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<center>[[Image:Silver_wht_100.png|SILVER Fleet Insignia]]</center>
<center><font size="+2" color="silver">USS ''Nebula'' Crew Biofiles</font></center>
<center><font size="+2">'''USS NEBULA Crew Biofiles'''</font></center>
<center>'''Version 1.0''' (Updated SD 190815)</center>
<center>'''Version 1.0''' (Updated SD 190815)</center>

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===LTjg Ricardo Ricky, Chief Engineer===
===LTjg Ricardo Ricky, Chief Engineer===
* played by [ Richard Smith]
* played by [ Richard Smith]
''This biofile under construction''
'''Full Name:                    Ricardo Ricky'''<BR>
'''Current Rank:                Lt. (jg) (O-2)'''<BR>
'''Current Billet:              CEO, USS Nebula'''<BR>
'''Serial #:                    4384-7708-9114'''<BR>
'''Species:                      Human'''<BR>
'''Gender:                      Male'''<BR>
'''Age:                          28'''<BR>
'''Date of Birth:                29 August, 2388'''<BR>
'''Place of Birth:              Ontario, Canada, Earth'''<BR>
'''Parents:                      Darryl & Dana Ricky'''<BR>
'''Siblings:                    Rachel Ricky(Twin)--MIA'''<BR>
'''Spouse:                      None'''<BR>
'''Children:                    None'''<BR>
'''Physical Description:'''<BR>
'''Height:                      1.75m'''<BR>
'''Weight:                      57.85kg'''<BR>
'''Eye Color:                    Blue'''<BR>
'''Hair Color:                  Light Blonde'''<BR>
'''Blood Type:                  AB+'''<BR>
'''Vision:                      20:20'''<BR>
'''Religion:                    Catholic'''<BR>
'''Citizenship:                  Earth'''<BR>
'''SD 150601.1000:        Graduated top 5%'''<BR>
'''                      Weapons Systems Engineering'''<BR>
'''                      Tactical Operations'''<BR>
'''                      Uniform Code of Justice'''<BR>
'''                      Federation Constitutional Law'''<BR>
'''Qualifications:        Training in Security, Tactical and Engineering'''<BR>
'''Ricky was considered the black sheep of his family when he decided to go to the Academy to become an Officer.  His parents believed that the only honorable service to Starfleet was on the Non-Commissioned roster, while both of his grandfathers felt the only honorable service in the Federation was with the Marine Corps.'''<BR>
'''Ricky’s grandfathers had taught him how to accurately and effectively use all models of Federation issue phasers until he had won more trophies in Marksmanship competitions than the two of them combined.  Ricky always felt that a trophy did not make a person who they were, that it was how they treated the people they came in contact with, so when he left home to join the Academy, he gave his trophies to his grandfathers as he felt they meant more to them than they did to him.'''<BR>
'''While keeping the discipline his grandfathers had drilled into him as a youth in the back of his mind, he applied himself wholeheartedly into becoming someone that could be counted on on a battlefield or in Main Engineering.'''<BR>
'''SD 150803 – 170222:        CEO, USS Constellation, Green Fleet'''<BR>
'''SD 170307 - 170407:        CEO, USS Excalibur, Silver Fleet'''<BR>
'''SD 170407 - 190720:        CEO, USS Akagi, Sapphire Fleet'''<BR>
'''SD 190720 – Present:      CEO, USS Nebula, Silver Fleet'''<BR>
'''SD 150601:    Commissioned as Ensign (O-1)'''<BR>
'''SD 160225:    Promoted to Lt. (jg) (O-2)'''<BR>

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===LCOL Salla tai'Vrenn, Marine Commanding Officer===
===LCOL Salla tai'Vrenn, Marine Commanding Officer===
* played by [ Margaret Kipp]
* played by [ Margaret Kipp]
''This biofile under construction''
===LT Ingwar Trinkanto, Linguistics Officer===
* played by [ Igor Urbiha]
''This biofile under construction''
''This biofile under construction''

Latest revision as of 13:57, 30 January 2010

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USS Nebula Crew Biofiles
Version 1.0 (Updated SD 190815)


CAPT Jonathan Walsh, Commanding Officer

Name: Jonathan Martin Walsh
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Place of Birth: Edinburgh, Scotland, Earth
Date of Birth: April 28, 2387
Age: 32 Terran
Rank: Captain
Assignment: Commanding USS NEBULA, NCC-2001

Physical Appearance

Height: 183cm (6'2")
Weight: 80Kg (180lb)
Skin Color: White (although weathered and ruggedly tanned)
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Straw Blond
Build: Medium
Distinguishing Marks: scar on back, scar on left middle finger, scars on chest from knife wounds

Description Jonathan stands a non-descript 6'2" tall and weighs in at about 180 lb (80Kg). He has short blond hair, and cobalt blue eyes that seem to almost glow making it very hard to win a staring match with him (They are disconcerting at times). He has only two small scars, one on his back from a minor surgery and another on his left middle finger from slipping on his great-uncle's boat. He looks like he is not a powerful nor fast individual, but he constantly works out to maintain his peak physical shape (and to help with therapy...see Psych Eval).


