ORIGINS: USS Hood November 2009: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Acquiescence==
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Acquiescence==
===by Scott Lusby===
===by Scott Lusby===

NOTE: this post contains some material which might be disturbing for some.
NOTE: this post contains some material which might be disturbing for some.
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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Breaking Free==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2260.319
MD: 5.1630
Setting: Pyramid, Velorum IV
Gar glanced up from his unwanted feast, and looked at Dr. Corbett. Somehow,
he knew Stile was also supposedly possessed; he wasn't sure how he knew, but
he did.
<<snip- from Steve's post, entitled "You Can't Reason With a Zombie">>
Corbett tried to make his way over to Merrick when Gar jumped in front of
him. The Andorian had a crazed look and was ripping flesh from what had been
a security mans arm that he now held like a prized meal. "MMMMM Redshirt,
tastes like chicken." Gar yelled as he pushed it over to Stile.
"No thank you sar." Corbett said slowly backing away. "Pair it with a good
wine and maybe then."
<<end snip- briefly>>
**Something's wrong,** the Voice murmured in the back of his mind.
Something had happened that the Voice had not expected...
<<snip- again from Steve's post>>
A look of evil comprehension dawned on Gar's face. The Andorian dropped the
meat to the ground and started marching slowly toward Corbett. The doctor
rapidly fell back to the Captain who was punching furiously at the
"Um, Captain, I think perhaps we should use that EMP and sort the mess out
later sar."
"Doctor." the Captain said.
"Yes sar,"
"It isn't working."
And then Gar was upon them and trying his hardest to 'eat' Corbett. The
doctor punched the Andorian repeatedly as he tried to knock him off. The
pair tumbled and rolled a few times over. More than once, Corbett felt a
sharp nip at his arm or fist.
"Get the hell off of him Gar!" the Captain yelled as he bodily pulled the
straining eating machine that Gar had become off of Corbett.
DeSimms was there suddenly too, delivering a precision blow to the back of
the engineer's skull. The first one didn't do more than stun the man,
but the second put him down
<<end snip>>
MD: 5.1640
Setting: Outside the Pyramid, Velorum IV
Gar felt the darkness begin to give way, and he struggled against the fog
swirling in his mind.
He also felt the throbbing in his skull; he couldn't be sure if it was from
the butt of DeSimm's rifle or from the Voice...
He tried to separate the two; it was hard in the dull consciousness he had
barely achieved to this point. However, after a moment or two, he had
managed to do so. The pain in the base of his skull throbbed wickedly,
enough to further cloud his mind, to be sure. The rhythmic throbbing he had
been experiencing at the base of his antennae, however, seemed dull, nearly
as dull as his own consciousness.
Somewhere from the depths of Gar's soul, a voice cried out to him.
**Now- here's your chance. Do it now, or you'll endanger the entire ship!**
Gar thought back to what he had learned from the Voice, about their criminal
past...all those people...women...children...all for their selfish desire
for power...
And then he thought about what the Voice had made HIM Stewart...what
he tried to do to Stile, his friend...
He squeezed his eyes closed, clenched his teeth, and began to fight again.
The pain was instantaneous, but he felt...something. The Voice was giving
way; maybe the butt of DeSimm's rifle had weakened it like it had weakened
him. Unconsciousness might reduce one's electromagnetic energy
production...he couldn't be sure, and he didn't care.
All that mattered was that he sensed a chance.
He gathered himself, slowly, and, all at once, pushed against that which
controlled him.
The pain within him was excruciating.
MD: 5.1645
Setting: Same
<<snip- from Andy's and Dan's JP, entitled "Impossible Decisions">>
"And what if these things play it smart and take over a few more ships
before they start their killing?" Jack said. "Or what if they make for
Romulus or the Klingon Empire and start wiping out worlds there? They could
plunge the quadrant into war."
"You're not seriously considering destroying this world when all you have to
do is take out that monstrosity." Merrick said ash he pointed to the
There was a long pause as Jack looked at each of his people. "I have to
consider all options before I make my decision. But whether I go with GO
24, or destroy the pyramid or another option we still have another pressing
"How do we get back to the ship without bringing the aliens with us."
Merrick answered.
<<end snip>>
At that moment, a blood-curdling cry startled the senior officers.
"Doctor!" Jack Steele said as he ran over to the source of the screams.
Gar's mouth was thrown open, his back arched, in obvious pain.
5.1630: Gar attacks Stile upon the realization that Stile is no longer
5.1640: Gar begins to regain consciousness, and senses a chance to regain
control of himself.
5.1645: The landing party discusses its options, but Gar's struggle
interrupts them.
OK...Gar's trying to fight. I didn't quite know where to go with this at
this point, so I figured I'd leave it to Steve to see if there was something
he could do for Gar.
Once Gar regains consciousness and is back to something resembling himself
(I expect some vomiting when he fully realizes what he's done), he'll
definitely advocate GO24 if they don't have any other answers soon. But
he'll happily accept another option should it become available.
Maybe Dave can help us there- can the HOOD do something by retuning its
phasers? Use the navigational deflector? Do something with the
presser/tractor beams? Anything to disrupt their EM signatures? Maybe that
would mess them up? Looking for a permanent solution, I imagine.
Just some thoughts.
There's two posts, Andy. :)
Respectfully Submitted,
- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer