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UPDATED: SD 360317
UPDATED: SD 360317

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PLAYER:  Tim Tyson
PLAYER:  Tim Tyson
E-MAIL:  timtyson99@gmail.com
E-MAIL:  timtyson99@gmail.com

Revision as of 18:32, 17 March 2024

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Probationary Agent (AG-1) Vodal Karrec

SFSECIS PA Shield.png

UPDATED: SD 360317

PLAYER:  Tim Tyson
E-MAIL:  timtyson99@gmail.com
STATUS:  Second character
FULL NAME:  Vodal Zarrec
SURNAME:  Zarrec
GRADE: Probationary Agent (AG-1)
BILLET: Field Investigator
UNIT:  SFSECIS Major Case Response Team #7 - Squad 2, Starbase Beta/7 Andor System
RATING: Field Agent 
STATUS: Active January 2436

AGE:  36 years old
DOB:  3/20/2399  	          
POB:  Ses'erakh (Cardassia City )
PARENTS: Krolek (father), Gul in Cardassian Navy. Mother deceased.
SPOUSE:  None.    
PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION: Tall and slender. Always immaculately dressed and groomed. 
HEIGHT:  6’ 2” (1.88 m)
WEIGHT:  165 lbs (74.8 kg)
HAIR: Black. Neatly styled and slicked back. 
EYES: Gray.
SKIN TONE:  Grayish-brown.
BLOOD TYPE: X-1 (fairly common)
VISION: Excellent. 20/19.
RELIGION: Believes most religions are mere superstition.
CITIZENSHIP:  Federation
LANGUAGES:  Cardassian, Federation Standard, Klingon, Orion

 A. Academic Institutions Attended:
University of Culat, Cardassia Prime
  Academic Majors: Computer Engineering & Psychology
Cardassian Intelligence Academy
B. Service Schools Attended:
SFSECIS Criminal Investigator’s Training Program Tycho City, Luna (Sol III-B) 
- Graduated December 2435
SFSECIS Field Agent Basic Training Program Tycho City, Luna (Sol III-B)
- Graduated January 2436

A. Chronology (tabular form):
(2399-2415) 0-16:    Attended Public School system on Cardassia Prime
(2416-2418)  17-19:  Attended University of Culat, Cardassia
(2419-2420) 20-21:  Attended Cardassian Intelligence Academy
(2421-2423) 22-24: Staff aide/computer technician at CIB HQ
(2424-2426) 25-27: ‘Computer Analyst’ at Cardassian Embassy, Q’Onos, Klingon Empire
(2427-2430) 28-31: ‘Computer Analyst’ at Cardassian Embassy, San Francisco, Earth
(2431)      32:     Trip to the Gamma quadrant as a merchant to spy on Dominion
(2432-2433) 33-34: Returned to Cardassia Prime, Worked at CIB HQ, Counter-espionage
(2434)      35:      Accused of corruption, defected to Federation, joined SFSECIS
(2435)      36:      Ready for assignment

B. Background Summary:

Vodal Karrec comes from an old and distinguished Cardassian family. His father is a ship Captain and a Gul, and his grandfather was a high-ranking member of the Obsidian Order during the Dominion War. During the ravaging of Cardassia Prime by the Jem Hadar, the old man managed to save his family, but not himself. Vodal’s father was born shortly afterwards, never knowing his father. A large part of the family fortunes, and many of its members, also died during the Dominion holocaust. Vodal, like most Cardsssians, therefore holds a deep and abiding hatred for the Dominion, and especially the Jem Hadar.

He was recognized as a brilliant student in elementary school, destined for great things. Vodal was offered an academic scholarship when he was only sixteen, and attended the famed University Of Culat, graduating in only three years with a double major: Computer Engineering and Psychology, intending to follow in his grandfather’s footsteps. 

During his studies, he was contacted and recruited by the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau (CIB), the successor of the now-defunct Obsidian Order. Upon completion of his degrees, Vodal was immediately sent to the Cardassian Intelligence Academy to prepare for his new career.

After a couple of years at CIB HQ on Cardassia Prime, where he helped overhaul and secure their computer system to great acclaim by his superiors, Vodal was sent out on his first assignment. 

He spent the next three years on Q’onos, the capital of the Klingon Empire, where he was attached to the Cardassian Embassy as a ‘Computer Analyst’. During this sojourn, he actually worked with other intelligence agents, including OSFI, conducting joint operations at times. 

Following that stay, he was sent to Earth with the same cover occupation, where he spent the next four years. Everyone pretty much knew he was a spy, but Vodal managed to never get caught despite being under almost constant surveillance. He was a fixture at the Embassy party circuit, and also mixed freely with Earth’s wealthy and political elites, traveling all over the  planet, often as the guest of various acquaintances. He retains a great fondness for Earth and its culture, preferring it to any other planet he served on, with the sole exception of his home on Cardassia Prime.

Although he was heavily involved in computer work at both Embassies, his primary mission was gathering intelligence, either electronically or physically. Vodal claims he received several commendations and promotions during his off-world adventures, although of course those are impossible to verify. Perhaps the best reflection of his expertise is that he was never caught, or so he claims, although he does confess to several close calls on both worlds.