Graduate Starfleet Academy 2409
Graduate Holodeck 18 SD 90526
Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
Promoted to Lieutenant
Senior Science Liason SD 101219
Promoted to Lieutenant Commander
Acting Executive Officer SD 111218
Assigned Senior SD 120105
Leadership Course
Assigned USS NEBULA (Yards) SD 120420
Promoted to CDR SD 120701
Assumed XO
Promoted to CAPT SD 190816
Assumed Command


Jonathan led a "normal" childhood up until the age of 7. He played games with the other children in the area and enjoyed himself. However, on the fateful afternoon of April 17 he watched as the transport his parents were on crashed into the landing pad of the local port. He was awaiting his parents return from visiting the graves of his mother's parents (deceased before Jonathan can remember), a pilgrimage made once a year.

Jonathan, still not understanding death, wondered why his parents had left him. His paternal grandfather became his guardian. When he finally understood, he was still shocked and dismayed. His grandfather, a professor in computer science at MIT, started his love of reading and computers. This education continued for 5 years under the expert tuteledge of "gramps"(Dr. Russell Walsh).

At the age of 12 Jonathan's grandfather contracted degenerative neural disease, and in months had died. This shattered Jonathan's beliefs in the world. For all his experience with it Jonathan still could not handle his grief well. He still felt helpless in the world.

Jonathan's next guardian (His grandfather's youngest brother) was a former officer in Starfleet and lived on the outskirts of Chicago. As a charter boat operator on Lake Michigan, Morgan Walsh led a slow pastoral life. However, Morgan's history was anything but passive. As a Lieutenant in Starfleet he had been present when the Borg had attacked Earth the first time, being one of the few survivors of the Battle of Wolf 359.

Jonathan continued his interest in reading literature, collecting old classics including the works of Asimov, Heinlein, Verne, Milton, and Shakespeare. As well as beginning some training in the martial arts (both armed and unarmed). He was brought up into a rich tradition that was based on a family history of space and sea faring.

At the age of 17 Jonathan submitted his application to Starfleet, but ended up not making the entrance requirements for that year. He was disheartened until he saw all the famous officers that had failed their first entrance exam. Determined to make the next entrance test Jonathan devoted his time to practiceing and wanting to become a part of Starfleet (to make his parents proud, wherever they may be). The next year he resubmitted his application for admittance and passed the exam, so began his Academy career.

At the Academy Jonathan found himself having to deal more and more with people, something he hadn't done all that much of since his early childhood (he thought that everyone who got near him had just increased their likelihood of death, something he still has trouble dealing with). Living for four years with people of his own age greatly helped him to cope, allowing him to try and return to his childhood memories of friends.

During his stay at the Academy Jonathan became more adept at computers, allowing him to become one of the best at them in his class. His success in computers led to better his grades in other engineering and scientific classes. While at the Academy he also gained qualification as a pilot (although he hesitates occasionally when behind the controls).

Jonathan eventually chose a curriculum suited to science and engineering, making it his area of emphasis. This greatly pleased his great-uncle who had replications of two family heirlooms made an old US Navy Cutlass, and a US Navy Saber. Jonathan received these as a graduation gift and is still deciding what to do with his new gifts.

He has now placed them on one of the walls of his quarters, they provide him with a sense of calm, and purpose.

Academy Recommendations

Cadet Jonathan Walsh has my highest recommendation and commendations in the field of computers. He has proven several times in my class that he has a knowledge and understanding of computers that many of the best Engineering and science officers wish and pray for. In my class I was impressed by how much I was able to teach and learn from this young man. I read some of his research from grade school and was amazed at how insightful and well thought out his ideas were. Again I give my highest recommedation to Cadet (soon to be Ensign) Jonathan Walsh in the field of computers.
Ronald Wermann
Professor, Starfleet Academy

Cadet Walsh has, without a doubt, been one of my most determined students, however, he is not anywhere near the top of his class. He is now a qualified small craft pilot and fully qualified helmsman, but only barely. Though I wish not to shame him in his career in Starfleet I must state that he has problems when faced with unexpected problems at helm. He has no problems in the repair or weapons positions but he hesitates when faced with problems at the helm of a small craft, a trait that can lead to endangerment of not only himself but his crewmates as well. When at the helm of a larger craft he has no such problems, only at the controls of small craft does he freeze, if only for a second. I can and do give my highest recommendation that Cadet Walsh be placed in a position for which he is suited, however, that is not at the helm of a small craft.
CDR Mavis Beaumont
Instructor Ship Systems, Starfleet Academy

Cadet Walsh has shown himself to be a bright and determined student. In the field of engineering he has shown an apptitude for solving problems. He has proven in multiple simulations that he has understood and synthesized classroom data and learning in a practical laboratory environment. He has shown great promise with computer problems and seems to have an understanding of the full engineering systems. He has my recommendation as an engineering or science officer upon reaching his first assigned duty.
LCDR Gregory Worthington
Instructor Engineering Systems, Starfleet Academy

