ORIGINS: USS Hood July 2010

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ORIGINS: USS Hood Story Posts
Last Updated: 2262.059

Total Posts: 420+


by Andy Catterick

SD: 2261.188

Scene: Unknown

“Ooompff.” Jack grunted as a blue and red tidal wave knocked him out of the path of the phaser discharge. He didn’t have time to thank Gar because as they both hit the ground they were forced to roll out of the way as HOOD’s security chief continued to fire his phaser. “Rick!” Steele shouted as he rolled back into his cell knowing that he was placing himself into a dead end. He hoped it would only be figurative.

Commander Gar had been able to roll in the opposite direction and as Rick Payne stumbled forward one hand in front of his face as if it to block out something while he continued to fire his weapon at the captain with the other. He didn’t seem to notice the prone body of the Andorian engineer his face intently searching out Steele. Eventually he strode by Gar who lashed out with his legs and brought the security officer down. Jack had been waiting and immediately leaped into the fray.

The struggle was brief and was broken up when Rick seemed to return to his senses. “Captain?”

Jack and Gar traded a look before turning back to examine Payne. “Did you want to perhaps explain yourself commander?” Jack asked breaking the bewildered silence.

“I’m not quite sure captain. I was in my cage and then my phaser suddenly started to work. I took down the forcefield and I stepped out into the corridor. Except it wasn’t the corridor. It was some frozen wasteland. I was walking through a blizzard and then I could suddenly see this large animal charging towards me. I started firing my phaser and a few seconds later I returned here.”

Jack loosened his grip and then returned to his feet. “You never left. The animal you thought you were shooting at was me.”

“You sir?”

“Some sort of mind control.” Gar reasoned. “Does your phaser still work commander?”

Rick powered down the setting and carefully aimed at the floor. It fired. Jack and then Gar tried theirs with the same result.

A sense of impending disaster began to descend on Jack as he began walking down the corridor towards the cell that Zade and Stile were in. He was relieved to see the forcefield was deactivated while at the same time concerned at the implications. As the three HOOD officers strode into the cell they found the doctor and navigator standing and staring at each other.

“Dr. Corbett?” Jack asked not expecting and answer.

Gar picked up Stile’s medical tricorder and quickly ran it over both of them. “Lifesigns are stable, brian function elevated as are their stress levels.”

Jack reached out to grab the doctor’s shoulder. As he did the scene changed.

“Welcome to the Alamo sar.” Stile said after a brief pause. He nodded to Gar and Payne. “I wonder if you are all real or a further figament of my imagination.”

“Real enough.” Jack answered as he took in his new surroundings. “The Alamo? Texas?” He grimaced as Stile nodded. “I hate westerns.”


Ugh that was terrible.

Too bad we don’t have nameless Red Shirt who can get killed to ‘prove’ this is real.

Well lets see we’ve gone from ‘The Corbomite Maneuver’ to ‘The Menagerie’ to ‘Spectre of the Gun’. I wonder how many more episodes we can cover here. I guess you could even make a case we briefly covered ‘All our Yesterdays’



CAPT Jack Steele



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: When the Gods Tremble

by Brian V. Mansur

SD 2261.191

Scene: Crew Quarters, Talosian Ship

The younger Talosian continued to wonder at the real goals of his superiors. They had far crossed the line of simple observation. Their manuplations of the lower sapients bordered on sadistic: violent without obvious purpose. Unless there were a purpose here beyond his understanding. And what were they really doing with the ships they had already hauled back to Talos? Observing their crews too?

He no longer believed them. They wanted *something* from these lower beings and it bothered him greatly that he could not divine what. Then the troubled solitude of his mind was shattered.

[They are coming!] the overlord Talosian minds warned. A mental image of the USS HOOD dropping out of warp accompanied the alert.

So, that Neo Federation ship was returning. And what was this? His mind couldn't touch it. The ship was a ball of noise that hurt to even examine. He shot to his feet, now greatly concerned for his own physical existance. Right or wrong, they could not let that ship find them. Their barge had no weapons. There had never been the need for any. How short sighted their leaders had been. He had to find a way to help.

