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[[Category:Bureau of Information]][[Category:Task Forces/Unit Portals]][[Category:Gold Fleet]][[Category:KRIMAXFOR - Krima Expeditionary Force]][[Category:DS13]]{{Template:header_menu}}
[[Category:Bureau of Information]][[Category:Task Forces/Unit Portals]][[Category:STAR FLEET: PRIME]][[Category:Gold Fleet]][[Category:KRIMAXFOR - Krima Expeditionary Force]][[Category:DS13]]
<center>[[Image:Gold_wht_100.png|GOLD Fleet Insignia]]</center>
<center><font size="+2" color="#D4AF37">Deep Space 13 Crew Biofiles</font></center>
<center>'''Version 4.0''' (Updated SD 210531)</center>
<center><font size="+2">'''DEEP SPACE 13 Crew Biofiles'''</font></center>
<center>'''Version 3.0''' (Updated SD 191201)</center>

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CO        CDR Rivenda April, RN    Female  Human
CO        CDR Rivenda April, RN    Female  Human
XO        LCDR  Juliana Lorress      Female  Human
OPS        LT    William Scores      Male    Nanite Collective
TAC/CSO    LTJG  Juliana Lorress      Female   Human
TAC/CSO    ENS   Rys G’Shai          Male    Andorian
FCO       LT    Asri Kaethe          Male    Unknown 
ENG       ENS  Andrew Dixon        Male    Human
CSciO      LTJG  David Henderson      Male    Human
CSciO      LTJG  David Henderson      Male    Human
PRO        LT    Lyrica Shae          Female  Betazoid
PRO        LCDR  Lyrica Shae          Female  Betazoid
COU   LTJG  Sandia Royan        Female  Betazoid/Human
MCoC      MAJ  Kana Seri            Male    Human
MCoC      MAJ  Kana Seri            Male    Human
OSFI      LCDR  Serl Montoya        Male    Derian
OSFI      LCDR  Serl Montoya        Male    Derian
*- brevet