OSFI and SFSECIS records have many references to him during this period, especially his years on Earth, but always as a ‘person of interest’ or ‘suspected intelligence agent’. Vodal was never arrested or more than briefly detained, and no conclusive evidence ever surfaced of his spying activities.

After his Earth assignment, he was recalled to Cardassia Prime briefly, then sent to the Gamma quadrant disguised as a merchant to compile a report on the Dominion. Vodal acknowledges this was probably his most difficult assignment. It was cut short when his true mission was discovered, and he had to flee ahead of his pursuers.

Back on Cardassia again, he spent the next two years in counter-espionage work. He claims to have broken up several spy ings during this time, although he has declined to provide details, and was again recognized as one of the top agents in the CIB.
 That’s where things went wrong. Encouraged by his own success and feeling invulnerable, he started examining links from those spy rings to some of their Cardassian contacts, intending to root out corruption. Although his comrades urged caution, Vodal pressed ahead, and began investigating a powerful Legate named Jupal Khamman.

Unfortunately, the Legate discovered he was under investigation (Vodal suspects one or more of his fellow CIB agents was responsible), so he moved to stifle it. To cover his own involvement, Legate Khamman framed Vodal, and such was his power and influence that the ‘evidence’ was quickly accepted by Vodal’s superiors. All of the sudden, the spy-catcher became the hunted.

Fortunately, Vodal discovered he was being set up and tried to counter the Legate's moves but was largely unsuccessful, with all his supposed allies now avoiding him to save their own careers. On the verge of being arrested, Vodal decided he had to escape Cardassia or be condemned, tortured and sentenced to a long prison term, although he suspected Legate Khamman would probably arrange a fatal accident for him at some point.

Among the prisoners Vodal had helped to capture was a fellow Cardassian who was caught spying for the Office of Starfleet Intelligence (OSFI). Vodal decided to free this agent and use him as a means of escape. In a daring sequence of events, Vodal liberated the spy, then arranged for them both to flee to the Federation, where he immediately asked for asylum, vouched for by the spy he had just rescued. 
Rumor has it he also received several complimentary recommendations from former OSFI agents who knew him, particularly one who had worked closely with him on Q’onos. Some also, strangely enough, came from Starfleet Security and Investigative Services (SFSECIS) agents who had been ‘friendly antagonists’ during his time on Earth, although they had never been able to catch him in any of his spying capers.

HIs asylum application was accepted, and Vodal renounced his Cardassian citizenship to join the Federation. The Cardassians have formally asked for his return on several occasions, but the Federation has declined those requests. It is fairly certain that he still faces an arrest warrant, if not an actual death sentence, if he ever returns to the Cardassian Union.

Vodal inquired about joining OSFI, who reluctantly denied his application, fearing he could not be trusted once he ventured outside the Federation, nor could they guarantee his safety from vengeful Cardassians. They did, however, forward his application to SFSECIS, recommending him as a valuable and experienced agent, as long as he stayed within the borders of the Federation, where he could be watched. 

OSFI maintains they believe his story, although of course many aspects of it are impossible to verify, and some in OSFI still think he may be a deep cover agent for the Cardasssians. It is also because he remains, in many ways, still loyal to the Cardassian Union. He refuses to give detailed information on the CIB to OSFI, and is reticent about many of his operations and activities, although he is quite free with others. OSFI is not pleased about this, but remains hopeful that the longer he is ‘exiled’ in the Federation, the more likely he will become to divulge these deep secrets.

Disappointed by OSFI’s rejection but eager to put his considerable skills to use, Vodal accepted their offer and was sent to SFSECIS training school, where he easily excelled, being a veteran intelligence agent among a crop of new recruits. He had trouble with some of the concepts of Federation Law, although he quickly picked up the basics. He is believed to disagree with large parts of it, given his Cardassian background, and used to their harsh laws. However, he pledged to obey the rules of SFSECIS and the laws of the Federation upon graduation, like all his fellow agents.

Now he awaits his first assignment, which would hopefully see him being teamed up with a more experienced SFSECIS agent, who could find a way to utilize his considerable intellect and intelligence skills. 
C. Personality Summary:
Vodal is a pleasant fellow, outgoing, friendly and talkative, although he is very careful of what he does or does not say. He enjoys social functions, even those where he sometimes feels unwelcome. He tends to smile a lot, although that can quickly turn into a frown if he is pondering a problem or insulted in some way. Vodal can sometimes be sarcastic and impatient with ‘lesser minds’, although overall, he can be very patient indeed.

Taking great pride in his appearance, Vodal is never seen with a hair out of place, and is almost always dressed in immaculately tailored suits. Even when dressed casually or on operations, he takes great care to look stylish and well-groomed.

A very disciplined person, Vodal likes a well-organized and planned life, and dislikes sloppiness or impulsive actions.

He does not seem to care much about money, much to his handlers’ relief, as long as he has enough to entertain and dress himself. Although he does not seem wealthy enough for many extravagances, it is believed he escaped from Cardassia with a substantial amount of credits, and has quite a comfortable ‘nest-egg’ set aside to keep up appearances and act as an emergency fund.

