
USS Feynman FEB 1996: Difference between revisions

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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Ready Room-->Transporter Room</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 2-16-1996</h4>
"Captains log stardate 80216.1240.....<br>
We are preparing to beam over to the RESOLUTE and I must admit
that I am a little nervous at the prospect of conducting the first
diplomatic exchange with beings of another galaxy. Although they seem to
have the best of intentions and are generally interested in setting up
some sort of contacts between our two peoples I know that I am not a
diplomat. I do not have the patience for flowery language and the wink
and nod deal making that goes with it. I am hoping that the officers of
the RESOLUTE, as naval officers, will be of the same feeling, at least
then I will have some time to ease into this before meeting with their
world's leaders and ambassadors. At least I can rely on my second
officer, her diplomatic training as well as her empathic abilities will
be of great service. And of course if worse comes to worse we can
release Dr. Tok on them. Surely they have never experienced converation
with a Bolian!
The investigation into the shuttlebay incident has turned up some
alarming findings but unfortunately little in they way of answers. To be
honest I would rather forgo this banquet and concentrate our efforts on
this problem. But diplomacy takes precedence.....
I am pleased to note that Lieutenant Fobok has been returned to
active duty and will be joining us on the RESOLUTE. I am still in the
dark as to what actually happened to the science officer but the doctor
has assured me it has passed and that is all the answer I need.
Nervousness aside I am looking forward to meeting my counterpart,
much as my officers seem eager to meet theirs. An exchange of this sort
can only benefit each party and I look forward to the technologies and
culture we can share. Perhaps if all goes well we will be able to return
to the Federation with a Cesphalian delegation aboard. Who knows maybe
the admiral would even crack a smile over that one."
Scene: Transporter Room
As Zane walked in he couldn't help but smile. They all looked
quite uncomfortable in their dress uniforms. Everyone hated them but
they were never changed. Stepping up to the pad he turned to face the
operator. "Energize."
As the FEYNMAN officers materialized the first thing they noticed
was the extremely dry, hot air that surrounded him. Zane felt his throat
constrict and his eyes begin to burn. Still he and the officers managed
to display little discomfort as they looked across to the feline officers
waiting their arrival. Tauk strode forward, saluted and gestured for the
FEYNMAN officers to step down. "Welcome to the RESOLUTE officers of the
"Thank you captain." Zane replied. "Allow me to introduce my
officers..." For the next few minutes both captains presented their
officers to each other. It was a diplomatic necessity but a laborious one.
""Let me apologize for the harsh environment....we have lowered
the temperature as much as we can safely do but I realize it must still
be very hot for you. You will be pleased to know that my engineer has
managed to redirect air currents in the banquest hall so that your side
of the table will be under the flow of a cooler, moist air. I hope this
will be to your satisfaction."
Zane smiled and nodded politiely to the engineer as he tried to
come up with the proper response to Tauk. Before doing so, however, Tauk
continued. "Captain I hope you will not mind but my officers and I are
not diplomats and if you pardon my saying I don't think you are either.
We are all soldiers let us talk like them and dispense with this
nonsense. Agreed?"
Zane laughed. "Agreed!"
Tauk gestured towards the door. "Shall we."
Okay have fun!
Jason: I know there are a few marines floating around that no one will miss.
Andy.-->Who is happy that ASR can distract him from some really bad
essays he is forced to mark.
