
USS Feynman FEB 1996: Difference between revisions

From StarFleet Bureau of Information
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right now(but I could create some. ;) )
right now(but I could create some. ;) )
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Resolute-->Home</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 2-18-1996</h4>
Scene: RESOLUTE Banquet Room<br>
The banquet had continued for several hours and was, in fact,
beginning to wind down when the interruption from the RESOLUTE's bridge
came over the comm-link.
[Captain we are approaching home sector.]
"Secure from stardrive and follow procedure." Tauk replied.
[I obey.]
Tauk turned to his counterpart. "Well captain, regrettably, it
seems time for this feast to come to an end. There is much my officers
and I must do and I am sure there are things you and you officers must
attend to."
Zane stood, smiling. "I have enjoyed myself here very much but
you are correct. Duty calls."
Tauk summoned his first officer and instructed him to oversee
ship operations while Tauk escorted the FEYNMAN officers to the
transporter room.
Scene: RESOLUTE transporter room<br>
As the FEYNMAN staff assembled on the pad Tauk turned to the transporter
operator. "It is time for your break. I will handle the transport.
Return in one deca."
The young officer looked at his captain suspiciously. "I obey."
Before the FEYNMAN officers had time to question Tauk's
intentions he had initiated transport. As the officers began to fade
Zane realized he was being held behind. Bounding down from the pad
and wishing he had concealed a weapon as his CSO had suggested he
confronted Tauk. "What is the meaning of this? What have you done with
my officers?"
Tauk raised a hand. "Forgive me captain but there was no other
way. I must speak with you unobserved." He patted the transporter. "Your
officers are safely stored. When I transport you back to your ship they
will materialize with you, not knowing what has transpired."
Zane was confused and said so.
"You maybe in danger captain, I had to warn you."
"Danger from what?"
"From my people."
"Perhaps we better start from the beginning..."
"I agree." Tauk took a deep breath and began...
"This is a galaxy does not have the numbers or diversity of
cultures which your own does. 4000 years ago we determined that there
were no more races to find. The civilization we had built was the only
one that could exist. It was our Golden Age. We were a peaceful race
with no fear of external threats we turned towards the pursuits of culture,
of knowledge. But then the wormhole was found and our worlds changed
forever. We discovered your galaxy and the races it contained. We
hungered for more knowledge. We became explorers.
Up until then we had led a sheltered existence but as the ideas,
and values of your galaxy's races began to filter back to our worlds
things began to change. Some were for our good but just as many became
detrimental to our society. Many argued that the
exploration and contact must stop. This group of isolationists became
very strong eventually rivalling thepower of the central authority.
Inevitably war broke out. It was a terrible war filled with
unspeakable atrocities. It ended our exploration but in so doing so
ended our civilization. We were plunged into a Dark Ages that was to
last for almost 2000 years.
Slowly we began to rebuild, to reclaim what once was. And then
we rediscovered the wormhole. And again the debate raged. It was
reasoned that we had learned from our mistakes that we could not remain
in isolation. We would explore but would do so slowly. We sent out
probes and began to monitor your Federation. It seemed to mirror our own
notions of discovery and peace. Many wanted to contact you, many did
not. Eventually it was agreed that the probe you found would be sent.
A probe that would take centuries to reach you..."
"But we found it too soon." Zane concluded.
"Yes. It was hoped by the time we made contact the isolationist
elements would have lost their support. They have not. They pervade
our society, and I embarassed to say that the ship...reflects
this. There are many who argue the wormhole should be destroyed. But
now you are here and that complicates things. It is one thing to destroy
the wormhole. It is another to murder. My people are very passionate
and our ancestors were very brutal. After the lessons of the Civil War
we have learned to curb our violent passions but they are there.
And you must be wary of them."
"What of your government? Where do they stand?" Zane asked.
"Our leader favours contact but many of his ministers do not. He
must show that contact does not threaten it helps. You must remember
this in your negotiations. But we have lingered too long I must return
you before some of my officers become suspicious."
Scene: Transporter Room. USS FEYNMAN<br>
Has soon as the group had fully materialized Zane turned to
Onta. "Commander I want a staff briefing in the Observation Lounge in 20
"Aye sir."
Zane exited the room leaving his surprised officers behind. He
had much to consider.
Scene: Observation Lounge<br>
Having filled his officers in on his secret discussion with Tauk
Zane addressed them. "I am quite frankly at a lost and I value your
observations and suggestions on this matter with the Cesephalians and the
unexplained happenings on this ship. We will be arriving at their home
world in 3 hours and I would like a better understanding before we do so."
He turned to face the officer who spoke first."
