ASR Character Biofile Template
From StarFleet Bureau of Information
================================================================== 1.02- --Rank and Full Name-- --Billet-- (played by --Your Name-- --E-mail Address--) ================================================================== I. PERSONAL STATISTICS =========================== FULL NAME: SURNAME: GIVEN NAME: CURRENT RANK: CURRENT BILLET: SPECIES (EXTRACTION): GENDER/SEX: AGE: DOB: POB: PARENTS: SIBLINGS: SPOUSE: CHILDREN: PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: HEIGHT: WEIGHT: HAIR: EYES: SKIN TONE: BLODD TYPE: VISION: RELIGION: CITIZENSHIP: LANGUAGES: ============================== II. EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND ============================== A. Academic Institutions Attended: ---------------------------------- -- Star Fleet Academy (--Degree--) B. Service Schools Attended: ---------------------------- -- Star Fleet Space Warfare Officers School C. Qualifications: ------------------ --List Qualifications here-- D. Star Fleet Academy Record: ----------------------------- Honors: Academic Major: Professional Major: Class Rank: Reprimands: Commendations: Athletics: Activities: ========================== III. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES ========================== A. Chronology (tabular form): ------------------------------ --EXAMPLE CHRONOLOGY-- 0-18: Attended Public Schooly system 18: Accepted into Star Fleet Academy 18-22: Attended Star Fleet Academy 23-Present: Active duty in Star Fleet B. Background Summary: ---------------------- --Fill in all of the different things in the character's past that makes him/her what he/she is today: family relationships, friends, mentors, setbacks and triumphs, tragedies, etc. This is where you build the foundation of the character, and give support to why the character will behave the way he/she will in role play.-- --Don't skimp on this part- it should be at least a couple of paragraphs. Remember: just like real people, characters are in part products of their past experiences. This is the backbone of the character, and the most important part of the bio.-- C. Personality Summary: ----------------------- --This should be a personality snapshot: what kind of a person is he/she? What is he/she like? How to others perceive him?-- ========================================================================= IV. OFFICIAL STAR FLEET RECORD ================================== A. Promotion History: --------------------- Star Date (24)190501: Commissioned as Ensign (O-1) B. Service History: ------------------- Star Date (24)150801: Entered Star Fleet Academy Star Date (24)190501: Graduated from Star Fleet Academy; commissioned as Ensign (O-1) Academic Major: --A Normal College Degree here-- Professional Major: --a military degree here-- Star Date (24)190701: Assigned as xxx, ORESTES STATION (Note: Ships recorded at classification at the time officer was assigned, not their current re-classification.) C. Medals and Commendations ---------------------------- None at this time. ========================================================================== V. Skills Profile ================== --a paragraph about the character's abilities and skills-- ========================================================================== VI. Recent Fitness Reports ========================== --a blurb written by a former commanding officer, teacher, or some person in an authoritative position that comments on the character's performance, dedication, etc.-- ========================================================================== VIII. Current Recreational Interests ================================== --a paragraph about what the character enjoys when off-duty.-- ========================================================================== IX. Miscelleneous Information ============================= --this part is not always used; you can put any information that you may want other players to know about, but you don't want characters to know. ---------------------------End Bio chip------------------------------------