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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: "A Deal With the Devils?"==
===by Scott Lusby===
SD: 2260.300
MD: 5.1610
Setting: Pyramid Object, Velorum IV
<<snip- from Steve and Brian's JP, entitled "No Good Can Ever Come From
Talking To A Zombie">>
"Stile." Merrick yelled as the redshirt hit the ground. Strangely, Merrick
noticed that no one was moving to help the poor man, including the doctor.
"Fallback now!" he desperately ordered.
<<end snip>>
Lieutenant Commander Gar Th'elenth tried to follow the First Officer's
orders, but was having a hard time getting his body to listen. There was a
strange tingling in his antennae he had never experienced before...
However, Gar also knew that the Aenar, the "other" intelligent species from
Andoria, were telepathic. And that they could interbreed with Andorians.
That could explain...
"Commander," Gar said through clenched teeth, closing his eyes tightly, "I
believe they are exerting some sort of telepathic control over us."
Merrick watched the security officer twitch one last time. "Thank you,
Captain Obvious," he spat, obviously struggling to move. "Any suggestions
as to possible actions?"
"I can think of one," he said just as the tingling in his antennae stopped.
He drew his phaser, and aimed it at the undead in front of him.
Merrick slapped his weapon down. "No- not like that," he said.
Gar glanced at Merrick. "You heard them, Commander- the archaeologists are
dead; these things are using their bodies to help them get out of here."
"I'm not willing to declare war on another species overt his," the XO said,
his tone rising some.
"Even when they've declared was on US?" DeSimms countered.
Merrick cut his hand through the air. "Enough- we're not going to do it
this way unless we have no other choice," he said; his tone left no room for
Th'elenth grit his teeth, swallowed hard, and exhaled heavily. "What do you
suggest, Commander?"
Merrick turned back to the two remaining undead/archaeologists. "You may
not require our permission to commandeer our bodies, but WE require it," he
said simply. Then, scrambling, his mind touched on a possibility. "Is
there any way we could help you find a way off this planet WITHOUT using our
bodies as vessels?"
Gar saw the opening he **thought** the XO was making, and he took it. "I am
an engineer; perhaps I can help you fix whatever is wrong?"
The two undead were silent for a moment; then, suddenly, Gar's antennae
began to tingle again.
"Come with us," they said.
Whether they wanted to or not, the Starfleet officers went with them into
the pyramid.
As they moved further in towards the heart of the pyramid, Doctor Corbett
leaned closer to Gar. "I just had a disturbing thought, Gar," he said.
"And what would that be?" the Andorian said through gritted teeth; he found
the tingling sensation most uncomfortable.
"None of y'all bothered to ask them exactly WHY they were here in the first
Gar was having trouble focusing. "And why would that matter?"
Corbett grunted against the compulsion pushing him forward. "Well...did it
occur to any of y'all that they might not be able to escape because they
were never supposed to? As in exiled? Perhaps for crimes?"
Gar began to retort, and then stopped. It made sense- especially since
these beings seemed to have a certain lack of morality about them.
"That's not good," the Engineer said, eyes shut so tightly that tears began
to run from the corners of his eyes.
MD 5.1610: Merrick and Gar seem to convince the undead to let them help
escape the planet...but Corbett wonders if that's a good idea.
All- just a short post to keep things moving. I think we need to get the
Captain more coffee or something- he seems bored on the ship above us. :)
Daniel- what does DeSimms make of all this?
Dave- is it telepathy that they're using or something artificial mimicking
it? Can we block it out somehow? Sounds like a good science problem
Let's keep rolling, folks...
Respectfully Submitted,
- Scott Lusby
/\ LCDR Gar Th'elenth
Chief Engineer