ASR Honors List- October 2006 Round Table: Difference between revisions

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Please join me in congratulating writers and administrators listed below; they are examples of the finest that ASR has to offer.

This time around, the list is a large one; with so many people deserving of recognition given the recent turmoil, such a list was only appropriate.

Here's to our winners: may they inspire others to reach new heights over the next 6 months.

Most Respectfully,

Scott Lusby
=^= ADM Conrad Veld
Commander-in-Chief, Star Fleet <cincsf[at]alt-starfleet-rpg[dot]org>


* Jenna Povey (XO, USS EXCALIBUR)
Ms. Povey has been an essential part of EXCALIBUR since coming aboard as a command player during the last change in command. Her ability to manage plot threads and personnel have had a direct affect on the success of the unit.

Since the last change of command, Mr. Kane's contribution to the EXCALIBUR's cannot be measured.  He jumped right in and set the tempo for the rest of the unit with his enthusiasm and ability, as good command players should.

* Markku Herd (XO, USS ANDROMEDA)
In the words of his commanding officer, Mr. Herd "is instrumental in keeping the plots fresh and interesting for everyone."  As such, Mr. Herd serves as a fine example of how command players can motivate through RP.

Ms. McNeely excels in the art of the joint post, and plays a critical role in keeping the community of ANDROMEDA humming along.  Her ability to use this skill to prod plots along and motivate posting from her shipmates makes her an outstanding command player.  Further testament to her command ability was offered by one of her commanding officers:  "Mary had been a 
rock of sense and stability in SAPPHIRE Fleet, and a most capable administrator during the collapse of the fleet.  She has also commanded the AMBERJACK with extraordinary dedication and ability. Over time she has turned what was once a failing unit into smoothly running group."  Enough said. **Received Multiple Nominations**

Mr. Bell plays Captain Peter Erickson and displays considerable energy and talent in setting the table and providing ample opportunities for COVENTRY players to explore and write.

* Anna Cordray (CO, USS MACRONIN)
Ms. Cordray took over command of this unit this summer and rolled up her sleeves and worked hard to try and give this unit focus and a forward-looking direction with a new mission more oriented along traditional Star Trek themes, creating opportunities for more open role play of interest to many players.

* Scott Ramos (XO, USS AMBERJACK)
Mr. Ramos is so nominated for his tireless work aboard AMBERJACK and for always helping to make each mission a success.

* Rafael Cabrero (OPS, USS KUSANAGI)
Mr. Cabrero was instrumental in wrapping up the last mission. He almost single-handily provided the background that finished the story and ran his own subplot that added much to the tapestry and internal logic of the mission. His trademark are long, thought-out posts that pack both character-development and plot.

* Anna Cordray (XO, USS KUSANAGI)
Despite the time commitments of her own command, Ms. Cordray jumped into the fray and became a motivator for the crew of the USS KUASANGI, helping the unit to stabilize and bringing new twists to the mission.

* Scott Lusby (CO, USS CIRCE; OPS, DS-13)
Despite heavy administrative responsibilities, Mr. Lusby works tirelessly as a command player for his units. He has been instrumental in the long term success and high posting rate of CIRCE. More importantly, he has been invaluable in the command transition process of DS13, effectively taking on a second command when the CO resigned and the XO was on a leave of absence.

* Bruce Summa (CO, USS FEARLESS)
Bruce has continued to meet the challenge posed by FEARLESS' complex story arc and has built a unit which has shown moments of real brilliance under his stewardship.


* Craig Barrett (FCO, USS EXCALIBUR)
Mr. Barrett is the consummate player, always jumping in with posts that push the plot forward and help get other players involved.  A model player through and through, one who would make an excellent instructor at ALB.

* Chris Faulk (CMO, USS YORKTOWN)
Since joining the YORKTOWN, Mr. Faulk has posted consistently and exhibited exceptional teamwork.  An exceptional new player.

Ms. Rose plays Dr. Hanford and brings the medical department to life on COVENTRY with her solid blending of role play that progresses the story and character development that includes other players in her progressions of the storyline. Lena is also outstanding in how she includes NPC's that add depth and color to life on board USS COVENTRY.

* Antje Bechtoldt (TAC, USS NOVA)
Ms. Bechtoldt is a creative and inspirational writer who draws others into the story and motivates her crew mates.

* Andrew Bell (SCI, DS13)
Mr. Bell's enthusiasm for writing is obvious to all who read DS13's work: he posts often, he moves plots forward, and he stays involved in the story- everything a command player wants to see from the players on his/her unit. An excellent role-model for up-and-coming writers in the club.

* Susanne Dubrov (TAC/SEC, DS13; MCO, USS KUSANAGI)
Ms. Dubrov is commended for her admirable dedication to DS13 in particular. Her regular posting and her willingness to jump into complex threads with other writers- often through joint posts- keeps the unit's writing fresh and fluid.  An outstanding player who should be considered for command in the future.

* Madonna Eagle (CMO, USS CIRCE)
Ms. Eagle continues to write. Consistently.  Her posts are always dramatic and thought-provoking, making her a wonderful compliment to CIRCE's crew. In short, an indispensable member of the CIRCE family.

* Craig Evans (CIC, USS FEARLESS)
Mr. Evans has been a motivating force for FEARLESS both through posting and non-RP contributions to the unit.

* Reginald McKamie (NAV, TF SIERRA)
Mr. McKamie is clearly a key force in motivating the unit and has been the driving force in her recent writing. He has worked tirelessly to motivate his fellow writers and has been key in helping the new unit CO in his transition to command of this rather unconventional unit.

* Alan Rogers (PRO/OPS, USS CIRCE)
Mr. Rogers is recognized for his efforts in keeping the complex plot threads of CIRCE's stories moving in a forward, unified direction.  His efforts were instrumental in his being promoted to a command billet.  CIRCE would be lost without him.


* Jeffrey Jenkins (CINCGOLD)
Mr. Jenkins is so nominated for the continued dedication and work ethic he brings to ASR.  He was instrumental in seeing the units of Star Trek: Frontiers rejoin us, and was even more instrumental in helping us stay together after their recent departure.  He is always ready with advice and counsel when asked, and is likewise ready to roll up his sleeves and dive in on nearly any project, from the uniform and insignia project to the moving and re-opening of the Bureau of Information Wiki.  Without his efforts and his sound advice, ASR would be worse off for it.


* Sean Speake (MCO, USS CIRCE)
Mr. Speake has portrayed the MCO of USS CIRCE since the unit's opening 8 years ago, one of the longest continuous tenures in the history of the club. In that time, he managed to create characters- both PC's and NPC's alike- that feel more like family than simply a collection of words.  That, in addition to his steadfast dedication to CIRCE and ASR, makes Mr. Speake a player who will be sorely missed.

* Kimberly Huff-Caplan (CO, DS13)
Mrs. Huff-Caplan has held command of DS13/SERAPIS for over three years; in that time, she has overseen the growth in both size and complexity of the unit's storylines and been a great individual motivator.  A player whose departure will leave a hole in ASR.


GOLD Fleet:      USS CIRCE


SILVER Fleet:    None
SAPPHIRE Fleet:  None
GREEN Fleet:     None