Somewhat saddened by the fact that he had to leave the Cardassian Union, Vodal hopes one day to be able to return. However, he has taken an oath of loyalty to the Federation, and that as long as his life is in danger back home, he will absolutely serve as best he can and give his superiors plenty of warning if he ever decides to try and return. They have in turn cautioned him that his Federation citizenship and job at SFSECIS are contingent on his absolute dedication to their service, to which he agreed. 
 Vodal is basically amoral, and considers such concepts as “right” or “wrong” hopelessly naive. He instead believes that life requires order, enforced by laws, and dedicated to serving a higher cause, such as the perpetuation and glorification of the Cardassian Union or the Federation. 
He can also be callous, free of any “moral weaknesses” like mercy or compassion, which might interfere with his mission. “The ends justify the means” may as well be his personal motto, and is something he believes absolutely. As a result, many of his interviewers concluded that he is cold and calculating underneath his usually charming exterior, which Vodal considered a compliment. 
IV. Skills Profile
Vodal is considered a computer expert equivalent to some of the best minds of the Federation, having designed, built and supervised intricate systems for the CIB and penetrated those of other galactic powers. His technical expertise also extends to small gadgets that can be useful in his work, which he often builds himself for specialized purposes. He is also a hacker of great skill, both for large computer systems and all the way down to such simple devices as door locks. 

He is an excellent shot with a hand weapon or rifle, both Cardassian and Federation models. Usually, he is known to wear a concealed sidearm, then another, smaller weapon somewhere on his person. Vodal practices constantly on ways to produce these weapons quickly, and is usually faster than any of those who oppose him. 

In physical combat, however, he is far from comfortable, and posted only mediocre scores in his self-defense classes, insisting that with proper planning and preparation, physical confrontations should almost never be necessary. He would rather use his brains to outwit his opponents, or blast them with a phaser, than fight them. He dislikes blades, and uses knives as tools rather than weapons. Vodal has been known to use small devices to shock, stun or sedate opponents, however. 

Despite his aversion to physical combat, he is in excellent physical condition, and exercises regularly, including jogging every morning if possible. He is quite strong, has good stamina, excellent eyesight and hearing, superb reflexes, and is quite capable of extended physical activity or travel.  

An experienced and very capable intelligence agent, Vodal has a wide variety of skills that are useful, such as piloting small craft, surveillance (both personal and electronic), covert procedures, cryptography, interrogation, evasion, and many others often described as ‘tradecraft’.
Like most Cardassians, Vodal has a photographic memory, which he has trained to an astonishing degree, able to recall specific passages from books or files he has just read and keep a tremendous amount of detail locked up in his mind until he has the chance to write it all down. Thanks to his mental discipline, Voidal is almost invulnerable to psionic intrusions, such as mind melds or telepathy. 
 All intelligence operatives are well-practiced liars, and Vodal is no exception. He is able to project complete sincerity at will, able to resist interrogation and even torture while maintaining his cover.
 He has been trained to spot liars by observing their body language, unconscious cues and small tell-tale signs in their conversation, and considers himself a master interrogator, preferring to work without torture unless absolutely necessary. 
 Vodal is an amateur magician, with a fondness for sleight of hand and card tricks. He is also a master of lockpicking and freeing himself from various types of restraints. Related to that, pickpocketing is a skill he is very good at, able to ‘lift’ objects undetected from his victims or plant items on them as desired. 
V. Recent Fitness Reports
Vodal Karrec is an intriguing individual. Despite the fact that he is a Cardassian, and thus usually viewed as an adversary given their aggressive and acquisitive foreign policy, he is more than willing to engage and cooperate with other species. He does, in fact, seem to have a fascination for them, so unlike his somewhat xenophobic and frequently arrogant people. His intellect is impressive, and his talents for computers even more so.

During several joint operations on Q’onos, I gained great respect for his abilities to plan and complete even the most difficult missions. He is an agent of great skill, daring and resourcefulness, once a very worthy adversary and frequent collaborator.

The Federation is indeed fortunate to recruit him, given his difficulties with the Cardassian Union. While his ultimate loyalty must logically always be considered slightly suspect, it is my opinion that considering his current circumstances, he would make an excellent recruit for SFSECIS, since security concerns prevent him from joining OSFI instead. 

Lt Commander Selek, OSFI Field Agent 

VI. Current Recreational Interests
He is a tinkerer, especially when it comes to computers, and during a lot of his free time, he can be found working on specialized gadgets or working on a computer system in some capacity. 

As stated above, Vodal likes to socialize, and can often be found at some party, restaurant or bar, even when he is not invited. He is not much of a drinker, preferring to observe and converse. Because he is such a social animal, Vodal has quite a network of friends and admirers, often in strange places. 

To keep in shape, Vodal exercises every day and jogs in the mornings whenever possible, usually several miles at a time. Wearing stylish tracksuits, of course.

VII. Official SFSECIS Employee Record
SD 2436.0121 - Certified as a Probationary Field Agent (AG-1)

SD 2336.0209 - assigned to Major Case Response Team #7-Squad 2, Starbase Beta/7 Andor System

