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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Escape?==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.124
Scene: Shuttlecraft STORM
“Engines online and powering up.  Ready for launch in 17 seconds.”  Sean reported from the co-pilot’s chair of the shuttle.  His voice was as calm as it would be for any shuttle departure.  Which was remarkable given that he had never been inside a shuttle sitting on a flight deck that was literally exploding around them.  Between HOOD’s attack, the sabotage and the impending self-immolation that TSS HOOD was steadily counting down toward, things were getting very interesting.
Jack’s hand was poised over the throttle ready to gun the small crafts engines and get them out into the safety of space.  “Gar are you ready on the doors?”  There was a brief silence.  “Gar?  Doors?”
“Yes sir.”  Gar replied with a trace of frustration in his voice.
Jack looked back to the main flight deck doors which stood firmly secured.  “Good.  I think you can open them down.”
Gar swore in his native tongue.  “The override isn’t working.  Stand by I’m on it.  He knelt down and yanked a panel off the console base. 
“Don’t know what yer all playing at but if my counting is correct the ship is going to blow in less then 60 seconds.”  Stile called from aft.
“Lifting off now.”  Jack said as he powered the thrusters and brought the ship off the deck.
“Almost there.”  Gar reported.
“Lights!”  Sean suddenly shouted the stress of the situation finally appearing.  “Lights on the doors!”  The doors lurched apart a few metres and then ground to a halt.  He looked over at Jack.  “Big enough?”
“Its going to have to be.  Gun it Sean!”
Merrick slammed down on the throttle and the shuttle sprang from its hover as Jack rotated to port.  “Hold on they’re starting to close!”
Will we make it out before the ship explodes?  Will we splatter against the flight deck doors?  I hope someone has those answers.
Its not quite summer yet, lets not get into the doldrums too soon!
CAPT Jack Steele
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Cornered?==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.124
Scene: Jeffries Tubes, Junction 23-AH4, USS HOOD
Lieutenant Rick McDonald cursed to himself as he examined the tricorder readings.  They could move ships through warped space but they couldn’t make a silent tricorder.  They were getting close to their escapees and the damn whistle of the tricorder was probably going to give him and his security detail away.
It had been quite the hunt he acknowledged with a grimace but as skilled as the three officers where they just couldn’t continue to evade the number of security and general ship personnel who were tracking them down.  It had only been a matter of time he thought as he snapped the lid back down on the tricorder and let it rest on his hip. The black strap fitting snuggly across his chest.  He nodded to his team and they all raised their phasers.  He didn’t expect them to put up much resistance.  If they were going to there were certainly a number of ways they could have boobytrapped the endless Jefferies Tubes they had been crawling though.  No for whatever reason the fugitives were purposefully keep things nonviolent.  He didn’t know if it was for some altruistic belief or they just didn’t want to up the stakes.  But whatever the reason it was fine by him.  As long as they didn’t screw it up as they neared the end of their journey.
He looked up at the hand gesture from one of his men.  With a nod in acknowledgement his grip tightened on his phaser.  Please he though staring down at the great that was quietly being moved.  Don’t come out shooting.
Brian/Steve/Scott:  I leave it to you guys as to whether you are surrendering (and how) or about to spring a cunning plan ;-)
CAPT Jack Steele
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: A Promise of Vengeance==
===by David Kiel===
SD: SD 2261.125
TSS Hood: Deck Nine
<Previously on Star Trek: Hood>
[Auto-destruct in 4 minutes 29 seconds.]
"Cedria." Corbett implored.
"Go," Cedria shouted at the doctor. "Preflight the shuttle, just in case I can't
make him do what I want."
"I won't leave without you."
"Don't be stupid. A lot of people are counting on that shuttle being ready." She
snapped back at him. "Beside this is between Trills and not for outsiders to
<and now>
Cedria drew a second blade from the sheath on her thigh. A non poisoned blade
she had carried for just this moment. "I gave you my word, Arcturus. I am
sorry it took this long to follow through."