Cadet Walsh has been an ideal student in combat training. While not the best at unarmed combat, when given a melee weapon he is able to defend himself against almost all of his classmates. In ranged weapons he has proven adequate but not exemplary. When given opportunities to modify weapons again he excels, but he is not quite as good at fabrication of weapons from natural materials.
LT Richard von Heidelberg
Instructor Personal Combat, Starfleet Academy

Starfleet Awards/Recommendations
Excerpt from Report 18003, Lieutenant Aharon Yariv, Holodeck Instructor, Holodeck 18, Armstrong Lunar Base
...Both the students showed remarkable teamwork, on the same level as many veterans I've worked with and far better than what I've seen displayed on some of my fleet assignments. Their knowledge of procedure, rules and general information was fair but their application and use was their most impressive display, scoring well above average. Overall, they ranked in the 95th percentile collectively and it is the sincere belief of this HI that the students, Ensigns Walsh and Saarin, both will become great assets to their crews and have promising futures ahead, possibly even command.
Lieutenant Aharon Yariv, HI, HD18, ALB

Pyschological Evaluation
As a result of his somewhat troubled childhood Jonathan Walsh has some problems. He is constantly bothered by nightmares of both his parents' and grandfather's deaths, and because of this he can often be found at odd hours working off frustration in his multiple work out holodeck programs. His nightmares grow worse right before the anniversary of both of these events, but never rising to a level condusive to endangering himself or those of his team.
Jonathan tends to hesitate in some situations, piloting shuttles, and dealing with those who are seriously ill. This stems from his early experiences with death and illness. He always finds himself troubled when faced with death. The best therapy for this is to allow him some experience in the real world, to give him the opportunity to put his problems in perspective with the world around him.
Jonathan is constantly aware of his families tradition ( learned through his great-uncle) and strives to be the best he can at what he does. This makes him a little cautious, but when needed he can make hard descisions. He is not overtly combatant but his training has been martial in nature, classifying him as a reluctant warrior.
Respectfully, Lieutenant Commander Sait'lah, Counselor

Jonathan is a young man for his responsibility, dropped into positions normally reserved for older officers, however, he has been on near constant deployment since reporting to the NEBULA. He has passed through command tests. The only thing that he needs is confidence in his abilities, and that comes with time.

CDR Myzaa Ren, Executive Officer

This biofile under construction

Operations Officer

This position vacant

LTjg Ricardo Ricky, Chief Engineer

Full Name: Ricardo Ricky
Current Rank: Lt. (jg) (O-2)
Current Billet: CEO, USS Nebula
Serial #: 4384-7708-9114

Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Date of Birth: 29 August, 2388
Place of Birth: Ontario, Canada, Earth

Parents: Darryl & Dana Ricky
Siblings: Rachel Ricky(Twin)--MIA
Spouse: None
Children: None

Physical Description:
Height: 1.75m
Weight: 57.85kg
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Light Blonde
Blood Type: AB+
Vision: 20:20
Religion: Catholic
Citizenship: Earth

SD 150601.1000: Graduated top 5%

Weapons Systems Engineering
Tactical Operations
Uniform Code of Justice
Federation Constitutional Law

Qualifications: Training in Security, Tactical and Engineering

Ricky was considered the black sheep of his family when he decided to go to the Academy to become an Officer. His parents believed that the only honorable service to Starfleet was on the Non-Commissioned roster, while both of his grandfathers felt the only honorable service in the Federation was with the Marine Corps.

Ricky’s grandfathers had taught him how to accurately and effectively use all models of Federation issue phasers until he had won more trophies in Marksmanship competitions than the two of them combined. Ricky always felt that a trophy did not make a person who they were, that it was how they treated the people they came in contact with, so when he left home to join the Academy, he gave his trophies to his grandfathers as he felt they meant more to them than they did to him.

While keeping the discipline his grandfathers had drilled into him as a youth in the back of his mind, he applied himself wholeheartedly into becoming someone that could be counted on on a battlefield or in Main Engineering.

SD 150803 – 170222: CEO, USS Constellation, Green Fleet
SD 170307 - 170407: CEO, USS Excalibur, Silver Fleet
SD 170407 - 190720: CEO, USS Akagi, Sapphire Fleet
SD 190720 – Present: CEO, USS Nebula, Silver Fleet

SD 150601: Commissioned as Ensign (O-1)
SD 160225: Promoted to Lt. (jg) (O-2)

ENS JT Stewart, Security/Tactical Officer

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LT Chintrai DeVitri, Chief Science Officer

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LCDR Sorbec Tm'Peck, Chief Medical Officer

This biofile under construction

CDR Jessica Fennholt, Counselor

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LCOL Salla tai'Vrenn, Marine Commanding Officer

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LT Ingwar Trinkanto, Linguistics Officer

This biofile under construction