ORIGINS: USS Hood April 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Big Problem==
===by Brian Mansur, David Martens and Scott Lusby===
SD 2261.091
MD 2.1135
Scene: Engineering, TSS HOOD
Hemux pointed a finger to Gar and Merrick while pushing her gun a bit
rougher into Jeri's back. "Don't even think about trying to load the
crystals. It's sabotaged. Check the power conduits and the plasma
conduits. If you load the crystal their energy will set off the thing and
destroy half of the ship's systems." Hemux grinned menacingly. "Probably
ripping half of the hull off too."
Jeri, Sean saw, looked every bit as beautiful as the last time he had seen
her. And she was both defiant and calm. As though this sort of thing had
happened to her before. And that somehow he'd come through for her those
times past.
Gar was the one to speak first, "You silly old bitch. Just what do you
think you're going to accomplish here?"
Hemux snapped at Gar, "Just step away, I am not your good old lady
Denobulan." Hemux grinned as she noticed the surprised looks on both their
faces. "Oh, yes I know exactly who... and what... you both are." She
pushed Jeri roughly to Merrick. "Our Captain's favorite toy here on the
other hand has no idea why we are having this little talk." Again she
grinned at the doubly shocked look on Sean's face.
Gar held his composure at the Denobulan's revelations. He hadn't expected
the ruse to last; they were just too different, though he figured he should
have played the savage a bit more convincingly. But the comment about jeri
surprised him, though it shouldn't have- anything, after, was obviously
possible in the other universe...
"She's lying Sean," Jeri protested. "He's never taken me."
Sean knew he shouldn't feel jealous but this demon of a Hemux obviously knew
how to play Merrick for all he was worth. It took every ounce of strength
he had not to go for his phaser. Instead, he wrestled his insides into
submission and took a deep breath. After all, he reminded himself, it
didn't matter what the truth was about Jeri and the mirror Captain. She
wasn't his wife anyway. It could be sorted out later.
"Be quiet Jeri," he said gently, putting her behind him.
Hemux shrugged her shoulders. "Believe it or not I am on your side, if I
was not then you would already be dead." He paused for a moment. "I am
just here to see that you don't do anything stupid AND that I make it back
to my universe alive."
"Your universe?" Jeri said, bewildered. But this Jeri was as quick as
Sean's own had been. She got it in 2 seconds flat. Sean could feel her
edging back in true terror now.
Sean acted quickly. "Jeri, I'm here to save you. You have to believe that
or we're all dead."
"What happened to Sean- MY Sean?" she demanded coldly.
"He's fine. He's in our brig. Stay behind me in case this crazy woman
decides to shoot you after all." It took Jeri a moment to calculate the
odds. She'd rather have run from the room, he was sure. "Its gonna be okay
this time," he whispered lovingly.
The look in her eyes softened. It was something he hadn't seen for more
than two years. It was that look she had only ever given him. She moved
back behind him.
Hemux shrugged again. "Thick as thieves."
"So just what are you proposing, Hemux?" Gar demanded.
The mirror Denobulan grinned wickedly. "I want to go home- MY home- where I
can do my research in peace. That can't happen if we're invading YOUR
universe. You see the problem, don't you?"
Jeri stepped out slightly to Sean's side. "You want to go back and destroy
the device afterwards so that you can't come back."
"Exactly," Hemux said.
They all turned to Gar.
The Andorian shrugged. "I don't know the science behind it," he said. "If
Dr. Merrick, however, can set up a feedback loop that will destroy the unit
after you return, I can see that no one in Engineering can stop it from
Hemux grunted. "There's already a feedback loop set up to destroy the
crystals- shouldn't be too hard."
Gar countered. "It is if you don't want to take half the ship with it, as
you so delicately pointed out."
"What do I care if half the ship is destroyed- as long as it's not the half
I'm in," she said. Then, she added, "I can make sure of that part at
"Enough!" Commander Merrick said. Then, he turned to Jeri. "Can you do
Jeri didn't think for long. "I can," she said.
Gar nodded. "I'll get to work on my end," he said, turning from the group.
Hemux, however, cut them all off. "Make sure you do it right," he said,
ointing his gun back at Jeri. "It'd be a shame to have to kill you, doctor,
and deprive you of such a promising and fulfilling life together with your
NRPG: Kill her or don't kill her. Hmmm. Now this is a dilemma.
Respectfully Submitted Jointly,
David Martens
Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux
Sovereignty Fleet
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
Scott Lusby
LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer
United Federation of Planets Star Fleet Navy