"I take it we've met before."
"Not you Zade." Cedria spat at him, flipping the knife in her hand and pressing
his jaw tighter with the other.
Arcturus followed her eyes as she waited for the Terrans to get clear of the
corridor. For the first time he wished he had allowed more of the hosts
presence to manifest itself. But the symbionts did not share consciousness with
the feeble humanoids they chose to dominate. There was something in the hosts
memory, something he had been hiding. What had this creature been hiding from
<Five years earlier.>
He stood in a clearing, in the hill lands of Trill. The green lands stretched
into the distance, the white lines of the ice caves at the very limit of the
horizon. An arch had been set up and decorated with wildflowers. It was a
ceremony, a gathering, Terran styled. Her choice, he suddenly remembered.
Arcturus turned, emotions surging, Zade crouched in the shadows of his memories
and took it all in. The humanoids were prone to overemotional displays, their
short and tenuous lives demanded it really. His hosts gaze settled on one
person in the gathering of onlookers and Zade began to understand.
Cedria Vylex stood, clad in flowing white, a small wreath of flowers at her
hands. Zade twitched at the baseness of Arcturus memories, the pride and
humility the assassin felt as he watched his chosen mate walk forward to the
joining ceremony. He remembered the day.
Zade was somewhere overhead, his host bleeding to death at the edge of orbit.
As these two embraced and the ceremony began he was above, giving instructions
to prepare the new host. Someone with the skills for assassination, and a
personality he could dominate. At the very moment that the ceremonial master
was pronouncing the two of them wed, Zade was giving the orders to find Arcturus
Quall and have him prepared for joining.
Quall, a name he'd read once in his life, while dying, and discarded from his
memory just as quickly. Sometimes the simplest of things proved to be
[Auto destruct in three minutes eleven seconds.]
Zade twisted and jerked, arm snapping to disarm the treacherous bitch his host
had married. The poisoned blade clattered to the deck and skittered down the
corridor. He aimed a second blow targeted to disable her. She blocked it
smoothly, having sparred with Arcturus for years. He countered and so did she.
It was the other blade that struck, the non poisoned one, a smooth slice
straight across the lower abdomen. Her free hand struck a most unpredictable
blow. His hands moved up to block air protecting the neck and head while her
hand wrapped around the symbiont and jerked. Arcturus dropped to his knees
stunned mouth gaping in disbelief. He saw the blade flash and then nothing, the
symbiont itself was blind outside of the pools.
Cedria set the wriggling slug shaped creature on the ground and stabbed, and
again, and again. Six times she drew the blade through the foul creature before
leaving her knife embedded in the corpse.
She looked up and saw recognition in his eyes. She had passed him in the
corridors of Hood thirty-one times, never once was there a glint of it, Zade had
had complete control. "I'm sorry, I couldn't get to the chamber to stop them.
By the time the order released me, Zade had gone. You were gone."
He brushed her hair back from her face, wiping away some of her tears. "You did
well. You saved me."
"You'll die without the symbiont."
"But, Ill die free." He kissed her, for only the second time as man and wife.
"You have to go."
She shook her head, her eyes locked on his. "I c-cant."
[Auto destruct in two-minutes thirty-four seconds.]
"You must." Arcturus slumped to the deck. "Hood must die. If you stay I will
have to cancel the destruct. We will lose our chance."
"Arc." She ran her fingers along the side of his face, trying to burn it to her
"Go, now." He smiled, and leaned back against the wall.
[Auto destruct in two-minutes seventeen seconds.]
Cedria leaned in and kissed her husband goodbye and then turned, blinking and
began sprinting for the hangar bay.
Respectfully submitted;
David Kiel
Lt Cedria Zade,
Cedria Quall
Trill Assassin, The Resistance
Arcturus Quall
Freed Host, The Resistance
Dead Symbiont
Acting CO, TSS Hood
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: I Hope That Wasn't Your Ship==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.127
Scene: Bridge, USS HALIFAX
"You wanted to see me captain?"  Lieutenant Commander Payne said as he walked off the turbolift onto the cramped bridge of USS HALIFAX.