Resolutely the Talosian left his compartment for the ship's bridge.

NRPG: POV for the bad guys. It is July 10th and we have ONE post aside from this one on the board. Come on guys!

Respectfully Submitted,

Brian V. Mansur

LCDR Sean Merrick



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: When the Gods Crap Their Pants

by Brian V. Mansur

SD 2261.191

Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD

Sean gritted his teeth as another wave of nausea threatened to knock him off his feet. The damned theta radiation was already playing havoc with him. Or was it the mild concusion that Tamura had given him?

"Tamura, we getting anything on comms?"

"Quiet as a herd of dead crickets sir."

"Cute," Sean smirked. "Hemux. What do you see?"

"Picking up a plasma trail. The RUTLEDGE has been moved, probably at sublight, along bearing 341 mark 23."

"In the solar ecliptic?"

"More or less. My best guess is that they are somewhere about the asteroid belt in the inner system."

"Right. Easy to see where we have to go then."

"Very easy sir. I got the RUTLEDGE now and it's bugging a rock. Here's something else. A single ship. Unarmed.

Sean smiled predatorially. "Tamura, open all channels to those ships." Tamura looked a bit confused at the unusual request but complied. "All channels open sir."

Sean stood up and walked towards the view. "Whoever you are you mother frakers, we're coming to kick your asses."

Close frequencies.

On the Talosian vessel, several crewmen who received that message lost control of their bowel functions.

NRPG: POV for the good guys. It is July 10th and we have TWO posts aside from this one on the board. Come on guys! Postlet Postlet Postlet!

Respectfully Submitted,

Brian V. Mansur

LCDR Sean Merrick



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: When the Gods Get Their Asses Kicked

by Brian V. Mansur

SD 2261.191

Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD

"Shields are going up on the RUTLEDGE," Hemux reported.

Sean resolutely ordered, "Tactical, torch the engines on that unarmed ship. Fire when ready. Tamura, use the prefix codes to secure the RUTLEDGE."

Within seconds, the USS HOOD opened up on the Talosian. The aft hull of the naked barge almost instantly melted into grade A slag beneath a brilliant barage of phaser blasts. Waves of explosive decompressions knocked the ship off axis and sent the it slowly spinning away from the nearby asteroid.

At the same time the RUTLEDGE stood down, obeying the digital commands of the HOOD's communications officer.

All too easy, Sean thought. Way too easy in fact. He would be royally pissed if this turned out to be another hallucination.

"Hemux, are any of our people over there?" The scientist did not answer. "Hemux," Sean repeated. He looked back to the science station to see why Hemux was so quiet.

"Oh frak," he cursed.

NRPG: Another POV for the good guys. It is July 10th and we have THREE posts aside from this one on the board. Come on guys! I'm giving her all she's got!

Respectfully Submitted,

Brian V. Mansur

LCDR Sean Merrick



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: When the Gods Die

by Brian V. Mansur

SD 2261.191

Scene: Bridge, USS HOOD

Sean jumped out of his chair and rushed to the prone form of Hemux. He turned the Denobulan on her side. Blood oozed out of her nose. "Medics to the Bridge!" he called. "Hemux, you still awake? I don't want to have to hit you again."

Hemux responded by drunkenly swinging an arm that lightly cuffed his jaw. "Nawt necessawy," she slurred. "I hate theta waves."

"You and me both," Sean smiled. Hemux's head lolled in his arms. "Hey, don't do that. You scare me."

"So be nice and turn off the theta."

"So much for 2 hours time huh?"

"Miscalculanation. Scrambling my's doing that yeah."

"Or maybe it is another mental attack."

"Sure, whateva," she said drowsily.

Presently the medics arrived and gave Hemux a stimulant. Like switching on a light, Hemux brightened back to coherence.

"Well that helped," Sean said, impressed, as Hemux shakily crawled back to her consol.

