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USS Ranger | USS Yorktown | USS Circe ( Starbase Serenity) | Free Threads

Played by Mark D. Stroyer - updated SD 220702.


A. Billet Information

  • NAME: Simpek
  • AGE (Terran): 58 STY
  • DATE OF BIRTH: 2364
  • PLACE OF BIRTH: Vulcan
  • SPECIES: Vulcan (Full-blooded)
  • GENDER: Male
  • RANK: Lieutenant (O-3)

B. Family

  • LANGUAGES SPOKEN: Fluent in Federation Standard, Vulcan

C. Appearance

  • EYES: Black
  • HAIR: Black
  • HEIGHT: 6' 0"

Vulcans have a certain knack for acting and appearing completely stereotypical. There is a ‘standard male Vulcan’ profile, into which Simpek fits neatly. He stands at just six feet tall, with black hair and brown eyes. His face is, of course, stolid at all times, although in the range of Vulcan expressiveness, displays considerably less alertness and exudes a slight tinge of sadness. He carries himself typically straight, and all movements are logically efficient and calculated.


From birth until 2382, underwent the standard Vulcan regiment of education and training, with no deviations, no notable addendums, no distinguishment aside from the typical early life of a standard Vulcan.

Despite being middling in all qualities in Vulcan terms, he managed to find himself inducted into the Vulcan Science Academy, for reliability if nothing else. From 2382 to 2411, he learned and worked for the advancement of science and understanding, and sometimes taught of it. His primary field was botany, specializing in evolutionary genetics, with only a few brief and unnotable deviations from that specific realm.

Outside of his scientific work and life, there is nothing on file. However, in 2411 he abruptly abrogated his tenure in the Vulcan Science Academy, and for one year has no recorded activity. In 2313, he unexpectedly sought and gained admission to Starfleet Academy, and then proceeded to gain a career in the security and tactical branches.

From here, Simpek served on various vessels across the spectrum of Starfleet’s operations, with his record gaining a few minor distinguishments for appropriate actions.


Simpek’s personality report has a sharp division in it. According to his Vulcan Science Academy profile, his report is distinctly Vulcan - stoic and logical - though with a somewhat relaxed manner for a Vulcan, and an affection for ironic wit.

However, following his departure, his file takes a different direction. Throughout his Starfleet file, Simpek’s personality takes Vulcan logic to its logical conclusion. He is described as being purely logical, with little else. Even without Vulcan disciplines, he would be still be dispassionate. He is devoid of motivation, or interest beyond strict logic. The actions he does continue seem to be by some dogged determination, and a vague reference to the dictates of logic, the meaning long lost. Also, his analysis are frequently pessimistic, even fatalistic, and he has a tendency towards dark sarcasm. In synopsis, he is a typical Machiavellian, willing to use whatever means necessary to achieve a goal, above any other moral consideration.

He is punctual to the extreme, always arriving precisely on-time, even to the very second. Previous captains frequently joked that they set their chronometers by him. It is also nearly impossible to make him hurry, as he maintains a constant measured, efficient stride, of which even combat has difficulties shaking out of him.

His only interests are those which directly correlate to his duties, as being logical to their accomplishment, all of which are carried out with mechanical efficiency. However, it has made him a proficient marksman, and a formidable hand-to-hand combatant, although he prefers application of the nerve pinch whenever possible.