Commander Hutcheson gestured to the viewscreen.  We might have a problem transferring you to your new ship Rick."
Payne's eyes moved to take in the viewscreen and he gasped in shock as he watched a CONSITUTION class starship in its death throes.  The great ship was racked by explosions trailing down both primary and secondary hulls as precious few life pods raced away from the discussion.  Suddenly in a blinding flash of light it was over as the mighty ship overcome by its failed warp core.  "Was that HOOD?"  Payne asked, knowing the answer as the vastness of the death and destruction began to catch up with him."
"Reduce magnification."  Hutcheson ordered and suddenly another starship joined the picture.  "Thats HOOD."  Commander Hutcheson confirmed.  "But according to visual scans so to was the ship that blew up."
"None of the life pods survived the core breach. "  The executive officer  reported quietly.  "Wait one.  Yes, there is a shuttle craft tumbling in the debris.  Multiple life signs but failing power levels.  Should we move to assist skipper?"
"Let's hail the starship first and see what the hell is going on here."  Hutcheson said with more bravado then he felt.  If that starship was had destroyed the other one and turned its guns on his destroyer...well it would be a quick death at least.
Just a quick one to end TSS HOOD and get out NPC SEC on the scene.  Lots of room to backpost the ship's final minutes as well as to see who got on the shuttle and if everyone made it.
CAPT Jack Steele
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: The Bridge is Where the Action is!==
===by Harry Iha===
SD: 2261.128
SCENE: Bridge
MD: ?
The bridge was a picture of studied concentration. Every station
was busy following LT Zade's instructions or supporting the Science
station, which was busily scanning the anomalous ship for signs of
the away team. Baker's fingers were flying furiously over the helm
as he tried to maneuver HOOD's enormous mass to simultaneously
match the TSS HOOD's erratic course and circle it to allow the
sensors to probe every cubic centimeter of the enemy vessel.
Although he was not assisting with the sensor scan, Tamura was
himself overwhelmed at the communications station. The board was
flooded with signals from the enemy vessel. The alternate universe
crew seemed to be panicking. From what he could piece together,
the escape pods were malfunctioning on a grand scale, and frantic
people were trying to identify where to go in order to escape the
doomed vessel. At the same time, security was relaying updates as
they continued the search for the escaped prisoners.
"Anything yet?" asked LT Zade, pacing around the captain's chair.
'Oh crap,' thought Tamura. While focusing on keeping up with all
the comm traffic, he had lost track of situational awareness and
had no idea what LT Zade had asked him to look for.
LT Hemux's immediate response saved Tamura from the embarrassment
of admitting his waywardness. "Nothing definite. Even with the
differences we've identified, our people pretty much look like
their people." Without lifting her eyes from her scanner, the
CSciO added, "And it doesn't help that they're all running around
the ship like mating Shinka Beetles."
Tamura breathed a sigh of relief then opened a private channel to
the communications center located deep in the secondary hull.
"Senior Chief, you there?" he whispered.
[Where else would I be?] ITCS Jefferson answered testily.
"I need help. I can't keep track of all these signals."
An amused chuckle answered his plea. [Don't you worry, Ensign. I
got your back. You just look for the big events and we'll take
care of the small shit for you. Just watch your display; I'll
highlight anything you need to know about.]
A ton of weight suddenly lifted from the new department head.
"Thanks, Senior. I owe you one."
[Damn right you do.]
SCENE: Bridge
MD: ?
Four and a half minutes later, the division of labor paid off.
"Lieutenant, new signals coming in," reported Tamura. "I'm picking
up telemetry from a shuttle prepping for launch."
Zade shot up to the science station and stood impatiently next to
LT Hemux.
"Scanning now," the Denobulan announced after a few seconds.
"There they are.... Human...Human...Trill...Human...and Human.
