USS Feynman DEC 1996: Difference between revisions

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Potest esse nur unus<br>
Potest esse nur unus<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: News of an Old Friend</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 12-4-1996</h4>
Stardate: 81204.2348<br>
Scene: Bridge<br>
MD: 7.1100<br>
Zane was sitting in the Command chair, his thoughts focused on what was
going on down on that base. Since the earlier attack, things had remained
quiet. But everyone was tense and prepared for the worst. As Zane
contemplated, he was interrupted by the voice of Lt. Jenn.
"Captain, you have an urgent message from Starfleet Command. They are requesting a
private channel." She said looking up from Ops, and toward the Captain. She
couldn't help but be a little curious. Urgent messages from Starfleet Command
were not the that common, particularly at the middle of a mission like this.
"Now? In the middle of our mission?" Zane frowned. He really needed to be
concentrating on other things. However, Starfleet could not be put on hold.
"I'll take it in my ready room."
He stood and headed off to the side of the bridge toward his ready room.
Krysa watched him go, smiling as she thought perhaps she was far to nosy
for her own good. At least it seemed to ease some of the tension on the
bridge as many were wondering about the message as she was. Looking over at
Jerran she knew he was thinking something similar, despite his almost
constant mind block.
Zane took a seat and tapped his screen to open the communiqué. A tall
dark-skinned man appeared on the screen. His dark hair was slightly graying
and his dark eyes portrayed a seriousness that did little to set Zane's
mind at ease.
<Captain Zane, I am Commodore Reese, Head of Theta VI UFP Prison Colony.>
Zane's eyes narrowed. That was the prison facility holding Dee. He wondered
what could possibly be so important that they were interrupting an
important mission. "What can I do for you Commodore."
<It is my understanding that you had contact with a prisoner of ours a
short while ago. A prisoner known as *Dee*.> the commodore said.
Zane groaned. He'd really hoped never to hear that name again. "I'm sure
her exploits with the FEYNMAN are in her file, Commodore. Other then when I
escorted her off my ship, I haven't spoken directly to her. Though I did
receive a recorded message from her, but that's the last contact we've
<Have you heard anything from her within the last 48 hours?> the Commodore
"No, I have not." Zane answered not liking the sound of this. "Not since
the recorded message when she first arrived at your facility, several days
ago.. What's going on, Commodore?"
<She's escaped. With no clues as to how she did it. We have reason to
believe she may contact you. I am hoping we can count on you to let us know
if you hear anything from her?>
"Of course," nodded Zane. He couldn't believe that a Starfleet High
Security prison facility couldn't keep her for longer the a couple of days.
Then again, she did have friends .. he shook away the thought and
continued, "Though I don't know why she would contact me."
<I'll be frank with you, Captain, we know what was in the recorded message
she sent you. We figure she may still try and collect on whatever she was
holding over you.> The Commodore frowned at Zane, <After all it did get her
off your ship without being handed over to the authorities, despite her
The Captain didn't like the man's innuendo, "I assure you, Commodore, at
this time there is nothing she holds that will have any bearing on me," he
said vehemently.
<I hope that's the case, Captain.> he said pointedly, <But none the less,
if she does contact you ..>
"I will let you know, sir." Zane said finishing the older gentleman's
thoughts for him.
<Very well, I will be in contact with you again, Captain. Reese out.>
Zane sat staring at the UFP logo on the screen, wondering how he was going
to tell Krysa about this.
Scene: Bridge
Everyone turned to watch the Captain as he exited his ready room, each
waiting for some clue as to what the message had been about. However they
didn't have time to ponder the question long as a light started flashing on
Krysa's console, "Captain. A small vessel has just left the Reaver Base."
"What is it?"
"Trying to get a scan on it now," she replied.
"It's the shuttlepod, sir." Said Jerran incredulously.
"Confirmed," said Jenn, as though there could have been any doubt that
Jerran would recognize the shuttlepod's signature. "Sir, it's heading away
from the base at it's top speed. And away from us."
They all turned to the Captain to await his next orders.
Lt. Krysa Jenn<br>
NRPG: Okay here is a rework of my last post, along with a little something<br>
added. Sorry I'm not more creative lately :{<br>
Kristen & Scott Gant<br><br>
