite deadly; however, he had his female operatives infiltrate even the highest levels of the Security department. DeSimms might be quite shocked to learn one day that his top subordinates had untimely deaths in their beds. Then again, Corbett thought, perhaps it might be me that is surprised one day and DeSimms’ security forces will incinerate me in my own sickbay.
"Until then messier Cyclops." Corbett said out loud as he raised his glass.
"Another bout with DeSimms?"
Corbett turned his head to his sleeping area where he heard the raspy sweet voice. The bedside lamp came on and the soft white light cast an elegant glow on the naked green skin that arose from the bed.
"I'm sorry if that little exchange awoke you Alia. John and I were just expressing a difference of opinion. You see he likes being the resident badass of the ship; however, I get no small pleasure out of reminding him that his intimidation tactics fall quite short when it comes to me."
"He is very dangerous Stile and should be eliminated," Alia said seriously.
"I don't know.  He has his purpose.  He makes the subversives think twice and his attitude toward Jack pushes the Captain firmly in my camp."
"That is another foolish move on your part." Alia exclaimed coming forward into Corbett's work area. "Steele is unstable and has shown as much time and time again. I have been your wife for several years and still do not understand the bond you two have."
"Quite the contrary sweetness, Jack is very sane. When the demons of Velorum came a calling, he pulled me out and stuck with me until we nuked the bastards. I owe him my life at least twice over." Corbett said then paused. "Now don't get me wrong.  If I ever stood in the way of his ambition he would surely not think twice about burning me, but up until that point the Captain has been a friend."
"And Sean has he not been there too."
Corbett took another sip from his glass. "Sean is a different matter altogether. We've been friends since we were 5 years old, our fathers served in the party together. Sean is like a brother to me. He is the reason I am on this ship."
"And do you not think Steele sees that. Between Sean and you, Steele could quite easily be removed from power. No one would question your word if you relieved him of command."
"Ah yes the CMO's prerogative to remove a Commander. Well my dear it is not as easy as you think to carry that out. Besides even if successful there would be inquiries and paperwork and you know how I feel about paperwork."
"Yes I know.  Mother complains to me quite often about that."
"She's lucky I love her like I do." Corbett said and then paused to take another sip from his glass. "Does she tell you about all my short comings?"
"Quite often." The Orion said as she slid into his lap. "But you still haven't answered my question."
"There is nothing to answer Alia. Jack is clever and a bit paranoid. He has tested both mine and Sean's loyalty on numerous occasions. He trusts us about as much as a man like him can trust anyone. Also he knows that eliminating us would mean a new set of officers taking our positions and they might not be as loyal."
"Do you not want to advance in power?" She asked while kissing his neck.
"For what reason?  We have money and not an insubstantial amount at that. We have property: a very large ranch and by virtue of being in the military, respect."
"You could be a Governor with a sovereignty of your own."
"Yes I could; however, then I would have to put up with people always asking for something, taxes to be collected, not to mention assassination attempts." He paused a moment when he saw her frown. "I know it's every Orion girl's dream and duty to enslave her man and force him to do stupid things like grab for power, but."
"It doesn't seem to work well with you." She added interrupting him. "Maybe I should find an ambitious man to bed."
"Unfortunately for you," Corbett said caressing her back. "You fell in love and can't quite come to grips with that fact. I fear you are stuck in this marriage, how unlucky you are."
"Yes how unlucky I am." She finished as she kissed him deeply.
[Steele to Corbett] The metallic voice of the Captain interrupting them.
"Jack as always your timing is impeccable." Corbett mumbled hitting the comm. unit as he kissed his wife's neck.
[Tell Alia to get off your lap, I need you down in briefing room 3 immediately.]
"Don't tell me you have my quarters bugged too."
[I don't need to.  I know how you are]
"Yes well at least I am consistent. Something important I take it."
[You, Merrick, Gar, and I are going down to a planet to acquire some stones. Normally I'd tell one of my officers that I don't need to explain myself and that when I say report you do it. However, we'll be using the transporter and I know how you need to prepare yourself.]
"How very kind of you Jack, I am on my way, Corbett out."
Alia slid off his lap allowing him to stand. "Duty calls," she said.
Corbett straightened his uniform jacket and attempted to button his top collar.
Reflexively she reached out and buttoned it for him then stood back to appraise him. He looked handsome although she hated these uniforms. The form fitting blue jacket had a thin vertical leather shoulder strap that ran from his right shoulder across the jacket to the left side of his belt, it made him look so formal.  She smoothed the high half collar which came to a v in the font and used her finger to polish the 2 crossed sword pins indicating his rank. Stepping back she looked at him again and absently smoothed the assignment emblem on his left breast. For a moment she traced the intertwining circles that made up the Hood's designation and stopped at the cross centered within, his departments designation. "You and Sean could take this ship."
"Yes and someone could then take it from us. The system is flawed Alia and quite inhumane."
"I wouldn't go about saying that out loud my love or you might find yourself in one of DeSimms' interrogation rooms."
"I am a third generation party member, which gives even that thug pause." Corbett said as he tucked his black pants into the flared boots which ended just below his knees.
"Exactly my point, imagine the accolades he would get by bringing someone like you to justice for openly criticizing the party."
"No my dear, I think John's hatred of me runs much deeper than that. He wants something that will allow him to torture me at length, defile my wife, and confiscate my property. In short he wants to catch me in a traitorous act."
"You are no traitor." She said immediately.
"And what if I was?" He asked her as he crossed over to the bathroom and injected himself with a low dose tranquilizer.
"First off, hard core traitors aren't afraid of transporters." She said giggling as she watched him.
"Maybe I'm a hard core traitor that likes shuttle craft."
"Secondly you never come to the meetings."
Coming back from the bathroom he appraised her and had to laugh. "God help me, but I do love you."He said and then kissed her again his hand moving below her back.
"You've got the Captain to meet." She said pulling his hand way. "Now go,"
Adjusting his hat he turned to leave, but heard her soft voice before the door closed. "I'd be proud of you."
Just a little CD for the alternate Corbett. Dan I was not trying to write for you, but you kind of came out like Sulu in the TOS Mirror/ Mirror, the scary evil despot of security. I thought it kind of cool, you are the heavy everyone has to get around.
Respectfully Submitted
Steve Apple
Stile Corbett, MD
ASR Origins

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Turning Back - JP==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Turning Back - JP==