Hmmm. Two of them are female, and no Andorians. I would guess
that is not our away team."
"Damn. Okay, keep looking." Zade returned to the command well and
forced herself into the center seat.
Tamura looked closely at the scanner readout. He had patched into
the scanner circuit in case he needed to forward the coordinates to
the transporter room. Tamura was amazed at the information Hemux
was able to gleam from the scan. The five people were apparent
enough, and one of the five was clearly different from the other
four. That was about as far as he could discern. How Hemux was
able to figure out the species and genders from the gobs of data
was beyond him.
A change in the telemetry switched his attention away from the
sensor scan. "Lieutenant, telemetry shows the shuttle is
"Very well. Helm, keep a lock on that shuttle. If it tries to go
to warp, disable its engines."
"Aye aye, Ma'am," answered an overeager Baker. He made no effort
to conceal his trigger happiness.
Something odd caught Tamura's attention. "Uh, Lieutenant. There's
a problem. The hangar doors haven't opened."
"On screen." The main viewer zoomed in towards the aft section of
TSS HOOD. The angle obscured the hangar bay doors, so they could
not verify Tamura's information.
"Should I swing back to bring the hangar bay into view?" asked
"Hold your course, helm. Finding our people is the priority here."
"Wait," interjected Tamura. "They're opening now. The shuttle is
heading out. Hold on!"
Multiple heads turned at the comm officer's outburst. Tamura
pushed the Feinberger deeper into his ear and stared intently at
his screens. "The doors are closing. The shuttle's at full
thrusters. They're making a run for it!"
All eyes turned to the viewscreen. A moment later a tiny speck of
tumbling space ship bounced away from TSS HOOD. Tamura vocalized
the data he received. "The shuttle is intact.... Life support
steady now, on emergency power. Main power down; computer's
rebooting trying to get the inertial dampeners back on line.... No
good, they're dead in space."
A light on the comm panel interrupted the play-by-play.
"Lieutenant, thirty seconds until self-destruct."
"Hemux, you found them yet?"
"Looks like that may be them on the shuttle after all. I'm now
reading seven passengers, including an Andorian."
"Transporter room, seven to beam aboard from the shuttle."
[Stand by.]
"Twenty seconds," prompted Tamura.
[Bridge, I can't get a lock.]
"Go to wide beam. Grab them all."
There was an ominous silence. "Transporter room, did you get
[Negative, bridge. They're leaking plasma. I can't isolate them.]
Trying to beam aboard uncontained plasma was a recipe for disaster.
The plasma's high energy state usually dropped to lower states in
the nanoseconds during matter reconstitution. Those drops were
characterized by high releases of energy--high enough to crumple
two or three decks of starship into a mangled wad.
"Ten seconds."
Zade had only one option left. She quickly spun on her heels.
"Helm, tractor beam, then get us the hell out of the blast radius."
Baker, now sweating profusely, complied. The whine of the engines
filled the bridge as they were asked to simultaneously power the
tractor beam and move HOOD away from the imminent fireball.
A bright light filled the bridge as TSS HOOD mixed matter and
antimatter and flared into a mini nova. It passed in a couple of
seconds; the viewscreen showed an empty space field.
"Do we still have them?" asked Zade.
"Negative," reported Baker. "I lost them when the explosion hit."
"One moment." LT Hemux's hands danced around the scanner controls.
"One shuttle, bearing 114 mark 13. All systems are down, but I
still read seven life signs aboard."
Finally, some good news. "All right!" exclaimed Zade. "Helm
maneuver us into transporter range."
The good news was cut short by a beep on Tamura's board. "Uh,
Lieutenant. USS HALIFAX is hailing us. They're sending a command
challenge." A command challenge was a set of personal recognition
codes uniquely chosen by the captain and first officer. It was
used by Star Fleet captains to help identify personnel in the event
the officers' identifies were in question. A proper response
theoretically identified the proper person; a special improper
response indicated the person was under duress; and of course an
improper response meant the person was an imposter.
