ORIGINS: USS Hood October 2009: Difference between revisions

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==[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: New Fears==
===by Andy Catterick===
SD: 2260.289
MD: 5.1545
Scene: Inner Chamber, Pyramid
For security crewman Gene Lowl the party was definitely over.  It had all started so well.  He had excelled in Basic Training and been assigned to one of the elite units in Starfleet, a CONSTITUTION class starship that was so new the paint on the hull was barely dry.  It wasn’t his dream assignment, USS EXETER but given how badly they had just kicked the Klingon’s asses he was certain people would be begging to get aboard HOOD.  Sure Jack Steele was no Ron Tracey but by now everyone knew that HOOD was a ship not to be messed with.  Now barely a month into his first deployment he had been tapped for his first landing party.  And it was a real landing party not some fluff assignment where he was detailed to baby-sit a bunch of self important geologists and botanists as they oohed and ahhed over some rocks on a dead world.  No this mission was classified and it concerned the security of the Federation. It was a mission where he could make a name for himself.  It had all gone so well.  Once they beamed down he’d been assigned point which quickly led to him finding the first major discovery of the mission.  Which is where it began to go down hill. 
Granted these were the first dead bodies he had ever seen.  But he was in security and death was part of the job.  He didn’t welcome it but he could deal with it.  Or so he thought.  He’d expected that these people had been killed by some sort of weapon. Something they’d obviously not been trained to deal with.  But he had been trained and he was good at his job so if someone was lurking out there waiting to attack they were going to be very surprised.  But it wasn’t a weapon that had ended their lives.  In fact the doctor not only couldn’t determine what killed them he couldn’t explain why they weren;t alive.  Then the equipment started to fail.  That got the officers bitchin at each other.  As far as Gene was concerned, given the circumstances, that was the first step on the road to panic.  Panic was one thing they didn’t need. 
Now they found themselves standing inside the pyramid in room so dark their portable lights could barely cut through it.  The tension among the party was rising and he had to admit to himself.  Training or not he was scared.
Gene had two main fears at this point.  The first and most pressing one was that he was going to die.  Things had gone from good to bad.  Now more then ever before he was acutely aware of the colour of his shirt.  It had long been a joke in Starfleet but his instructors in Basic had been very clear.  Red shirts, especially security red shirts die more then mustard and blue combined.  A lot more.  Especially nameless red shirted security crew members the joke continued.  He darted a quick look at both the executive officer and then the doctor.  He was pretty sure the X/O had no idea who he was and he was completely certain that that cowboy wannabe doctor wouldn’t be able to pick him out of a line up as a fellow HOOD crew member.  Lieutenant DeSimms probably knew he was but he was the security chief he was supposed to know.  But that was about it.  *Oh God,* he thought to himself.  *I’m the nameless red shirt and I’m going to die.*
Which brought him to his second fear.  Failure.  He’d come this far, made it to a starship and was ready to make his mark on Starfleet and the galaxy.  He didn’t want it all to end on his first mission.  So it didn’t matter that there were dead people who shouldn’t be dead, failed equipment that shouldn’t fail and that the officers were spooked.  He wasn’t going to die, nameless red shirt myth be damned.  He faced it all and knew he could take it.
Then it got worse.
He swore they hadn’t been there a second ago.  But they were certainly here now and he felt the adrenaline rush through his body.  He was only barely aware that he had drawn his phaser by instinct.  “Uh sirs!”  He said insistently to Commander Merrick and the doctor who were a few meters away and deep in conversation. 
Sean immediately recognized the three humans as senior members of the archeological team they were sent here to find.  At first glance he was certain it was them but then he wasn’t so sure.  “Doctor?”  To his left Stile ran his medical tricorder over them and frowned.  He ran it a second time and then a third.  “Doctor?” Sean asked again.
“Same as the others.”
“Meaning?”  Merrick asked.
“Meaning according to this they are dead.  But there is no medical reason that my tricorder can identify.”
“Gene lets slowly lower the phaser.”  DeSimms asked.  And it was all Crewman Lowl could do not to jump out of his skin at hearing the security chief.  He had been clear across the chamber and Gene had no idea how he had made it here so quickly and quietly.  He turned his attention back to the doctor.  “They don’t look dead.” 
“Do they look alive?”  Stile replied.
Sean took a step forward.  “I’m Commander Sean Merrick, USS HOOD…”  He stopped in mid-sentence as the mouth of the middle figure slowly opened.
“Go back.”  It whispered in a raspy voice that Gene Lowl knew he would never forget.
I’m officially back and I really enjoyed the posts that you all created.  It’s nice to see such a productive week for us, maybe I should go on vacation more often.  I’m really enjoying the story we’re creating.
Reading your posts I kept thinking of the TOS episode Cats paw so when I sat down to write I kept seeing this scene.  Course I’m not looking to continue along those lines but it just kind of wrote itself.
I look forward to see what happens next.
I’m assuming Gene wasn’t present for Stile’s conversation with Hemux…
Please don’t kill Gene…
Andy Catterick
CAPT Jack Steele