"Ok," Hemux said, "Okay, I'm checking the alien ship and RUTLEDGE." She frowned. "Sir, there are no life signs. But," and Hemux put a hand to her mouth in shock. "My heavens, sir, there are lots of bodies."

NRPG: Another POV for the good guys. It is July 10th and we have FIVE posts including this one on the board. Come on guys! This crap is just too easy to write. There really isn't an excuse for us to have sooooo few posts this far into the month. Hell, even the CONNIE is beating us up!

Respectfully Submitted,

Brian V. Mansur

LCDR Sean Merrick



[ORIGINS] USS HOOD: A Newer Reality

by Andy Catterick

SD: 2261.191

Scene: Cell, Unknown


A sense of impending disaster began to descend on Jack as he began walking down the corridor towards the cell that Zade and Stile were in. He was relieved to see the forcefield was deactivated while at the same time concerned at the implications. As the three HOOD officers strode into the cell they found


…Zade and Stile .

Stile and Zade quickly relayed the experience they had shared and listened as Payne relayed his adventure.

“Mind control.” Steele said in conclusion.

“It would seem.” Corbett agreed. “But to what end?”

“The First Federation’s initial encounter with Starfleet involved testing the ship and her crew.” Gar offered.

“True but it was a case of subterfuge, guile and bluff there was no hint of mind control during or after.”

Jack groaned. “I hate this kind of crap. Its almost bad as time travel.”

‘So potentially this could have nothing to do with the First Federation?” Rick asked. “And the emergency with RUTLEDGE might have all been a fabrication.”

“At this point we really have no way of knowing.” Zade agreed.

“Everything is suspect. Including all of us.” Gar added.

“Well as far as I am concerned I’m real and so are all of you. Except maybe Stile, I’ve always question his reality.”

“I question it everyday.”

“I suggest we stop playing along with our jailors and see what that brings us.”

Suddenly the scene changed.

“That might not work.


Just cleaning up my slip up and getting it back on track.



CAPT Jack Steele



USS HOOD: Cutting the hardware

by David Martins

SD 2261.191


<Snip from Brian>

"Ok," Hemux said, "Okay, I'm checking the alien ship and RUTLEDGE." She frowned. "Sir, there are no life signs. But," and Hemux put a hand to her mouth in shock. "My heavens, sir, there are lots of bodies."

<End of Snip>

Hemux shivered as she read the numbers out, "There is just no one alive, Sir" she said with a tremble in her voice. "Every single crewmember is dead. We're picking up the correct number of bodies that are indicated by the internal sensors of the RUTLEDGE. It seems they are matching up with the crewmanifest."

Arr'Rhiana's face was pale as she tought of the indications of such a masacre. If this was caused by the unknown aliens on the ship, then this meant no less then an act of war.

"I am comparing the crewmanifest with the last indication of each crewmember logged in the RUTLEDGE ships log." Suddenly she frowned "There is something wrong, these lists do not match..." Frantic she tapped her keyboard and scanned the RUTLEDGE again. This time she did a more throughout scan, counting each body for known physical parameters, length, weight, race and so on.

"HERE ! I have it!" She turned to Merrick "Something or someone is jamming with our sensors the numbers of bodies are exact those of the last crewmanifest of the RUTLEDGE, but we beamed our away-team on the ship! So there should have been more bodies."

"Sean shrugged his shoulders "So maybe the away team is not on the RUTLEDGE? Or maybe some crewmembers have leftthe ship in a lifepod or so?"

Hemux gave him a smile "No Sir, According to the list with names, the members of the HOOD are on board. So that is impossible, how can crewmembers f the HOOD be on the crewmanifest for the RUTLEDGE? No, it's again something playing with us."

Sean looked troubled "So the tetha-waves are not helping?"

"They do, I think this is something with our sensors or the RUTLEDGE computersystem. I suggest sending in a new away team, or at east a shuttlecraft to get closer readings."


Just making it a bit harder... And adding a post to the numbers ofcourse.


David Martens

Lt ARr'Rhiana Hemux CSciO , Sovereignty Fleet USS HOOD NCC 1703