"And they're coming in with shields up and weapons hot," noted
David: I couldn't find where Hemux was, so I put her on the bridge
with us. If she's elsewhere, sorry...and that was someone else
manning the scanners.
Respectfully Submitted,
ENS Yoshi Tamura
Communications Department Head
ITCS Sheila Jefferson
Communications Department LCPO
Harry I. Iha
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Rough and Tumble==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2261.129
Setting: Shuttlecraft STORM
<<snip- from Andy's post, entitled "Escape?")
Gar swore in his native tongue. "The override isn't working. Stand by I'm
on it. He knelt down and yanked a panel off the console base.
"Don't know what yer all playing at but if my counting is correct the ship
is going to blow in less then 60 seconds." Stile called from aft.
"Lifting off now." Jack said as he powered the thrusters and brought the
ship off the deck.
"Almost there." Gar reported.
"Lights!" Sean suddenly shouted the stress of the situation finally
appearing. "Lights on the doors!" The doors lurched apart a few metres and
then ground to a halt. He looked over at Jack. "Big enough?"
"Its going to have to be. Gun it Sean!"
Merrick slammed down on the throttle and the shuttle sprang from its hover
as Jack rotated to port. "Hold on they're starting to close!"
<<end snip>>
Had it not been for the inertial dampeners present on the shuttle, the 7
inhabitants of the STORM would definitely have felt the lurch forward.
Gar pushed himself up off the floor. "I've done all I can; let's hope they
don't figure out what I've done--"
Suddenly, a couple of warning lights began flashing and chirping wildly from
Merrick's console, and Gar noticed the shuttlebay doors slowly creeping
closed again.
"I see them!" the First Officer shouted.
The doors seemed to take forever to reach as cavernous as the
CONSTITUTION-class ship's hangar bay was. Still, the doors did grow on the
viewscreen...and with each passing second, they also grew closer together.
"Merrick!" cried Steele.
"Rotating shuttle!" he replied, punching a few buttons. "If this doesn't
"I don't want to hear it- just go!"
Gar cringed as the small shuttle passed between the doors; as he did, the
shuttle was jolted by a powerful impact.
"Report!" Steele shouted.
And suddenly none was needed; consoles sparked and blew apart, throwing
burned plastic, insulation and acrid smoke into the air. The lighting
flickered and died, flickered again as emergency systems tried to come
on-line, and died again as they failed. They had also lost their inertial
dampeners; as such, despite being strapped into their seats, they were now
spinning wildly out of control.
"Gar- get us back under control!" Steele shouted, stifling a choke on the
smoke that had filled the cabin.
The Andorian focused himself on his console- the part of it that hadn't
eaten itself a moment ago. "I'm on it," he said, and his blue fingers flew
around the console, sealing ruptures in the EPS relays and rerouting power
through secondary, even tertiary backups. Once done, he started a fresh
reboot of the shuttle's onboard computers.
As the system came back on-line, emergency lighting on the shuttle returned,
and environmental systems began clearing the cabin of smoke.
"Emergency power restored, Captain," Gar said. We must have hit the doors
on the way out; we won't get main power back without a repair team," he
said. He paused for a moment, then dropped his bombshell. "Navigation is
destroyed, Captain; I can't restore her. Not here."
They all understood what that meant. "How long until self destruct?" Steel
Merrick looked at him. "Thirty seconds, Captain," he said softly.
Steele nodded his head slowly, and then glanced at Corbett. "Got any of
that tequila on you?"
All- Just extending Andy's post and tying it in with Harry's last one. I
have a second part coming out shortly.
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer
Task Force 6
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Into the Fire==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2261.129
Setting: Shuttlecraft/Deathtrap STORM
<<snip- from my last post>>
The Andorian focused himself on his console- the part of it that hadn't
eaten itself a moment ago. "I'm on it," he said, and his blue fingers flew
around the console, sealing ruptures in the EPS relays and rerouting power
through secondary, even tertiary backups. Once done, he started a fresh
reboot of the shuttle's onboard computers.
