ORIGINS: USS Hood April 2010: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Making Another Deal==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: SD 2261.117
Scene: Brig, USS HOOD
BlackJack Steele fell to the deck as the first volley of fire struck USS HOOD.  He had a grin on his face by the time the second barrage shook the great ship. As the ship shuddered he jumped up to his feet. 
“Gene I told you they would come.  It’s all over.”
“Get back from the shield.”  Gene ordered as he took the phaser off his belt and pointed it at Steele.
Steele actually laughed in response.  “Gene, we’ve been waging war our entire history.  Our civilization is based on, steeping in it.  We’re taught to be soldiers before we’re taught to walk.  It’s in our blood.  There is no way your Starfleet can stand before us.”
“I thought you’d switched sides.  Asked for asylum no less.”  Gene countered.
“Gene, if you’re going to be a good officer you have to learn to adapt.  You look at what you’re presented with and you make sure it works for you.  If I have to stay in this universe I’m going to do what ever it takes to succeed.  But when my crew crack open the hull of this ship to get me back you can be damn sure that’s where I’m going.  My first act will be to execute your captain and his senior officers.  My second act will be to reward those of your crew who willingly join my crew.” Steele leaned closer to the forcefield.  “You’ll be surprised how many will join us.  Some out of self interest, some out of fear, but they will join us.  Finally I will have my engineer teams rip this ship apart and take what we need to improve our own.  Then I will begin my ascendancy as Sovereign of this domain.  I told you before I needed you Gene, I still do.  All you have to do is lower the forcefield and release these wrist restraints.”
“I thought your crew was coming. They can do it when they get here.”
“They can, and they will.  But if you are to join me I need to know you’re loyal to me.  Willingly loyal.  If you wait until my men are pointing a phaser at you it isn’t quite the same.  You can still join me at that point Gene, I really do need you.  But you do it then and you’ll stay at your current rank and you’ll not be trusted.  Join me now and you’re instantly a commander and first officer.  It’s that easy.  All you need to do is lower the shield.”
Poor BlackJack he doesn’t realize his ship is getting pounded…
CAPT Jack Steele

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Eavesdropping==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Eavesdropping==
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Battle Aftermath==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Battle Aftermath==