Jordon Kabreigny
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- played by Michael Dailey
- Last Updated SD 370215
STAR FLEET SERVICE RECORD Revision Dates: 1 – 100412, 2 - 350509 NAME: Jordon Theodore Kabreigny, Esq. RANK: [O-7] Commodore SERVICE NUMBER: SC4A-79968-FDX-013-LC2 POSITION: COMJAG, Commander Star Fleet Judge Advocate General's Corps RATING: Staff Officer PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: GENDER: Male RACE: Terran/Vulcan [Terran predominance] HOME WORLD: Arvada III D.O.B.: October 23, 2371 [Terran Calendar] AGE: 66 HAIR: Dark grey/specks of brown EYES: Bright Blue HT: 5-11 WT: 162 HANDEDNESS: Ambidextrous ORIENTATION: Metrosexual EDUCATION: LL.B. - Federation Law LL.B. - Star Fleet Code of Military Justice M.S. - Xeno Sociology B.S. - Xeno Psychology B.S. - Computer science Graduate - Star Fleet Academy - Class of 2393 Graduate - SFIA Foreign Operations College - Class of 2395 Graduate Flag Officer Orientation School - Class of 2431 RELIGION: None FOCUSES: Terran 'checkers' board game, old Terran and Rihannsu literature, Vulcan Music, Terran Military History, cycling, jogging, and hiking. FAVORITES: Hot Dark Chocolate w/ a shot of brandy, Italian food, dark roast coffee BLACK. DISLIKES: Cold temperatures, Klingon dishes, swimming, zero-gravity. PHYSICAL/MENTAL LIMITATIONS: Irreparable nerve damage to left hand, resulting in sporadic pain and lack of dexterity. FITNESS REPORT: SD 340131, all tests standard. No deviations from the norm. PERSONALITY QUIRKS: The tragic accidental death of his wife has haunted him for years, and has never remarried. There is an extremely tight bond between Jordon and his son Joko. He was also very close to his brother Kyle until his death in 2422. An adventurer at heart, loves to solve a good mystery, challenge, puzzle or dilemma. PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE: Very stubborn, yet will ultimately admit when he is wrong. Bold, willing to take chances. Duty and honor bound, extremely loyal, once someone's EARNED his trust. NOTEWORTHY IDOLS: Captain Robert April NCC-1701 2245-2250 Rear Admiral Silvar COMSFDOC 2361-2408 Rear Admiral Kagan COMJAG 2408-2411 FAMILY: Wife - Tileen Kabreigny (Bauer) [Deceased 2403] Son - Joko Sebastian Soval Kabreigny [Age: 45] Brother - Klye Patric Kabreigny [Deceased 2422] Father - Theodore Benjamin Kabreigny [Deceased 2409] Mother - T'quel Kabreigny [Age: 143] Grandmother [Paternal] - Isabel Juliana Kabreigny (Strauss) [Deceased] Grandfather [Paternal] - Micha Thomas Kabreigny [Deceased] Great-Grandmother [Paternal] - Vice Admiral Quarlo Noriece Kabreigny (McDonnell) [Deceased] Great-Grandfather [Paternal] - Anthony Mitchell Kabreigny [Deceased] BIOGRAPHY: Jordon is the great-grandson of Vice Admiral Quarlo Noriece Kabreigny, Chief of Star Fleet Science Division from 2249 until her death in 2277 at the age of 104. The Kabreigny Family, who traces their genealogy back some 400 years, have always been staunch supporters of NASA, UESPA, the Federation, and Star Fleet's role as a tool of exploration, research, and scientific endeavors. In 2362, Jordon's father Theodore was stationed on Vulcan as a Cultural Advisor to the Star Fleet Liaison on Vulcan. That year, T'qel, an acquaintance and co-worker of his, were married in the traditional Vulcan ceremony. Near the end of the year, Theodore and T'quel moved to Aveda III, where he was assigned to evaluate the second colonization attempt, after it's disastrous demise in 2234. In 2371, Jordon was born to ecstatic parents, to be raised in a human lifestyle. Two years later saw the birth of Jordon's brother, Kyle. That year Theodore accepted a position as a civilian cultural advisor to Star Fleet Command, the Kabreigny family left Aveda III for their new home in Armstrong City, SOL 3-A. (Terra's moon) Being close to Star Fleet throughout his entire adolescent years inspired Jordon's interest in Military History. Many hours spent absorbing all he could about Star Fleet, the old United Nations, and other military services of Terra and other Federation members. By the age of 16, Jordon was a young & accomplished expert in Federation history. The principles and values of the Federation, Star Fleet, shared by the Kabreigny family, lead Jordon to pursue a Legal career and was accepted into Armstrong University in the fall of 2389. In October that year, Jordon met Candice Riley, a sophomore and fellow law student. A very swift and passionate romance led to their marriage in December. What friends and family deemed the 'perfect marriage' turned out to be the opposite. Different goals, different personalities, and many 