ORIGINS: Megan O'Connell: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 12:21, 25 April 2010

Player Name:  Greg Van Der Maas
Player Email:
Player ICQ:  8504206 / mad_black_dog
Character Name:  Megan "Midge" O'Connell
Current Rank:  Lieutenant
Current Assignment:  Engineer, USS ENDEAVOR
Species:  Human
Gender:  Female
Age:  27 Standard Years
Place of Birth:  Amberly, Scotland, Earth (but moved to New Glasgow Colony
before her 1st  birthday)
Physical Description: 1.55m tall, 52kg, green eyes, fair complexion with
freckles and shocking red hair.
Family:  Father: Thomas O'Connell (deceased); Mother: Lucy O'Connell
(deceased); Brothers: Simon O'Connell  (deceased); Gray O'Connell
(declared deceased)
Hobbies:  Midge's favorite past time is her work.  When dragged away from
that she enjoys building things and has been putting together Motor
Vehicle Combustion Engines from Earth's history (circa 1970's) for the
last few years.  She can drink almost anybody under the table -though not
sure whether that counts as a hobby!
Graduated Star Fleet Academy
--  Full ratings:
    - Warp Core
    - Transporters
    - Flight Control
 -- Partial ratings:
    - Weapon Systems
    - Sensor Array
    - Replicators
    - Medical Bays
 -- Engineer
 -- None
 -- One (Conduct unbecoming an Officer)
Assigned USS Mayflower
-- Warp Core Engineer
-- Assigned Ensign
-- Promoted to Team Leader
-- Field Promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade
Reassigned USS Endeavor
-- Chief Engineer
-- Promoted to full Lieutenant
Midge (don't ever call her Megan) grew up on the remote New Glasgow
Colony.  Unlike Earth's other colonies -New Glasgow shunned the modern
technological advancements that had made early colonies so popular with
Scientists and Researchers.  Instead New Glasgow's early settlers were
more likely to be farmers or trades people able to turn their hand to
anything that the frontier colony required.  Midge's family was amongst
its first inhabitants and they settled into a remote valley on the smaller
second continent -dominated by the mountainous region that reminded early
cartographers of the Scottish Highlands -and had in a large part
contributed to the name of the new colony.
Life was tough for the early settlers but Midge loved her childhood and
enjoyed being part of a tight knit family group comprising of her parents
and two older brothers.  Fixing a field generator rapidly became as
important as correspondence school work and Midge came to enjoy working
with technology.  Since much of the technology was old and second-hand she
got particularly good at coaxing the best out of it.  This trait continues
today and Midge will happily spend hours trying to rebuild old engines.
Despite the inattention given to education Midge easily passed her
subjects with distinction -courtesy of a natural high intelligence and a
genuine curiosity about the world around her.  At seventeen Midge was sent
to New Glasgow's capital city to take the final standardized tests which
would be used for submitting College applications to institutions back on
earth.  Midge went reluctantly -having already decided that her future lay
with the Colony and not some fancy University education.
After finishing her final exam Midge was pulled out by one of the senior
adjudicators and told that her family's farm has been located near the
epicenter of a massive earthquake.  Despite protests from higher-up
Midge's stubbornness finally won out and she was allowed back into the
area where she immediately joined one of the Search and Rescue teams.  The
SAR team located the body of her oldest brother almost immediately.  The
family house had been swallowed by a massive mud slide caused by the
seismic activity and it took them a week to dig out the structure.  When
they did they located the bodies of her parents in what remained of the
kitchen -her father's body sheltering her mother's in what was ultimately
a futile gesture.  The body of her next older brother was never found.
After the funeral Midge wanted to stay at the Colony and rebuild the farm.
At only seventeen though she was considered a minor and was sent to live
with her mother's distant family in Scotland.  She hated being on Earth
and spent her days manipulating and improving farm equipment in
preparation for returning.  A week before her 18th birthday Midge learnt
the ongoing unstable nature of the Southern Continent meant that it was
being permanently closed off to colonists.  Her family's land was now
worthless and she had nowhere to go.  Despairing of being forced to stay
on Earth the rest of her life Midge submitted an application to Star Fleet
Academy's Engineering program.  She was accepted and finally graduated -
having been held back a year due to 'personal issues'.  Her final
billeting request listed 'anything except earth'.
Midge got her wish and was assigned to the USS MAYFLOWER.  The irony of
being assigned to a ship whose namesake was one of Earth's most famous
colony vehicles was not lost on her.  Aboard the MAYFLOWER Midge's primary
responsibility was the Warp Drive -but her ability to turn her hand to
anything made her invaluable and she was soon taking on more
responsibility.  She was promoted to Team Leader within six months and
given a field promotion of Lieutenant Junior Grade.   These actions had
not gone unnoticed and Star Fleet have decided to promote her early to
Chief Engineer on their newest star ship -the USS ENDEAVOR.  Brass are
interested to see what Midge can achieve with an entire Department at her
disposal.  Or alternatively give her enough rope to hang herself.
Fiercely independent Midge has a temper that easily matches the fiery red
of her hair.  She can be stubborn to a fault but is immensely loyal.  She
doesn't trust easily but is quick to make friends.  Her distaste of Earth
often means that she is more comfortable around non-Terran races than
those that she shares a genetic history with.
Midge's best and only strength simply remains her ability to fix anything
that is thrown her way -even if all she has to work with is a stick of gum
and a plasma torch.  Somewhat of an insomniac she sleeps very little but
this does not seem to affect her performance.  She work exceptionally well
under pressure and can juggle multiple tasks with ease.
Midge is not a great team player and is easily easily frustrated when
forced to work with those that she feels are not as adept at her.
Somewhat idiosyncratic for an Engineer, Midge has an aversion to some
technologies -for example synthohol (doesn't see the point!) and she keeps
an old fashioned note book where she jots down many of her ideas.  She
will only use technology when there is no alternative -such as the main
computer when she needs its processing ability.