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April   Sean Murphy murphys[at]kc[dot]rr[dot]com
April   Sean Murphy murphys[at]kc[dot]rr[dot]com
Scores   Bruce Summa bsumma[at]grm[dot]net
Lorress   Susanne Dubrov susan197011[at]yahoo[dot]com
Lorress   Susanne Dubrov susan197011[at]yahoo[dot]com
Kaethe             Ryan Eanes          rseanes[at]gmail[dot]com
[OPS]              **Vacant**
G'Shai             Justin Anderson      roguesword2000[at]gmail[dot]com
Dixon              Jake Beaver          taz_hamy[at]hotmail[dot]co[dot]uk
Shae   Robin Murphy murphys[at]kc[dot]rr[dot]com
Shae   Robin Murphy murphys[at]kc[dot]rr[dot]com
Henderson   Andrew Bell llebwerdna[at]yahoo[dot]com[dot]au
Henderson   Andrew Bell llebwerdna[at]yahoo[dot]com[dot]au
[MED]              **Vacant**
Royan              Dana Loeblich        loebette[at]sbcglobal[dot]net
Seri              Michael Bursey      m_bursey[at]hotmail[dot]com
Seri              Michael Bursey      m_bursey[at]hotmail[dot]com
Montoya   Andrea Mills amills[at]gallatinriver[dot]net
Montoya   Andrea Mills amills[at]gallatinriver[dot]net
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===CDR Rivenda April, Commanding Officer===
===CDR Rivenda April, Commanding Officer===
[[Image:Riv.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Commander Rivenda April, DS13]]
[[Image:Riv2.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Commander Rivenda April, DS13]]
* played by [ Sean Murphy]
* played by [ Sean Murphy]
* Updated SD 181127
* Updated SD 181127
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===LCDR Juliana Lorress, Executive Officer===
===LT William Scores, Operations Manager===
[[Image:Lorress02.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Lieutenant Juliana Lorress, DS13]]
* played by [ Bruce Summa]
* Updated SD 181127
Surname: Scores
Given Name(s): William
Current Rank: Lieutenant (O-3)
Current Billet: Operations Manager, DEEP SPACE 13
Species: Nanite Collective
Gender/Sex: Other
Age: 51 Standard Terran Years
Date of Birth: September 24, 2367
Place of Birth: Kavis Alpha IV
Too numerous to list.
Too numerous to list.
HT: 1.80 m;
WT: 84.1 kg;
Eyes: Black;
Hr.: Grey;
Comp: Light Gray
100615 Entered Star Fleet Academy.
140601 Commissioned as Ensign (O-1). Assigned as Chief Engineering
          Officer, USS SERAPIS
151231 Promoted to LTJG (O-2)
171201 Promoted to LT (O-3); Transferred to DS13 as ENG
181001 Reassigned as OPS, DS13
None on file.
A. Academic Institutional Background:
-- Church of the Creator
-- Star Fleet Academy
B. Service Schools Attended:
-- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officer School
C. Qualifications (MOC's)
-- Navigation/Helm Officer
-- Engineering Officer
D. Star Fleet Academy Record:
Academy Record:
Class Rank: Top 10%; Honors *magna cum laude*
Academic Major: Mechanical and Nano-mechanical Engineering
Professional Major: Navigation
Qualifications: Navigation/Helm Officer, Engineering Officer
Commendations: 2
Academy Commendation of Merit- William Scores received this general
commendation for volunteering for a possibly dangerous scientific
experiment, the details of which are currently classified. Scores
offer to assist in the experiment was later rejected but he was
awarded this commendation based on his willingness to assist.
Commendation of Creative Thought- During a cadet training mission near
Jupiter, William Scores vessel developed an unexpected engine
malfunction. Scores was able to repair the malfunction by rerouting the
engines systems around the damaged area actually creating a slight
improvement to the engine design.
Reprimands: 1
Ensign Scores received a written reprimand during his Academy training
for being involved in an incident of cheating by two other students.
After the investigation was completed, it was determined that Ensign
Scores had been manipulated into his participation. The other students
preyed on Ensign Scores social short comings to gain his assistance.
Ensign Scores was reprimanded and givin counceling to help him correct
his conduct.
During his Academy career, Ensign Scores displayed very few off duty
activites. When asked about this, Ensign Scores will only explain that
his off duty activities involve watching other activities.
A. Chronology (tabular form):
Birth 2367- Nanite reproduction occured over the course of a few days
    at various locations on Kavis Alpha IV
Animation 2370- After extensive testing and evaluation by the local
    government known as the "Church of the Creator". Ensign Scores
    individual nanites were selected and entered into a collective.
    Ensign Scores physical form was created.
Church Study 2370-2396 Ensign Scores entered the local government
    controled educational program. His education focused on the study
    of "The Creator", Xenosociology, and mechanincal engineering.
Wayward Studies 2396-2410 Ensign Scores, with the approval of his
    government, leaves his home planet to work with a Federation
    research team on the Mars colony.
Starfleet Academy 2410-2414 Ensign Scores, following his religious
    faith, enters Starfleet to better study the Universe and
    specializes in Navigational Studies.
B. Background Summary:
William Scores is in fact, not a single person as he appears to be.
Scores is a collective of individually self aware nanites working
together to create the person known as William Scores. This can best be
explained in the following way: A human body is made up of trillions
of individual cells, each cell does a specific job. Now add in the
twist that each cell is self aware and has its own opinion.
William's race was created by Ensign Wesley Crusher in 2366 while on
board the USS Enterprise. After some confusion, it was determined that
the nanites that Wesley created were in fact self aware and were
allowed to colonize Kavis Alpha IV.
This is were Starfleet's offical record on this matter ends, but not
the Nanites story. Like all lifeforms, the Nanites continued to evolve
and to ask questions. Most societies, at some point, develop a need for
a higher being, a religion. The Nanites are currently in that stage
and have developed a religion based on their creator, Wesley Crusher.
Once the Nanites had developed their society, the created a subspace
communications device and contacted the Federation. Needless to say,
this caused a little bit of turmoil with in the Federation Council.
Since the Nanites were created by a Starfleet officer, it was
determined that the Prime Directive did not apply to their society.
Starfleet sent in several teams to aid the Nanites in developing their
society but these teams were not able to convince the Nanites that
Wesley Crusher was not God.
William Scores, Scores refering to the numerous individual that make
him up, was patterned off of these humanoids in an attempt to be more
like their creator, at least in physical form. The Nanite race believe
that to better understand the Universe, they have to take the physcial
form of the Creator.
A. Skills Profile
Keeping with the doctrines of Ensign Scores faith, he/they try to limit
their physical capabilities to that of a normal human as much as
possible. Having said that, Ensign Scores has displayed several "non
human" abilites and is not limited to the normal physical limitations