'shady' rumors about Candice and adventures with other fellows found her asking for a divorce and Jordon seeking an annulment, which was completed in May 2383. As the '90 term at Armstrong University drew to a close, Jordon's grades and interest were both very lacking, which was unusual for the honors student. As much as he adored studying law, the university held many sour memories he would rather forget. Desiring a radical change in his young life, Jordon spoke with both his father and one of his best friends, Lieutenant Johan Bauer, who at the time was an instructor at Armstrong Lunar Base. Between his friend, his father, and the Kabreigny family pride, Jordon chose to apply to Star Fleet Academy and was accepted for the fall '91 term as a Sophomore, earning one year credit from Armstrong. As a Sophomore at the Academy, Jordon saw little time for anything except his studies. His second year was met with crisis when Jordon and a group of three other Cadets were caught Sneaking into their dorm rooms after curfew by campus security. The security officer grew hostile with the Cadets, who responded defensively. Due to the circumstances, they only suffered a reprimand and not expulsion. The third year saw Jordon promoted to Senior Cadet, and May of 2393 saw his graduation with honors, and commissioned as Lieutenant, Junior Grade despite the infraction and rebuke of his freshman year. Graduation from Armstrong Lunar Base took just over a month, and being in Star Fleet had re-ignited his yearning to finish his last two years for his Federation Law degree. Jordon returned to Star Fleet Academy to complete his degree, and was assigned as an aide in the Judge Advocate General's office, SB Alpha. During this time, Jordon and his CO, LtCdr. Johan Bauer grew to become best of friends, frequenting the finer lounges of Old Town San Francisco and have remained close to this day as their career paths seemed to align and move together throughout their entire length of service. Jordon bounced around assignments and roles throughout his entire Star Fleet career. While only experiencing a few years of Starship duty, Jordon was not sorry with the path he chose. First a lengthy tour in the Judge Advocate General's office in a variety of roles, and later multiple billets in the now defunct Star Fleet Intelligence Agency. The tour in SFIA provided the young officer with comprehensive package of experiences, insight and a network of contacts, all of which would become invaluable in later years. As a line officer in the field, years of bouncing from assignment to assignment grew weary, and lead Jordon to accept a staff officer's assignment in the Internal Affairs Division. Then, for six years he served as aide to Commander Johan Bauer, his best friend in the Star Fleet Diplomatic Corps., working with the Ambassadorial staff to develop and smooth cooperation between many Federation and non-aligned systems. Months after taking his first Starship assignment, Jordon is notified of a ground car accident, resulting in his wife's death. Upon return to Terra, Jordon retires from Star Fleet. TIMELINE: 2389 [September] - Accepted to Armstrong University of Law, Medicine, and Science - Federation Law Major 2389 [December] - Married to Candice Riley, fellow law student at AU. 2390 - [May] Divorced Candice, mutual agreement. Left Armstrong U.L.M.S. Applied to S.F. Academy. 2391 - [September] Admitted to Star Fleet Academy 2391 [November] RECORDED REPRIMAND - Disobeying direct orders. Lt.Maj. Reginald Smythe, S.F.A. Security. 2392 - Promoted to Senior Cadet 2393 - [May] Graduated with Honors as Lieutenant Junior Grade. Assigned to Armstrong Lunar Base 2393 - [June] Graduated ALB, returned to Academy to complete Fed. Law degree. Assigned as an aide and legal assistant at SFJAG Alpha 2395 - Married Lt. Tileen Stuart, Star Fleet Diplomatic Corps. Cdr. Johan Bauer, best man 2397 - [May] Completed Law Degree. Assigned asst-J.A.G. - Starbase 131. Working toward 2n LL.B. 2399 - [May] Awarded Purple Heart - Suffered a mild concussion and extensive nerve damage to left arm during Maquis attack. 2399 - [October] Promoted to full Lieutenant. 2401 - Completed second LL.B. degree, Transferred to new experimental Starbase - Deep Space One. 2390 - [March] Son Joko is born. Begins B.S. in Xeno Sociology. 2393 - [April] Completes B.S. in Xeno Sociology, applies to Star Fleet Intelligence Agency - [June] Accepted into SFIA - sent to Foreign Operations school. 