RT0704- P07.01.01
From StarFleet Bureau of Information
Name: Amendment to Rules and Procedures for the ASR Round Table section 3.A.2 and 3.B.2 Author: Noah Rains and Jeffrey Jenkins Summary: This section governs eligibility for the position of RT Secretary. Rationale: For most years there has been no difficulty selecting a volunteer for the Secretary position from those seated as unit representatives. But for two sessions over the last 10 years, a volunteer from outside the normal RT roll has stepped forward to fill for the job. As this shows interest and a desire to be more involved in the governance of the club, this is something to be encouraged. Text of Proposal: The text of section 3.A.2 and 3.B.2 shall be changed to read: (3.A.2) 2. Secretary The calling and tallying of the Roll, the presentation of the Agenda, the tabulation of votes on the items of the Agenda, and the reporting of the conduct of the Flag Council and the proceedings of the Round Table shall be the duties of a Secretary of the ASR Round Table, chosen as such from among general club members who are not seated at the RT as Flag officers. (3.B.2) 2. Secretary The fact of being Round Table Secretary does not affect in any way that player's original status as the representative of a Role Playing Unit or as an observer. A RT member who is Secretary may discuss and vote on Proposals and Motions without prejudice. An RT observer who is Secretary may not discuss or vote on Proposals and Motions. <END PROPOSAL> Respectfully submitted, Kevin Thigpen RT Secretary Delegate USS FEARLESS