ORIGINS: USS Hood October 2009: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Polar Differences (Back Post)==
===by Lena Rose===
SD: 2260.304
MD 5.1300
Location: Saxmans' Quarters
LTjg. Kiska Saxman stood before the mirror brushing her sleek long black hair.
She was already dressed in the normal uniform for a nurse even though she'd
rather be in a pair of jeans and t-shirt.
"Your family?" asked Mendoza lifting the picture off the nightstand.
Kiska's ice blue eyes glanced over at the Texan Senorita Ensign Claudia Mendoza
from engineering. "Yes," Replied Saxman as she grabbed a handful of long black
hair and whipped it into a ponytail.
"Great looking family." Grinned Claudia as she continued to examine the people
in the photo. "Wow….all brothers…No sisters?"
"Nope, just my brothers." Kiska said.
"Ay! Muy Guapos!," exclaimed the Senorita. "When do I get to meet them?"
Kiska shot back, "The next time we orbit Alaska."
"Alaska?" Claudia shudders as if she were freezing. "Ay! You'll never catch me
in Alaska! Too damn cold for my Spaniard blood!"
"Wimp!" teased Kiska.
"What the heck you do in Alaska for fun?" Claudia's hand shot into the air to
stop any reply, "No wait….by the size of your family I can see what you do to
keep warm!"
A tube of lip palm went sailing across the room and hit it's target causing it's
victim to yelp.
"Ay! Dios Mio!" shouted Claudia rubbing her forehead. "You trying to take my eye
"For you information Senorita Mendoza, we happen to do a lot of things for fun!"
"Such as?"
"Skiing, Fishing…."
"Fishing?" Claudia wrinkled her pretty nose. "In the cold?"
"For pity sake Claudia, it's not winter there ALL year long," laughed Kiska.
"And yes, in the cold as well… haven't you ever heard of `Ice Fishing'?"
Claudia shrugged, "What can I say, my familia is Tejano, we prefer the warmth of
the sun. So what else besides ice fishing?"
"Snow machine racing…."
"What the..?"
"It's fun, my brothers have been racing for years. Its kind of like
snowmobiling." Explained Kiska her eyes taking on a dreamy state. "But imagine a
bigger machine with much more power and speed between your legs! The ice cold
wind blowing, the sun shining a glorious light over the snow covered earth and
driving with such speeds that when you hit a bump it nearly thrusts you off your
machine as you ascend high into the air and then come crashing back down to the
earth rattling your insides. "
"Oh yeah…sounds heavenly." retorted Claudia sarcastically. "No thanks chica,
give me a horse any day! Now that's pure heaven!"
Kiska laughed, "Well, I have to agree but to a point. Horseback riding is great
too. Love to go bareback riding…it's the best."
"Oh Giiirrrl!" Claudia leaped to her feet and became even more animated. "We
finally have something in common! We are going to have to go ridin as soon as we
have shore leave!"
"Sounds like a plan." Agreed Kiska as she headed to the door. "Got to get back
to duty. Adios….Chica!"
<NRPG – sorry took so long to get a post out. Everyone's been sick with flu and
I am still trying to recoop. Another post will be following.
Respectfully Submitted,
Lena Rose
LTjg. Kiska Saxman
Nurse, USS HOOD NCC-1703
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: Past the Final Dungeon, First Door on the Left==
===by Brian V. Mansur===
SD: 2260.304
MD: 5.1610
Scene: Pyramid Object, Valorum IV
The shuffling gait of their undead hosts gave Merrick and the landing party
plenty of time to absorb their surroundings. For a space ship, Merrick
thought that there sure was a lot of stoneage tech about. In fact, he had
yet to see a single recognizable piece of machinary in the place.
He looked back Corbett, DeSimms, Gar, and the others, all of whom were
doubtlessly questioning his good sense. He had *voluntarily* taken them
deeper into a haunted dungeon complete with possessed rotting corpses and
mind controlling aliens. He figured they were all asking what was he really
trying to accomplish with this stunt.