of biological beings.
Ensign Scores has "absorbed" a number of different standard Starfleet
tools including such things as a Type 2 phaser, a complete Engineering
field kit, and a communicator. These tools have been disassembled at
the molecular level and can be reassembled for use in just a few
seconds. Scores refers to these tools as necessary for the study of his
In cases of extreme emergency, Ensign Scores has also displayed
superior strength, reflexs, and senses. He has shown the ability to
change his physical characteristics, such as his eye color,hair color,
and even shape at will. Scores is very hesitant to uses these abilites
though, stating that they are not the ways of the Creator. In general,
he will only use these abilites under direct orders or to save lives.
B. Recent Fitness Report
To: Director of Operation, STARFLEET
From: Commander Brian Carter, Intructor, Starfleet Academy
Ref: Cadet William Scores
Sir, per your directive I have been keeping a close eye on Cadet
Scores. I have found him or more correctly, they, to be a fine cadet
and a privilege to instruct. I find him to be an excellent navigator
and even a moderately talented engineer. Even though he has capabilites
that far exceed that of his other classmates, Cadet Scores strives to
fit in on their same physical level. At one time, I even observed Cadet
Scores "breathing" hard after a several kilometer run in order to
appear more like other biological cadets. Over all, I feel that he
will make a fine officer and even displays a high appitude for future
command placement.
The only area in which Cadet Scores has failed is in physiological
testing during high stress situations involving multiple "correct"
solutions. Cadet Scores often hesitates, sometimes much longer then his
other classmates, when making difficult moral descisions. During
debriefing sessions after these tests, Cadet Scores reported that
"they" had difficulty in coming to a consensus at to which correct
answer to use. It appears that being made of trillions of self aware
beings does have its disadvantages when it comes to getting everyone
to agree. I have since scheduled Cadet Scores several sessions with
the Academy counselors to help him reach a solution. After several
sessions, his physiological test scores have improved greatly.
Commander Brian Carter
C. Psychological Profile
Counselor Tina Batise Case File report
Subject: Cadet William Scores
Cadet Scores is one of the most interesting cases that has ever walked
into my office. While working with Cadet Scores, I have to constantly
remind myself that I am actually working with an entire society.
Cadet Scores came to my office needed help making difficult moral
decisions during high stress situations. In order to help him I first
evaluated his "collective" commonly held moral beliefs. I found him to
be of high moral character, consistant with any Starfleet officer.
What suprised me was the way in which Cadet Scores makes any decision.
It appears that he uses a truly democratic method to make decisions.
He puts any decision to each member of is collective and then opens a
debate about that decision. Finally, after each member has had time to
consider the issue, a vote is taken as to which course of action would
best address the situation. Under normal circumstances, this entire
process only takes a few nanosecons, about the same time as any normal
biological species. Unfortunately, this process seems to break down
during issues of high moral difficulty. During these more difficult
decisions, it appears that the collective often can not come to a
consensus. This makes Cadet Scores appear to be hesitating when in
fact, he hasn't even reached a decision yet.
In order to assist him with this problem, I took a page from the
history of Earth. I showed him the history files on the governmental
system of the former United States and suggested that he implement a
representative democracy instead. This system is based on each member
of the collective choosing a representative to vote on behalf of a
number of members at the same time.
After further testing, it appears that the representative democracy
approach has worked for Cadet Scores. During follow up interviews,
Cadet Scores has told me that these representatives have chosen to
migrate to his head region and are currently taking on the role of
human brain cells.
On another interesting note, it appears that Cadet Scores has also
adopted another human characteristic. Being a mechanical being, Cadet
Scores has perfect memory and can recall every detail of every second.
In order to better reflect humanity, Cadet Scores has chosen to record
these memories in a highly disorganized and haphazard way. The over
all effect of this method is that Cadet Scores has to try to recall a
specific event just like a human. Unlike a human, who may or may not
remember, Cadet Scores will recall the event in exact detail after a
short time.
D. Current Recreational Interests
Ensign Scores has numerous recreational interestes. As a collective of
individuals, Ensign Scores is interested in almost any type of
recreation. The over all majority of the time though, Ensign Scores
enjoys cutting edge technology, human history, tactical games such as
chess, and watching the social interations of biological species. He
is constantly studing the Universe as a whole hoping to find his
religious enlightenment.
E. Miscellaneous Information
Ensign Scores is a very powerful character but also has a lot of
drawbacks. He is mechanical and has problems in social situations. He
also has to eat, not to take in energy but to gain the raw material
needed to replace nanite loses. The individual nanites act like living
cells in the way they wear out and must be replaced.
Then there is his whole religious belief system. He wants to be like
his Creator and gain enlightenment like Wesley during the Traveler
incident. That limits his various abilites that would unbalance the
storylines. He may have incredible abilites but won't use them because
of his religious beliefs unless there is no other way out.
Even though he's made up of nanites, he still can't create something
out of nothing. Unlike a replicator which has almost limitless
potential, Scores has to have the correct raw material if he is going
to form something using his nanites. Thats why he prefers to
disassemble actual items and carry them broken down.
Scores also knows nothing about human biology. That means he can't
just enter into someone and cure injuries at will. Now if its an
emergency, he can enter machines and fix them with his nanites but
this still takes time and he prefers to do it the old fashion way, by
--------------------End Bio chip-------------------------------------
===LT Juliana Lorress, Chief Tactical and Security Officer===
[[Image:Lorress02.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Lieutenant Junior Grade Juliana Lorress, DS13]]
* played by [ Susanne Dubrov]
* played by [ Susanne Dubrov]
* Updated SD 180703
* Updated SD 191207
Line 647: Line 343:
Surname: Lorress
Surname: Lorress
Given Name(s): Juliana
Given Name(s): Juliana
Current Rank: Lieutenant (O-3)
Current Rank: Lieutenant Commander (O-4)- BREVET
Current Billet: Chief Tactical/Security Officer, USS SERAPIS
Current Billet: Executive Officer, DS13

Line 654: Line 350:
Species: Human
Species: Human
Gender/Sex: Female
Gender/Sex: Female
Age: 23 Standard Terran Years
Age: 26 Standard Terran Years
Date of Birth: November 15, 2393
Date of Birth: November 15, 2393
Place of Birth: Mount Olympus, Mars (Sol IV)  
Place of Birth: Mount Olympus, Mars (Sol IV)  
Line 863: Line 559:

===LT Asri Kaethe, Flight Control Officer===
===Operations Manager===

* Played by [ Ryan Eanes]
* Updated SD 190207
'''''This billet is currently open for play.  Please contact the [ Chief of Starfleet Operations] for information on how to join Deep Space 13.'''''
===ENS Hewen-Rys G'Shai, Chief Tactical and Security Officer===
* played by [mailto:roguesword2000 Anderson, Justin]
* Updated SD 200102
Player Name:  Ryan Eanes
ENS Hewen-Rys G’Shai
I. Personal Data
I. Personal Data
Surname: G’Shai
Given Name(s): Hewen-Rys 
Current Rank: Ensign (O-1)
Current Billet: Starbase Alpha
Species: Andorian
Gender/Sex: Male
Age: 29 Standard Terran Years
Date of Birth: July 20, 2390
HT: 1.75 m; WT: 81.4 kg; Eyes: Black; Hr.: White; Comp: Blue Skinned
Place of Birth: Andoria
Spouse: None
K’ees G’Shai (mother); Yosin G’Shai (father)

Last name:    Kaethe
Given name:   Asri
Species:      Cacatuan
Gender:       male
Religion: None

Height:      1.87 m
Weight:      81.6 kg
II. Educational Background
Eyes:        gray
Hair:        orange/blue/purple feathers
Complexion:  Caucasian skin w/ white/orange areas above eyes and temples

DOB:         25 September 2387
A. Academic Institutional Background:
Birthplace:  South Marka Island, Cacatua V
-- Me’an Secondary Institution
-- Star Fleet Academy

Spouse:       N/A
B. Service Schools Attended:
Parents:      * Father - Bilic Eolo
-- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officer School
              * Mother - Aeral Kaethe
Siblings:    * Sister - Beja Kaethe (deceased)
              * Sister - Jori Kaethe
Children:    N/A

Religion:    Cacatuan spirituality
C. Qualifications (MOC's)
Service:      Star Fleet Navy
-- Security Officer

-- Engineering Officer

II. Educational Background
-- Tactical Operations/ Fire Control
-- Damage Control

Academic Institutional Background
* North Continent School, Cacatua V
* Star Fleet Academy

Service Schools Attended
D. Star Fleet Academy Record:
* Star Fleet Space Warfare Officer School

Qualifications (MOCs)
Academy Record:
Class Rank: Top 50%
* Navigation/Helm Officer
Academic Major: Weapon Systems Engineering/Fusion Systems Engineering
* Science Officer
Professional Major: Ship and Planetary Security Officer
Qualifications: Security Officer/ Tactical Operations

Star Fleet Academy Record
Meritorious Conduct
Class Average:      Top 15% *cum laude*
Academic Major:      Physics/Astrophysics
Professional Major:  Navy - Navigation

Commendations:      None
Leadership Commendation for displaying leadership among fellow cadets.
Reprimands:          None


III. Biographical Notes
III. Biographical Notes
A. Chronology (tabular form):
0-18: Lived with parents on Andoria.
13-18: Attended High School
18-24: Attended Star Fleet Academy.

A. Chronology
24: Posted to Starbase Alpha as Ensign
2389-2393.    Early childhood.
2394-2404.    Enrolled & completed primary/secondary school equivalent.
2405-2408.    Attended Star Fleet Academy.
    2409.    Attended Space Warfare Officer School.
    2410.    Commissioned as ENS aboard USS CARSON as asst. helmsman.
    2412.    Promoted to LTJG.
              Awarded Star Fleet Achievement Medal.
    2413.    Transferred to USS SIROCCO as assistant helmsman.
    2415.    Promoted to LT.           
    2417.    Transferred to ORANGE FLEET as assistant chief helmsman for
                prototypes and experimental design.
    2419.    Awarded Distinguished Service Medal for participation in the
                development of groundbreaking new navigation/helm technologies.
              Requested transfer.
              Posted to DS-13 as FCO.

25: Assigned To DS13

B. Background Summary
B. Background Summary:
Asri Kaethe is a Cacatuan, a non-Federation affiliated species that calls Cacatua V
Rys G’Shai was shaping up to be a very average AndorianHe was
home.  The Cacatuans are a humanoid species notable for their tall, thin, tough,
brash, aggressive and confrontational.
muscular builds, their lightning-fast reflexes, and their bright plumage in place
of hair.  Asri, for instance, has tufts of large orange and red feathers that stick
straight up starting approximately where a human's ears are (the Cacatuan ear is
covered by feathers) and towards his temples; these feathers cascade up, over and
down the back of his neck, becoming dark purple--almost black--and shrinking in
size to the point that they are virtually identical to human hair to the naked eye.
His skin tone is mostly equivalent to a human Caucasian, though his forehead,
temples and the bridge of his nose are pale white, fading to flesh-tone, with areas
of orange and purple around his eyesThe Cacatuans share a large number of genes
with a number of terrestrial bird species, but do not have beaks; indeed, aside
from their plumage and coloration, they appear virtually human, with the exception
of a somewhat birdlike visage (that is to say, long thin noses and thin lips).

Asri did not grow up around his father; in Cacatuan tradition, his father left
Things had the potential to go very badly for him given his  
their home when he turned 3This is why he bears his mother's surname.
difficulties while attending to his secondary education.   
An educator changed all that by lecturing about an Andorian who
had proven to be very successful in Starfleet.