2394 - [January] Graduates from SFIA F.O. school, promoted to Lt. Commander - Assigned to Star Fleet Intelligence Agency - Rihannsu Operations Division 2397 - Transferred to staff position in SFIA - Internal Affairs Division, SB ALPHA 2400 - [November] Requests transfer to Diplomatic Corps. - [December] Assigned as Aide to Commander Johan Bauer, Diplomatic Corps CO. 2402 - Detached to the KITTY HAWK, his 1st starship assignment, sent to Altalia III as part of the pre-admission team. 2403 - [September] Wife Tileen dies in groundcar accident. 2404 - [January] Jordon submits resignation to Commander Bauer, picks up Joko on earth, then returns to home on Aveda III. 2404-2408 Jordon spends time raising his teenage son by himself. In July of 2408, Joko leaves for college at Purdue University. 2408 - [November] After a luncheon reunion, Commander Bauer talks Jordon into re-activating his commission and to take a deep-space assignment aboard a starship. 2408 - [December] Lieutenant Commander Kabreigny is returned to active duty after nearly five years 'retirement' - Assigned CNS on the USS BURKE. 2408-2410 BURKE CO, Captain Daniel Garret and Jordon become close friends until the Captain is transferred, and they sadly lose contact over the years. 2412 October – Promoted to Commander, Jordon returns to SFJAG Alpha to work with Captain Bauer in building and operating a new pilot team, Star Fleet Criminal Investigative Service (SFCIS). 2428 March – As Commodore Bauer elects to take early retirement, Jordon is promoted to Captain and CO of the SFCIS Task Force. 2431 January – The success of the SFCIS is recognized, and a second task force team is ordered to be formed. Jordon graduates from Flag Officer Orientation School and is promoted to Commodore and CO over the ever growing team. 2435 January – Temporary reassignment to [RESTRICTED O-10 CLEARNACE REQUIRED] {{Detached duty to Section 31 on Romulus}}. 2435 February – Jordon is officially listed as Missing In Action 2435 May – Returns to active duty, assigned as Divisional JAG Commander, SB EPSILON 2345 June – Assigned as Acting COMJAG, SB ALPHA RECORD NOTES: "Cadets Kabreigny, Hicks, and Dailey were apprehended this evening attempting to sneak back into their rooms after curfew. The reports of all three Cadets state they admit their mistake, but the security officer who detained them acted belligerent and abusive. The Cadets responded likewise to the Officer, who called for backup. While this incident is regrettable, and the Cadets were only defending themselves, it does not excuse them from being AWOL. It is the decision of myself and the Assistant-Commandant that a reprimand be placed in each of their files." - Lt. Major Reginald Smythe, Star Fleet Academy Security - Commodore Hontoro Naurosso - Asst. Cmdt. "As of this date, I graduate Lieutenant, j.g. Kabreigny from Armstrong Lunar Base after one month of excellent simulation scores. I must admit, it's been a long time since I've seen a graduate with a mind a sharp as his. Many of the simulations I run, have the same outcome, time after time. Not the case with Mr. Kabreigny. I have cautioned Mr. Kabreigny, though. Sometimes his sharp temper and sharp tongue get in the way of his sharp mind." - Lt. Jerome Speers, Instructor, Armstrong Lunar Base "For being wounded in the line of duty, I present Lieutenant, j.g. Jordon Kabreigny with Starfleet's Purple Heart. For the past several months, Mr. Kabreigny has worked practically non-stop in the Judge Advocate General's office to help stop and arrest the Maquis traitors. Only as a last-ditch attempt do the cowards strike their own base. Mr. Kabreigny, I commend your actions, and Godspeed. - Captain Angelia Boorman - CO Starbase 131 "Today is a somber day for all in Starfleet, for myself especially. Effective today, I accept and approve Lieutenant Commander Jordon Kabreigny's request for early retirement, due to the death of his wife in a tragic accident. Star Fleet is losing a valued officer, and I am losing a top-notch aide and a trusted and close friend. Good Luck, my friend." - Commander Johan M. Bauer, Chief of Star Fleet Diplomatic Corps - Starbase ALPHA “I hate goodbyes, so I never say them – only see you in the future, my great and longtime friend Commodore Johan Bauer retires with 47 years of brilliant and dedicated service to Star Fleet and the Federation. While the loss of my trusted ‘right-hand man’ will be a sore pain for quite some time, I cannot think of a better person to take his place than Jordon Kabreigny. Sir, you have an enormous legacy and big shoes to fill, as of this date you are now Commodore Jordon Theodore Kabreigny, Commanding Officer of the Star Fleet Criminal Investigative Service (SFCIS) task force. Gentlemen, enjoy the journey on the paths that lie before you.” - RADM Jevel Torsoria, COMJAG