The answer, in a word was reconaissance. Besides which, diplomacy was
definitely a possiblity here or else he and his team wouldn't have been
around to propose it. Judging by the horror visited upon the colonists, the
aliens would have already possessed or killed the landing party if they
could. So, his decision to go forward to the heart of their ship doubled as
a show of strength.
One other possibility goaded him. It seemed as though the archeologists'
warnings for them to leave did not come from the aliens. Why would they ask
their prey to leave? The whole enounter suggested to him that the aliens'
control over their hosts was not absolute. The victims might not be quite
dead and perhaps could even be saved. But if they were still alive, why
would the aliens not use their hosts as hostages?
He was missing something vital here. Were there only 3 aliens maybe? Were
there factions among their ranks with different agendas? Or were the aliens
reading his mind, knew that they had the HOOD crew one way or another and
that Merrick was merely marching them to a quick undeath?
It was on that disturbing note that they entered the room where the whole
meaning of dungeon took on a new meaning.
NPRG: Happy Halloween!
Respectfully Submitted,
Brian V. Mansur
LCDR Sean Merrick
==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: "Mother's Orders"==
===by Lena Rose===
SD: 2260.304
MD 5.1620
Location: Sickbay
There had been a small briefing when sickbay's rotating shift had arrived and
signed in. Lt. Commander Rachel Grey, the Chief Nurse, speech was quick and to
the point. There wasn't a moment to waste as one learned when working in the
medical field. They were on alert and no one was excluded from duty. The
original crew were receiving their normal down time to catch up on sleep but
must be on call at all times.
The away team was always in danger whenever they went to the surface. If there
were unknown chemicals or substances that were foreign to the tricorder it
wouldn't read it and there was no way for them to protect themselves from it.
Because of these concerns that there could even be some kind of environmental
contamination they always had to be prepared to decontaminate the away team in a
decontamination chamber that Lt. Jg. Kiska Saxman was ordered to set up.
Lt. Dawson expertise was ordered to the morgue while the rest of the staff were
each given specific jobs as well. As soon as the briefing was over Kiska and the
rest of the medical crew went to work. They had all had plenty of simulations to
know what needed to be done. Lt Commander Grey had drilled her nurses until they
could perform in their sleep or drop from exhaustion.
Lt. Kiska Saxman had been working in sickbay for a little over three hours. She
had gone ino the medical supply room and was pushing the cart out when she
noticed that Lt. Commander Rachel Grey, the Chief Nurse and Lt. Dawson, the main
duty nurse, were pow-wowing in the doctor office.
Kiska halted and watched their body language. Something was definitely going on
and she felt it had to be about the away team. She wondered what it was about.
Things seemed pretty tense and the look on Mother's face….uh…Lt Commander Grey's
face was not a happy one. Kiska rolled her eyes, damn….she was going to have to
be careful not to call the head nurse `mother'. It was all Dr. Corbett's fault.
It was his pet name for her and now everyone was stumbling over it and
accidentally thinking it and calling her mother.
Kiska softly sighed she hoped the away team was all right. She shook herself
realizing she was wasting time just standing there. They would all be told in
due time. She decided she better get busy and finish performing her duties. She
was just about to head back to the decontamination chambers when suddenly Lt.
Dawson called her to the doctor's office.
Kiska left the medcart to the side and headed into the office where both Lt.
Dawson and Lt. Commander Grey where waiting for her. It appeared she was about
to find out what was going on down on the surface with the away team after all.
(tag Steve
MD 5. 5.1620 Kiska and the medical staff prep for any emergency need. Kiska
notices the senior staff are concerned about the away team.
Ok….I have my character on board and working. As you noticed she is from Alaska.
Was originally going to do the Texan Senorita but since the HOOD always ready
has a Texan decided to go with the Alaskan half Eskimo/Russian character. J
Steve – maybe we can do a JP?
Respectfully Submitted,
Lena Rose
LTjg. Kiska Saxman
Nurse, USS HOOD NCC-1703