Cacatuans mature quickly in comparison to human beings, however; a 2-year old
Rys felt a spark of admiration for this Andorian who had risen to
Cacatuan is physically and mentally equivalent to a 4-year old human childThus,
be Commander in Chief of Starfleet.  As the idea of attaining such
while spending time aboard his father's freighter as a 2- and 3-year old, he
glory haunted him, Rys began to discover and appreciate the more noble
encountered several members of Star Fleet who left an indelible impression on his
aspects of serving in Starfleet.  The idea of making a difference,  
memory.  These early encounters drove him to become the first Cacatuan in Star Fleet.
of being a part of something so much bigger than him was intoxicating.   
His fate was sealed when his betrothed, a woman he genuinely loved,  
joined the Academy.

IV. Official Star Fleet Record
IV. Official Star Fleet Record

A. Promotion History:
100614.  Commissioned as Ensign (O-1).
190601 Commissioned as Ensign (O-1).
120903.  Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2).
150319.  Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3).

B. Service History:
130615 Entered Star Fleet Academy.
190601 Commissioned as Ensign (O-1).
190601 Posted to Starbase Alpha

190804 Transferred to DS 13
121005.  Awarded the Star Fleet Achievement Medal for exemplary evasive maneuvering
        in a high-stress situation while the CARSON was under duress to avoid
        boarding by hostile forces.
190722.  Awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for material participation in the
        development of groundbreaking new helm and navigation technologies.


C. Medals and Commendations:

V. Skills Profile
V. Skills Profile
G’Shai is an intellectual warrior.  He patiently considers his
tactics and options before choosing a course of action.  He is
proficient in 6 martial art styles, including the Andorian Ice
Knife dueling style.  He is an accomplished marksmen. 

Asri has lightning-fast reflexes, a trait common to his species.  This gives him some
While in the academy he studied both Weapon Systems Engineering
advantage as a navigator, which he trained extensively to be.  Asri has some
and Fusion Systems Engineering and is competent in both fields.
experience piloting small craft such as shuttles and fighters, though he prefers to
operate the conn of a starship.

His memory is excellent as well; while he does not possess a "photographic memory,"
G’Shai attended  an additional term in he Academy to further his  
per se, he does seem to recall vast amounts of information very easily.
studies in Weapon Systems Design Theory.  
His ambition is to one day hold a command-level post of his own; for some time he's
hoped to serve as the OPS/2O aboard a fine ship, though for now he feels that his
strengths are best suited to navigation.

During Officer School he further developed a proficiency as a
firefighter in the Damage Control section of the field course.

VI. Recent Fitness Report
VI. Recent Fitness Report
Mr. Kaethe is in excellent physical health; he is in the top fifth percentile of
humanoids in his weight class in terms of his strength.  He is agile and amazingly
fast, with a sharp eye.  I have no reservations recommending him for duty.
CAPT Dr. Tobin MacGillivray, CMO, ORANGE FLEET

While Cadet G’Shai shows excellent strength and stamina, he
suffers the typical Andorian deficiency in heat related stress

VII. Psychological Profile
VII. Psychological Profile
Mr. Kaethe is not extremely talkative, but he does seem to enjoy the company of
others.  He also seems to take quite an interest in personal grooming and his
appearance; I have never seen him once look even the slightest bit unkempt, and he
keeps the shiniest boots of any Star Fleet cadet that I can recall.  He is very
inquisitive, however, and does not fully seem to grasp the ritual surrounding
certain human interactions, though he does seem eager to learn and understand the
behaviors of those that surround him.  As I have not encountered any other members
of his species before, I can only base my opinions on what I've read, but his
psychological profile suggests no barriers that would prevent him from adequately
carrying out his duties.
Counselor Mary Martin, Star Fleet Academy

Cadet G’Shai presents symptoms consistent with acute grief, which
comes as no surprise when considering the loss of his fiancé. 
I’ve recommended that he undertake a form of journaling to
facilitate recovery and allow him to find closure.  I further
recommend reevaluating him in 180 days.

VIII. Current Recreational Interests
VIII. Current Recreational Interests

Asri has a keen interest in music; he has an aptitude for it, and enjoys learning
Rys engages in various martial competitions.  He is an avid sharp
various instruments.  He also enjoys painting and sculpting.
shooter.  He also attends a sculpting class.

Asri is extremely athletic, though he prefers mostly aerobic, non-team activities
such as tennis.
IX. Miscellaneous Information

He has a taste for Andorian Ale, and while attending Academy
discovered a taste for coffee.  Coffee obviously does not grown
well on Andor.
End BioFile

IX. NRPG Character Information

The best image that I can use to illustrate what Asri might look like would be the
makeup and costumes used in Cirque du Soleil's Las Vegas show "Mystère."  Here's
one image, but note that these costumes are much more elaborate than Asri looks.
===[[Gold_Fleet-_ENS_Andrew_Dixon%2C_ENG_Deep_Space_13|ENS Andrew Dixon, Engineering Officer]]===
* played by [ Jake Beaver]
* Posted SD 200227

I've left his background and a lot of details about his species intentionally vague
so that I can flesh it out, piece by piece, over time.  Thoughts are welcome, though
any radical suggestions about his home world I'd prefer to have final say on.