As the system came back on-line, emergency lighting on the shuttle returned,
and environmental systems began clearing the cabin of smoke.
"Emergency power restored, Captain," Gar said. We must have hit the doors
on the way out; we won't get main power back without a repair team," he
said. He paused for a moment, then dropped his bombshell. "Navigation is
destroyed, Captain; I can't restore her. Not here."
They all understood what that meant. "How long until self destruct?" Steel
Merrick looked at him. "Thirty seconds, Captain," he said softly.
Steele nodded his head slowly, and then glanced at Corbett. "Got any of
that tequila on you?"
<<end snip>>
Suddenly, Gar felt a tingly sensation come over him, one with which he was
imminently familiar. However, instead of the normal brief moment of
discontinuity followed by re-integration, nothing happened.
"Someone's trying to beam us off the shuttle," Gar said.
"So what's the problem?" Merrick asked.
"I don't know," Gar said, as he felt the tell-tale tingle again. This time,
however, he noticed that everyone seemed to shimmer for a moment.
"That was a wide-beam attempt," he said. He looked down at his console, and
his blue hue paled about his face. "Captain, the HOOD's about to blow!
At that moment, the shuttle lurched again; for a brief moment, the force of
the lurch overwhelmed the weakened inertial compensators, working now on
only emergency power, and every person on board were slung sideways over
their seats, with only their belts saving them from being tossed around like
so much flotsam and jetsam.
As they began to right themselves, another impact slammed into the
unprotected shuttle, and threw them forward. This impact was not so gentle
as the last one, and all of the repairs Gar had just finished making seemed
to come apart in a half-dozen explosions and small fires within the craft's
What consoles had been working were no longer.
More importantly, what power there had been was no longer either...which
meant no lighting, no engines...and no environmental systems.
But they were still alive.
Gar quickly unstrapped himself once the ship had settled some, and climbed
under his console; opening the access panel simply produced another arc of
electromagnetic plasma, barely missing his exposed hands.
"That's it, captain- I can't do a thing with her," he groused.
Gar got up, and coughed as he waved away some of the smoke from his face.
"So why are we still here?" he asked, eyes towards the Captain. "Where's
OUR HOOD- you know, with transporters, the whole 'cavalry over the hill'
thing you pinkskins are so fond of making movies about?"
Steele coughed a couple of times himself. "I don't know, Gar," he said,
glancing at the dead viewscreen in front of him.
"Wherever they are, I hope they get here soon."
Stile waved away more smoke. "Truer words were never said, sar," he said.
OK- this brings us to exactly the same time as Harry's post. We're all
together now.
Now...who is going to beam us off the shuttle before we choke to death or
run out of oxygen? :)
Respectfully Submitted,
-- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer
Task Force 6
==[ORIGINS] TSS HOOD: Is this the end…==
===David Martens===
SD: SD: 2261.130
Scene: TSS HOOD, Science department
Hemux was in the science lab monitoring events on her wide spread spy cam
network as things started to go wrong. The Trill woman clearly had made some
adjsutements to the sabotage. She cursed out loud and threw a cage with a
Centaurian ghost monkey through the lab. Those weaklings of this pathetic
universe seemed to have triggered a whole set events that had not been included
in Hemux' her plans.
Suddenly the warning sign of the self destruct sequence started to sound
throughout the ship. She slammed her fist on the table "NO, NO, NOOO!" Not the
self destruct, how should she get home to the Souvereignity if the TSS HOOD
blew up?
She had not much time, not much option, lucky she had been prepared for a quick
escape. She rushed through the lab, pulling out memorycards and tossing them
in her bag, some of her most precious discoveries should not get lost. Also she
dragged out a big memory core from the science central computer, this held a
vast amount of knowledge about the Souvereignity, shis specs, weapon and shield
configurations, tactical assets, some things should have to be vaualble.
