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===LT Asri Kaethe, Flight Control Officer===
= TAC/SEC Officers Exam
= FCO Exam
* Played by [ Ryan Eanes]
= Lead/Charge Nurse Qualified
* Updated SD 190207
= Incident Command System - Medical Commander
= Ship board Operations & Command Course - OPS
= Junior Bridge Officer Exam
I. Personal Data
= Senior Bridge Officers Exam
= CIC Manager Test
= Shuttle Pilot Instructor
Last name:    Kaethe
Given name:  Asri
Species:      Cacatuan
Gender:      male
Height:      1.87 m
Weight:      81.6 kg
Eyes:        gray
Hair:        orange/blue/purple feathers
Complexion:  Caucasian skin w/ white/orange areas above eyes and temples
DOB:          25 September 2387
Birthplace:  South Marka Island, Cacatua V
Spouse:      N/A
Parents:      * Father - Bilic Eolo
              * Mother - Aeral Kaethe
Siblings:    * Sister - Beja Kaethe (deceased)
              * Sister - Jori Kaethe
Children:    N/A
Religion:    Cacatuan spirituality
Service:      Star Fleet Navy
II. Educational Background
Academic Institutional Background
* North Continent School, Cacatua V
* Star Fleet Academy
Service Schools Attended
* Star Fleet Space Warfare Officer School
Qualifications (MOCs)
* Navigation/Helm Officer
* Science Officer
Star Fleet Academy Record
Class Average:      Top 15% *cum laude*
Academic Major:      Physics/Astrophysics
Professional Major:  Navy - Navigation
Commendations:      None
Reprimands:          None
III. Biographical Notes
A. Chronology
2389-2393.    Early childhood.
2394-2404.    Enrolled & completed primary/secondary school equivalent.
2405-2408.    Attended Star Fleet Academy.
    2409.    Attended Space Warfare Officer School.
    2410.    Commissioned as ENS aboard USS CARSON as asst. helmsman.
    2412.    Promoted to LTJG.
              Awarded Star Fleet Achievement Medal.
    2413.    Transferred to USS SIROCCO as assistant helmsman.
    2415.    Promoted to LT.           
    2417.    Transferred to ORANGE FLEET as assistant chief helmsman for
                prototypes and experimental design.
    2419.    Awarded Distinguished Service Medal for participation in the
                development of groundbreaking new navigation/helm technologies.
              Requested transfer.
              Posted to DS-13 as FCO.
B. Background Summary
Asri Kaethe is a Cacatuan, a non-Federation affiliated species that calls Cacatua V
home.  The Cacatuans are a humanoid species notable for their tall, thin, tough,
muscular builds, their lightning-fast reflexes, and their bright plumage in place
of hair.  Asri, for instance, has tufts of large orange and red feathers that stick
straight up starting approximately where a human's ears are (the Cacatuan ear is
covered by feathers) and towards his temples; these feathers cascade up, over and
down the back of his neck, becoming dark purple--almost black--and shrinking in
size to the point that they are virtually identical to human hair to the naked eye.
His skin tone is mostly equivalent to a human Caucasian, though his forehead,
temples and the bridge of his nose are pale white, fading to flesh-tone, with areas
of orange and purple around his eyes.  The Cacatuans share a large number of genes
with a number of terrestrial bird species, but do not have beaks; indeed, aside
from their plumage and coloration, they appear virtually human, with the exception
of a somewhat birdlike visage (that is to say, long thin noses and thin lips).
Asri did not grow up around his father; in Cacatuan tradition, his father left
their home when he turned 3.  This is why he bears his mother's surname.
Cacatuans mature quickly in comparison to human beings, however; a 2-year old
Cacatuan is physically and mentally equivalent to a 4-year old human child.  Thus,
while spending time aboard his father's freighter as a 2- and 3-year old, he
encountered several members of Star Fleet who left an indelible impression on his
memory.  These early encounters drove him to become the first Cacatuan in Star Fleet.
IV. Official Star Fleet Record
100614.  Commissioned as Ensign (O-1).
120903.  Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2).
150319.  Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3).
121005.  Awarded the Star Fleet Achievement Medal for exemplary evasive maneuvering
        in a high-stress situation while the CARSON was under duress to avoid
        boarding by hostile forces.
190722.  Awarded the Distinguished Service Medal for material participation in the
        development of groundbreaking new helm and navigation technologies.
V. Skills Profile
Asri has lightning-fast reflexes, a trait common to his species.  This gives him some
advantage as a navigator, which he trained extensively to be.  Asri has some
experience piloting small craft such as shuttles and fighters, though he prefers to
operate the conn of a starship.
His memory is excellent as well; while he does not possess a "photographic memory,"
per se, he does seem to recall vast amounts of information very easily.
His ambition is to one day hold a command-level post of his own; for some time he's
hoped to serve as the OPS/2O aboard a fine ship, though for now he feels that his
strengths are best suited to navigation.
VI. Recent Fitness Report
Mr. Kaethe is in excellent physical health; he is in the top fifth percentile of
humanoids in his weight class in terms of his strength.  He is agile and amazingly
fast, with a sharp eye.  I have no reservations recommending him for duty.