'''''To view the biofile for ENS Dixon, please click the link above.'''''

===LT Lyrica Shae, Protocol Officer===
[[Image:Lyrica.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Lieutenant Lyrica Shae, DS13]]
===LCDR Lyrica Shae, Protocol Officer===
[[Image:Lyrica2.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Lieutenant Lyrica Shae, DS13]]
* played by [ Robin Murphy]
* played by [ Robin Murphy]
* Updated SD 180524
* Updated SD 180524
Line 1,083: Line 764:
Surname: Shae
Surname: Shae
Given Name: Lyrica
Given Name: Lyrica
Current Rank: Lieutenant (O-3)
Current Rank: Lieutenant Commander (O-4)
Current Billet: PRO, DS13, GOLD
Current Billet: PRO, DS13, GOLD
Species: Homo Sapiens (Betazed)
Species: Homo Sapiens (Betazed)
Line 1,242: Line 923:
===LTJG David Henderson, Chief Science Officer===
===LTJG David Henderson, Chief Science Officer===
* played by [ Andrew Bell]
* played by [ Andrew Bell]
* Updated SD 180703
* Updated SD 210101
NAME:  David Joshua Henderson
NAME:  David Joshua Henderson
RANK:  Ensign
RANK:  Lieutenant, Junior Grade
RACE:  Human (1/2 German, 1/2 Australian)
RACE:  Human (1/2 German, 1/2 Australian)
BIRTHPLACE: Broken Hill, Australia, Earth
BIRTHPLACE: Broken Hill, Australia, Earth
Line 1,253: Line 934:

AGE:    23
AGE:    25
HEIGHT: 6'0"            WEIGHT: 60 Kgs
HEIGHT: 6'0"            WEIGHT: 60 Kgs
HAIR:  Blond          EYES:  Blue
HAIR:  Blond          EYES:  Blue
Line 1,306: Line 987:
===Chief Medical Officer===
===Chief Medical Officer===

''This billet is currently vacant.''
'''''This billet is currently vacant.'''''


===LTJG Sandia Royan, Counselor===
* played by [ Dana Loeblich]

''This billet is currently vacant.''
'''''This biofile is pending final approval.'''''

Line 1,321: Line 1,004:
* played by [ Michael Bursey]
* played by [ Michael Bursey]
* Updated SD 190907
* Updated SD 190907
* Note: Mike Bursey maintains this biofile personally. [[Kana Seri]]

Line 1,597: Line 1,281:

===Linkri Saresh, Gorn Hegemony Ambassador===
===Ayako Kimura, Federation Ambassador===
[[Image:Linkri.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Ambassador Linkri Saresh, Gorn Hegemony]]
[[Image:Ayako.jpg|thumb|right|150px|Ambassador Ayako Kimura, DS13]]
* played by [ Tess Gratton]
* played by [ Kyungmi Kim]
* Updated SD 180524
* updated SD 210101