With only two minutes left she grabbed the cage with her favorite Demonian
Firebeetles and went to the back of the lab. There she opened a hidden hatch
and stepped into a life pod. It was adjusted to her own needs, larger food and
air supply, a better lifesupportsystem, but, most important, a stasisfield that
concealed the whole lifepod.
Hemux stepped in, adjusted the main computer of the lifepod and launched it.
She plotted a course to, where she suspected it would be, the Ferengi empire.
Ferengi, curious critters, looking to exploit every possible profit. She
programmed the stasisfield to disengage every 48 hours if the external
stituation was safe, offcourse. Then she stepped on the biobed and engaged the
As soon as she left the ship it was rocked by some small explosions, but Hemux
was pretty sure things would go right. Then the stasisfield activated,
everything stopped. From the outside the pod looked lifeless, the stasisfield
covered up every leakage of hath or power. Just a dead object among the rest of
the debris. Then the core of the ship exploded, the shockwave pushed the
lifepod away from the remains of the proud ship. Slowly it floated through
Sorry for the long silence, but real life is killing me, anyway, Evil Hemux
seemed to have escaped… Maybe we'll meet her in the future again!
David Martens
Lt ARr'Rhiana `Evil' Hemux
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Capture==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2261.130
Scene: Jeffries Tubes, Junction 23-AH4, USS HOOD
He looked up at the hand gesture from one of his men. With a nod in acknowledgement his grip tightened on his phaser. Please he thought staring down at the grate that was quietly being moved. Don’t come out shooting.
When the mesh grate had moved about a third of the way he decided it was time and nodded back to his team to be ready.  Gripping the phaser even tighter he lapsed into a firing position.  “You in the access corridor.” His voice suddenly boomed out.  “You are to come out slowly and immediately surrender yourself.  We have cut off the other end of the tube so there is no escape.  If you do not exit the corridor within ten seconds we will use deadly force to extricate you.”  That wasn’t entirely true McDonald thought.  What they would do was throw a stun grenade in and then drag them out if need be.  Hopefully the fugitives would be smarter.  He looked up at Ensign Reading who stood poised with the grenade in her hand.  It was almost comical the look of determination that was on the young woman’s face.  She was going to be seriously disappointed if she didn’t in fact get to lob her grenade in.
After a few seconds a muffled voice game from the tube.  “Alright we surrender and we will come out as directed.”  Seconds later two blue hand slowly emerged from the shaft followed but the rest of the Andorian engineer.  The security team didn’t have to wait for McDonald’s orders as they pulled him to his feet and put him into wrist restraints as the rest of the team covered him with their phasers.  Thrity seconds later Merrick and Corbett stood next to gar similarly restrained while McDonald did his best to ignore the gawking glances of his team who were wondering why they had just detained three of the ship’s senior officer.  It had all happened so fast that still only a few had been informed of the nature of the fugitives. 
“Take them to the brig and don’t let them out of your sight.”  McDonald commanded.  He watched the small party head off down the corridor before he moved in the opposite direction and jabbed at the comm. Panel.  “Bridge.”
[Bridge. Lieutenant Zade.] Came the calm reply.
“Lieutenant McDonald, security ma’am.  I’m calling to report the re-capture of the three fugitives.  They are under restraint and heavy guard and are currently being transferred to the Brig.”
[Good work lieutenant.  Zade out.]
CAPT Jack Steele

==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Salutations and Delivery==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Salutations and Delivery==
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: A Chief to the Rescue==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: A Chief to the Rescue==
Line 244: Line 1,026:

Respectfully Submitted,
Respectfully Submitted,
ENS Yoshi Tamura
ENS Yoshi Tamura
Communications Department Head
Communications Department Head

ITCS Sheila Jefferson
ITCS Sheila Jefferson
Communications Department LCPO
Communications Department LCPO

IT1 Stuart "Sunshine" Backner
IT1 Stuart "Sunshine" Backner
Communications Department LPO
Communications Department LPO
Harry I. Iha
Harry I. Iha