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[[Category:Bureau of Information]][[Category:Task Forces/Unit Portals]][[Category:Free Threads]][[Category:Task_Force_Serenity]][[Category:Starbase_Serenity]]
Lieutenant Commander Samira Amman, SCI USS ''Ranger'']]
* played by [ Andrew F.]
I. Personal Data
I. Personal Data
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*Surname:      Amman
*Surname:      Amman
*Given Name(s):          Samira
*Given Name(s):          Samira
*Current Rank:          Lieutenant (O-3)
*Current Rank:          Lieutenant Commander (O-4)
*Current Billet: Science Officer
*Current Billet: Science Officer
*Species:        Human (Preserver DNA Altered)
*Species:        Human (Preserver DNA Altered)
*Gender/Sex:              Female
*Gender/Sex:              Female
*Age:          30 Standard Terran Years
*Age:          33 Standard Terran Years
*Date of Birth:  December 21, 2402
*Date of Birth:  December 21, 2402
*Place of Birth: Mosul, Iraq, Earth
*Place of Birth: Mosul, Iraq, Earth
*Parents (they are not married and children took mother’s last name):   
*Parents (they are not married and children took mother’s last name):   
*Father -                     Mohammad Salman, Math and chemistry Professor
*Father -                 Mohammad Salman, Math and chemistry Professor (no genetic material)
*Mother -              Dinah Amman, Chemist
*Mother -              Dinah Amman, Chemist
*Sister:                Nassira Amman, Professional Boxer
*Sister:                Nassira Amman, Math Professor and Professional Boxer
*Sister                         Fatima Amman, Propulsion Engineer
*Sister                     Fatima Amman, Propulsion Engineer
*Spouse:       None
*Spouse:           None
Children:              None
Children:              None
*Religion:     Atheist (Strident)
*Religion:         Atheist (Strident)
*Languages:                 Standard, Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew, English, Mandarin Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Russian, Hindi, Sanskrit, Greek (modern), Greek (ancient), French, Spanish, Latin, German, Sumerian Cuneiform, Preserver Runic, Iconian (20% and growing)
*Languages:                 Standard, Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew, English, Mandarin Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Russian, Hindi, Sanskrit, Greek (modern), Greek (ancient), French, Spanish, Latin, German, Sumerian Cuneiform, Preserver Runic, Iconian (20% and growing), Vulcan, Romulan, Klingon, Cardassian

Physical Description:
Physical Description:
HT:                        6'2"
HT:                        6'2" (1.88 meters)

WT:                        226lbs
WT:                        226lbs (102.5 KG)
Eyes:                      Brown
Eyes:                      Brown
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30-  :  USS Ranger, Science Officer
30-  :  USS Ranger, Science Officer

LTJG Amman has the build of a (very strong) Klingon warrior woman.  Tall, muscular and freakishly strong.
LCDR Amman has the build of a (very strong) Klingon warrior woman.  Tall, muscular and freakishly strong.

Samira and sisters share the same biological father, though he provided no genetic material to any of his daughters and never married, nor even dated her mother.  Mohammad Salman and Dinah Amman were college friends who later worked together on a few research projects.  
Samira and sisters share the same biological father, though he provided no genetic material to any of his daughters and never married, nor even dated their mother.  Mohammad Salman and Dinah Amman were college friends who later worked together on a few research projects.  

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Boxing, MMA Ultimate Fighting, Spelunking, Bodybuilding, Swimming
Boxing, MMA Ultimate Fighting, Spelunking, Bodybuilding, Swimming, Ballroom Dance

Took second place in SFA mixed martial arts competition in 2428 and first place both 2129 and 2130.
Took second place in SFA mixed martial arts competition in 2428 and first place both 2129 and 2130.
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Starfleet Academy  2428-2430 Shortened Curriculum, Graduated as Lieutenant JG
Starfleet Academy  2428-2430 Shortened Curriculum, Graduated as Lieutenant JG

Helok II Dig Site      2430-2432       Lead Archaeologist     
Helok II Dig Site      2430-2432   Lead Archaeologist     

USS Ranger              2432-           Chief Science Officer
USS Ranger              2432-       Chief Science Officer