Linkri Saresh
I. Personal Data
Surname:                Kimura
Age 26 Terran Standard Years
Given Name(s):          Ayako
Current Rank:            Captain O-6
Current Assignment:      Federation Ambassador at DS13
Former Billet:          USS Kirov, Commanding Officer
Species:                Human
Gender/Sex:              Female
Age:                    58 Standard Terran Years
Date of Birth:          June 9, 2362
Place of Birth:          Kongju, Korea, Earth
Parents:                Tameichi Kimura (81), Antique Dealer, Sword maker, Noh Actor,
                        Hye-Ran Park (84), History Teacher, Kongju High School (retired)
Siblings:                Ichiroo Kimura (60), Admiral, Deputy Chief of Starfleet
                          Finance/Procurement (Retired)
Spouse:                  Jin-Tao Chen (Deceased), Owner-operator (jointly with Ayako) of
                          the cruise ship “Pearl of Asia”
Children:                Mei-Lee Chen (27), Lieutenant in Starfleet, assigned as Assistant
                          Tactical Officer on USS Lexington
Religion:                Zen Buddhist
HT:                      5'1"
WT:                      92 lbs
Eyes:                    D. Brown
Hr.:                    Back
Comp:                    Light
II.  Educational Background
A.  Academic Institutional Background:
    -- Kongju High School, 2380
    -- Starfleet Academy 2384, BA Political Science
    -- Tokyo University 2387, MA Interstellar Relations
    -- Starfleet Academy 2389, Ph.D Political Science
    -- Oxford University 2393, JD
B.  Service Schools Attended:
    -- Starfleet Academy, 2384
C.  Qualifications (MOC's)
    -- Operations Officer, Security Officer, Diplomat
D.  Star Fleet Academy Record:
Academy Record:
Class Rank:                  Top 20%
Honors *None*
Academic Major:              Political Science
Professional Majors:          Security and Operations
Qualifications:              Security Officer, Operations Officer, Diplomat
Commendations:                3
Reprimands:                  0
Presidential Unit Citation – USS Raleigh (2387)
Sarek Medal – Treaty of Praxus (2393)
Sarek Medal – Risa Accord (2395)
Ayako, despite always having a demanding job (Starfleet or civilian), always
makes time to enjoy the many traditional activities introduced to her by her
father and mother.  She especially enjoys traditional swordsmanship (Kendo in
Japan, Kumdo in Korea), Hapkido and Aikido, and the tamer, though far more
difficult arts of the tea ceremony, flower arrangement and calligraphy. 
She was an Olympic-class swimmer in her youth and scored bronze at the 2380
games in the 100 meter women’s freestyle and 1000 meter women’s relay.  She
still competes in many amateur swim events and remains world-class for her age
group and even one or two groups below.
III.  Biographical Notes
A.  Chronology (tabular form):
0-17:  Lived with parents.
14-17:  Attended high school in Kongju, which while once a capital city in the
4th century AD, is now little more than a small town though possessing a very
large community of artisans of traditional crafts.  Her father is in very high
renown throughout Asia, and is declared a “living treasure” by both the Korean
and Japanese cultural governments.
18-22:  Starfleet Academy, graduated as Ensign, assigned USS Yorktown as
Assistant security Officer, served on her during the Dominion war.
23-30:  Served on USS Ralleigh, promoted Lieutenant JG (Assistant Ops) and
Lieutenant (Operations Officer).
30-34:  Promoted Lieutenant Commander, assigned as Operations Officer USS
Enterprise E
35-43:  Promoted Commander and transferred into Diplomatic Corps.  Attended
Starfleet Academy for Ph.D in Political Science, Promoted Captain
44-53:  Retired from Starfleet and together with her husband, bought and operated
a cruise ship, the “Pearl of Asia”, operating luxury tours on the Pacific Ocean.
54:  Pearl of Asia was attacked by pirates off the coast of Formosa, with most
of the passengers and crew murdered.  Commander Kimura (she was the XO and was
in charge of entertainment) led a few of the survivors in an escape from the
ship’s hold, then engaged the pirates in a battle for control of the ship. 
Pearl of Asia was scuttled by the pirates, but Kimura and the survivors (14 in
all) were able to take over the pirate’s disguised fishing boat and put safely
into port at Taipei.
With her husband among the casualties, Ayako observed two weeks of mourning,
then contacted her brother, then a Starfleet Admiral, who facilitated her return
to Starfleet.  Due to her 11 years of retirement, she was recommissioned as a
Lieutenant Commander (two steps lower than her highest prior rank) and sent to
the academy for a refresher course in Operations, then with her brother’s help,
was placed as Operations Officer/2nd Officer on USS Yorktown, the same ship where
her daughter served as Assistant Tactical Officer.
55 Promoted Commander, assigned as CO USS Kirov
56 After a nearly-successful assassination attempt, Ayako was decertified for
starship duty on account of irreparable nerve damage in her reattached left arm. 
Assigned Starfleet academy as professor of political science.
57 Promoted Captain.  Retired from Starfleet, but recalled to active duty as a
Federation Ambassador.
B.  Background Summary:
Ayako already had a full Starfleet career which spanned 21 years and saw her rise
through the ranks up through Lieutenant Commander and Chief of Operations on a
starship, and then branch into diplomatic service, which she progressed through
She is a veteran of the Dominion war and was present at the battle of Cardassia
11-years-ago Ayako and her husband, himself a Starfleet Captain, retired from
Starfleet and bought an ocean-going cruise ship, the “Pearl of Asia”, which
offered luxury cruises in the trappings of the great cruise ships of the 1920s and
1930s.  The business was extremely successful and they were very happy, until the
ship, which was carrying a dignitary, was the target of Formosan pirates.  The
ship was sunk, her husband killed (she was wounded), but Kimura led a counter-
attack and took over the pirates’ fishing vessel and returned to Taipei.
After the loss of her husband, she wanted to spend time with her daughter and
occupy herself again with meaningful work, and so with the help of her older
brother, an Admiral in Starfleet Finance, strings were pulled and at the age of
54, she was recommissioned as a Lieutenant Commander and assigned as Operations
Officer of the USS Yorktown.
After a brief though successful tour of duty on Yorktown, Ayako was promoted to
full Commander and assigned as the Captain of the USS Kirov, a heavy cruiser.
Ayako’s tenure on the Kirov was brief at only one year, and ended when an
assassin, after killing a VIP guest on the ship, almost killed Commander Kimura,
severing her left arm at the shoulder.  While the cut was clean, the surgery to
reattach the arm did not go well, and ultimately the arm while reattached,
suffered from severe nerve damage resulting in excruciating pain accompanying most
movement.  In all, it took almost 18 months for her recovery and return to the
active duty list, with a medical disqualification from front-line starship duty.
IV.  Official Star Fleet Record
V.  Skills Profile
Ayako is a very skilled manager and officer, and while a bit out of date in the
latest starship technology, not so much so that she can’t easily adapt.  She is
also very skilled in diplomacy and negotiation, and while she acts according to
her own dual Japanese and Korean cultural heritage, is very knowledgeable about
many other cultures and customs throughout the Federation and beyond.
In addition to her professional skills, Ayako is an extremely skilled swordswoman
and martial artist, and an accomplished practitioner of the Japanese tea ceremony,
flower arrangement and Chinese Caligraphy.
VI.  Recent Fitness Report
For a woman of 57 years, Ayako is exceptionally fit.  She has a slight limp from
some nerve and muscle damage to her left knee.  The damage is irreparable, the
result of a disruptor burn 6-months-ago.  Her left arm has full range of motion
and strength, but lacks much fine motor control and is excruciatingly painful if
moved at more than a snail’s pace.  It is the arm that disqualified her for front-
line ship duty, though Ayako does possess the discipline to ignore the pain.
It is obvious that Ayako has taken excellent care of herself, and has the strength
and stamina of a woman twenty-years younger.
Ayako is an avid swimmer and until she re-entered Starfleet, she was active in
competive events, including two bronze medals in individual and relay swim events
at the 2380 olympics, two silver medals for the 400 and 1000 meter freestyle swim
in the Asian Games (age 30 and 34) and a gold medal in the 2412 Silver Olympiad
(for humans over age 50).
Her left arm was surgically reattached following an encounter with an assassin that
nearly left her dead.  The arm retains full strength and range of motion, but is
lacking in fine motor control and is extremely painful to move quickly.