CAPT Dr. Tobin MacGillivray, CMO, ORANGE FLEET
VII. Psychological Profile
Mr. Kaethe is not extremely talkative, but he does seem to enjoy the company of
others.  He also seems to take quite an interest in personal grooming and his
appearance; I have never seen him once look even the slightest bit unkempt, and he
keeps the shiniest boots of any Star Fleet cadet that I can recall.  He is very
inquisitive, however, and does not fully seem to grasp the ritual surrounding
certain human interactions, though he does seem eager to learn and understand the
behaviors of those that surround him.  As I have not encountered any other members
of his species before, I can only base my opinions on what I've read, but his
psychological profile suggests no barriers that would prevent him from adequately
carrying out his duties.
Counselor Mary Martin, Star Fleet Academy
VIII. Current Recreational Interests
Asri has a keen interest in music; he has an aptitude for it, and enjoys learning
various instruments.  He also enjoys painting and sculpting.
Asri is extremely athletic, though he prefers mostly aerobic, non-team activities
such as tennis.
IX. NRPG Character Information
The best image that I can use to illustrate what Asri might look like would be the
makeup and costumes used in Cirque du Soleil's Las Vegas show "Mystère."  Here's
one image, but note that these costumes are much more elaborate than Asri looks.
I've left his background and a lot of details about his species intentionally vague
so that I can flesh it out, piece by piece, over time.  Thoughts are welcome, though
any radical suggestions about his home world I'd prefer to have final say on.
Father: Captain Johnathan April M.D. Head of Star Fleet CDC Chicago
      Research Facility Xeno-Biologist
Mother: Captain Deborah April M.D PhD Star Fleet Research & Development
      Chicago Research Facility Bio- Chemist
No Siblings
Rivenda April is a direct descendant of Captain Robert April, who
commanded the USS ENTERPIRSE NCC 1701 from 2245 to 2250. Although he was
the last April to sit in the command seat, Rivenda's ambition is correct
that. Her goals have made her somewhat of an affectionately thought of
"Black Sheep" in her family of Medical Doctors and Scientists, but her
parents still love and support her despite their disappointment at her
career choice.
Observations and Recommendations:
Midshipman April has proven over and over again her natural knack or the
theories of Capital Ship combat. As her instructor these last few years,
I have observed her unique blend of being as tenacious as a Klingon on a
blood trail, yet, as compassionate as Florence Nightingale. In short,
I'd hate to be on the receiving end of her tactical planning.
Commander William Lennox
Instructor Capital Ship Combat
Star Fleet Academy
Nurse April is by far one of the most intriguing individuals to grace the
halls of Star Fleet Medical Training Facility in a long time. She graduated
1st in her class of 120 Nurses, earning her degree in three years, rather
than 4. Although this is common, I would like to note she was a double major
in Engineering. She also distinguished herself during the Earthquake of 2409,
Completing a 36 hour shift as Triage officer in San Francisco Generals ER.
Like her father, I believe her career is wasted in any field other than
CMDR Evelyn Cheshire MSN
Commander Star Fleet Medical training Division
Lt(jg) April has distinguished herself since the first day of her arrival
her on PERSEPHONE. She, along with Lt's Akelu and Scine arrived in the middle
of a fire fight with the stolen Frigate USS AVALON, were she and her shuttle
were instrumental in locating and eventually destroying the AVALON. She then
worked nearly 12 hours in Sick Bay helping, despite her suffering from a
concussion sustained in the explosion. She will be sorely missed, and an
asset to any ship she is assigned.
Captain Orleese Forrent
Red Fleet
Lieutenant Rivenda April was simply the best Combat Information Manager  
with whom I have ever had the pleasure of serving.  Her instincts and
training proved to be invaluable during the twin battles in the
Tybiiran Complext- they literraly helped to save the ship and its
crew, as her Silver and Bronze Star awards attest.
She may very well be a great nurse, but she's adamn fine combat officer
as well.
Captain Denton Vargas
GOLD Fleet
Commander April is a battler through and through- we would never have
survived half the skirmishes we did if not for her heroic efforts
in both Orestes and Briol.  She will be sorely missed.
Captain Caylebreth Veld
GOLD Fleet
Board of Inquiry  SD 160510
Article 21-3808 Obstructing Legal Process
Article 21-3816  Hindering an Officer of the Federation
Article 21-3812 Aiding a Felon
Article 21-3811 Aiding ESCAPE from Custody
Article 21-3702 Attempting to permanently deprive the Federation of
    property, namely, the USS LEVIATHAN
Article 22-921 Dereliction of Duty, i.e. Failure to apprehend Lieutenant
    Commander Landor during the commission of this crime.
Article 32-211 Insubordination. Namely, Calling Captain Shaw a...
    ' spineless Targ-humper' front of Junior officers when he
    apprehended you.
Insufficient Evidence to proceed on all charges, save the last. To which
she plead guilty.
Punishment - Loss of Line Status.
            Reassigned to Orestes Medical Pavilion
----------------------End Bio chip--------------------------------

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