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Also like her great grandmother, Samira is simply "built better" than the average human.  While nobody can prove anything as her DNA appears completely human and the only tampering was to her great grandmother by the Preserver artifact.  The result is that Samira will have a longer than average life span by about 25%, has never so much as caught a cold, and otherwise is just a "perfect specimen".
Also like her great grandmother, Samira is simply "built better" than the average human.  While nobody can prove anything as her DNA appears completely human and the only tampering was to her great grandmother by the Preserver artifact.  The result is that Samira will have a longer than average life span by about 25-40%, has never so much as caught a cold, and otherwise is just a "perfect specimen".
Samira (and all descendants of Hsina) all have bone and muscle density roughly equal to those of a Vulcan, and similar strength as well, depending on level of training and fitness.  Samira has maintained a fanatical physical fitness regimen since she was a child and as such has the physical strength and endurance of a fit Vulcan male.
Samira's DNA was transmitted with 99/97% for the last three generations, making her a genetic clone of her great grandmother.  She also had the same Preserver DNA markers coded into her DNA through her interaction with the same Preserve artifact (a bronze short sword) that recoded Hsina's DNA in the mid 23rd century.  These markers provide memories from certain individuals who shared the same coding (Hsina and a few ancient Assyrians from roughly the year 3,000 BCe through 600 BCe.
Samira was also "tagged" on Birambana by an Iconian machine controlled by Xentes which gives her "Command Access" to certain Iconian interfaces and systems.  Xentes recognized her through DNA markers as "One who came before".

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Medical Officer’s Final Report:
Medical Officer’s Final Academy Report:

Lieutenant Amman has completed all aspects of her training without any medical issues.   
Lieutenant Amman has completed all aspects of her training without any medical issues.   
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Samira has, in fact, identical DNA to her great grandmother.  This has the strange effect of bringing up both her own and her great grandmother's medical files every time she is scanned on a Starfleet biobed or other medical system.
Samira has, in fact, identical DNA to her great grandmother.  This has the strange effect of bringing up both her own and her great grandmother's medical files every time she is scanned on a Starfleet biobed or other medical system.

She also can interact with certain Preserver artifacts that are DNA access coded.  Samira is not aware of any of this at this point.
She also can interact with certain Preserver artifacts that are DNA access coded.  Samira only became aware of this when interacting with Xentes and the Birambana God Door.  Samira was "tagged" by Xentes for "Command Access" of Iconian systems after Xentes recognized her as "One who came before".

Samira has certain advantages and disadvantages caused by the recombined DNA of her great grandmother.  Perfect health and her physical and mental skills are the most obvious advantages, while the disadvantages are a bit harder to see.  Other advantages besides intelligence and strength are a very strong immune system and far faster than average healing.
Samira has certain advantages and disadvantages caused by the recombined DNA of her great grandmother.  Perfect health and her physical and mental skills are the most obvious advantages, while the disadvantages are a bit harder to see.  Other advantages besides intelligence and strength are a very strong immune system and far faster than average healing.

Disadvantes also exist.  She is completely esper-blind, meaning she has absolutely no psionic potential whatsoever, meaning that only touch-based telepathy and empathy can get through.  An invasive Vulcan mind meld would work, while Betazoid empathy or telepathy would not (she reads like a lump of coal).  Other disadvantages are a complete lack of fear (can be quite dangerous as fear is there for a reason) and a bi-product to her very strong immune system is that just as she is immune to most regular dose levels of viruses and bacteria and less susceptible to most poisons than normal, she is equally immune to most medications and antidotes.  Other disadvantages are manifest in her rather aloof personality that comes from simply not being able to empathize with others or put herself in their shoes.  This is also common with her sisters, mother, aunts, grandmother, great aunts all the way back to great grandmother Hsina.
Disadvantes also exist.  She is completely esper-blind, meaning she has absolutely no psionic potential whatsoever, meaning that only touch-based telepathy and empathy can get completely through and non-touch forms only can make the most minimal of contact.  An invasive Vulcan mind meld would work, while Betazoid empathy or telepathy would not get much at all.  Other disadvantages are a complete lack of fear (can be quite dangerous as fear is there for a reason) and a bi-product to her very strong immune system is that just as she is immune to most regular dose levels of viruses and bacteria and less susceptible to most poisons than normal, she is equally immune to most medications and antidotes.  Other disadvantages are manifest in her rather aloof personality that comes from simply not being able to empathize with others or put herself in their shoes.  This is also common with her sisters, mother, aunts, grandmother, great aunts all the way back to great grandmother Hsina, with all of them being borderline autistic.

End BioFile
End BioFile