Gorn Ambassador to the Federation 
Linkri was the Communications officer assigned to the Gorn Embassy at
DS13 after the conflict in the Tyberiian Asteroid Belt. She later was
'raised' to the position of Ambassador as the current Ambassador
retired from service.

She is from a noble family and has a extrodinary talent for languages.
Smaller than the average Gorn, she is a mere 5'9". Still heavier and
VII. Psychological Profile
stronger than most Terrans or other humanoid races.

Linkri has an extraordinary grasp of several Federation languages and  
Ambassador Kimura retains a very calm and balanced outlook and rarely allows herself
it is her goal to bridge the century long gap between the two
to come even close to losing control.  While she cannot be read by telepaths, the
result of diplomatic training received as part of her doctorate program, she is  
extremely open and easy to talk to.  I can easily see how this woman was once among
the Federation’s top negotiators and have little doubt that she will be again in her
posting to DS13.

This task has been complicated by the militant government known as the
Lieutenant Terry Gross, Counselor, StarFleet Personnel.
Gorn Hegemony. Unlike their Confederate neighbors, they believe that
war is the only solution to the conflicts and disputes.

There is a fragile peace between them, after a major defeat at Tyberiian.
They have formed a loose governing body comprised of both Hegemony and
Confederate leaders.  As such, the Embassay was reformed, in a hope to
prevent any other blood shed.

---------------End bio file------------------------------------------
VIII.  Current Recreational Interests
Kendo, Caligraphy, tea ceremony, flower arrangement, Competitive Swimming


===Ayako Kimura, Federation Ambassador===
* played by [ Kyungmi Kim]
IX.  Miscellaneous Information
Ayako Kimura looks extremely young for her age, easily passing for thirty if she
dies her hair black, which she usually does.  Her limp is slight and she can compensate
for it with concentration, and will try to do so around shipmates.  The disabilities to
her arm are unnoticeable to casual observers, even when not concentrating, but on close
examination it can be noticed that she uses her right arm exclusively for everything
involving detail work.

She is extremely proud and believes in self-sufficiency and personal integrity.  She
won’t ever allow others to see any weakness, and keeps her problems to herself.  She
will never engage in small talk and is a firm believer in keeping her mouth shut unless
she actually has something to say.

''This biofile is currently unavailable.''


X. Roleplay Notes
Ayako is “Psi-Null”, meaning that telepaths and empaths do not read anything from her. 
While powerful invasive techniques, such as a Vulcan mind meld may eventually work, casual
contact and active, though non-intrusive scans do not.  Empaths and telepaths will simply
“look” right past her as though she isn’t there unless specifically trying, and then will
simply find that her surface thoughts literally ARE so much of the normal psionic noise
that such readers are accustomed to tuning out.

''This billet is currently vacant.''
This is not a normal skill, but rather something that she was taught by a Vulcan master as
part of individual training for negotiating the treaty of Praxus.

End BioFile


* 3.0- ''Scott Lusby'': Removal of XO; general cleanup (SD 191201)
* 4.0- ''Scott Lusby'': Minor updates (SD 210101)
* 3.3- ''Scott Lusby'': Addition of new ENG (SD 200227)
* 3.2- ''Scott Lusby'': Addition of new COU (SD 200128)
* 3.1- ''Scott Lusby'': Addition of new TAC; minor updates (SD 200102)
* 3.0- ''Scott Lusby'': Removal of XO; general cleanup and updating (SD 191207)
* 2.6- ''Scott Lusby'': Minor housecleaning (SD 190903)
* 2.6- ''Scott Lusby'': Minor housecleaning (SD 190903)
* 2.5- ''Scott Lusby'': Shifting of Michael Bursey's characters (SD 190711)
* 2.5- ''Scott Lusby'': Shifting of Michael Bursey's characters (SD 190711)
