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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Shuttlebay</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Joseph Baker 2-14-1996</h4>
SD: 80214.2223
Jerran got up from his flight console as soon as Ensign Cartwright
arrived to take his place so that he could go down to the shuttledeck to
help with the investigation of PO Norris' accident.
He thought about it for a moment, thinking that it was probably some
careless error, but he doubted if it was an error on WO Dunnon's part.
He was one of his best, and most experienced shuttlepilots. You don't
rise to through the enlisted ranks to get to WO without being the best at
what you do.
Jerran stepped out of the turbolift as it reached the shuttledeck. He
nodded to the security officer standing by the door as he walked through,
heading towards WO Dunnon and LTJG Charles.
Jerran nodded to the CSO as he turned to Dunnon and said, "OK, what
happened, Mr. Dunnon?"
"I don't know, sir. I was in the TOMONAGA carrying out those
modifications which you wanted when I heard the alarms going off telling
me that the door was openeing. Then, the atmospheric containment
forcefield shut off.
"Lt. I swear that I double checked those systems just an hour ago, and
they were all five by five. There is no way that thing just opened by
itself _and_ shut off the forcefield."
Jerran nodded as he glanced around the room saying, "Agreed."
Charles shook his head and said, "I haven't found anything to suggest
sabotage, Mr. Jerran. This place is as clean as Dr. Tok's OR."
"What about the sensor systems? Why did they cut off?"
"Lt. Korreth's engineers are still looking into it."
As if on cue, one of the yellow shirted engineers who were rummaging
through an access panel in one of the walls came running up to the
lieutenants and said, "Sir! I think I've found something!"
Charles turned to the crewman and said, "What did you find?"
"Well, sir, just about anyone could have disabled the sensors, but it is
certain that they were sabotaged. It was simply a matter of crosswiring
the sensor power systems into the sensor output. Textbook case. Works
Lt. Charles wasn't too happy about a sabour getting away with murder,
literaly, on his shift. "We're going to have to tear this ship apart
till we've found that killer. And do it before anyone else gets hurt."
Jerran handed a PADD he was looking at over to WO Dunnon and said, "Yes,
but we're not going to have time to do it now. We've got a first contact
to get ready for."
"Mr Dunnon," Jerran said turning to the WO. "Give Lt. Charles' security
crew any help you can and keep me appraised of the investigation."
"Aye, aye, Lieutenant," said the WO two officers headed off the shuttlebay.
Scene: Corridor, Sr. Officers' Deck
Lt. Jerran wasn't too happy about the murder of CPO Norris, to say the
least, and his disposition didn't improve over the idea of having to put
on his dress uniform yet again. Even though his mother was a diplomat,
and she had made him come to many diplomatic functions while growing up,
he was neither good at it nor did he very much enjoy it.
As he walked down the corridor, it dawned on him just how quiet it was in
the middle of a shift. Most people on Beta and Gamma shifts were asleep
right now, or otherwise off duty, and so the corridor was almost
Suddenly, Jerran felt something in the back of his mind, something very
similar to the presense he had felt a couple of days ago near the
holodeck. He stopped dead in his tracks, turning to scan the corridor
behind him. There was nothing there, but he could still feel it.
Jerran tapped his badge and said, "Computer, scan the deck for any
non-FEYNMAN life readings."
<No anomolous life readings detected.>
*That's not right,* he thought to himself. *Something is here.*
Jerran pulled out a small type I phaser, setting it to heavy stun, as he
walked cautiously down the corridor. He came up to a bend in the
corridor, and stood flush against the wall as he prepared to turn the
corner. When he did, he almost scared the life out of a crewman as he
came along and saw the half Vulcan FCO with his phaser drawn.
"Is there... uhh... something wrong, Lt?" The young man stammered.
"No, crewman," Jerran said. "Just a tactical excercise. Just go about
your business."
"Yes, sir," he said, as he continued walking down the corridor.
Jerran took another glance down the hallway as he continued back over to
his quarters. Whatever it was, the presense had left when the crewman
had arrived. If Jerran disliked murder investigations and diplomatic
functions, he definitely detested being stalked.
Well, my hibrid friend. It appears yo uare going to cause a lot of
trouble. Not only do you have some unforseen advantages, but you also
seem to be most paranoid. All the more fun, though, as I toy with you
untill I decide it is time for you to die. Oh, and you will most
certainly die, along with the rest of the crew of this tiny ship.
Ah, but wait. What's this? New ships? Ahhhh, you've brought me more
victims to toy with. So much the better!
Oooooo, this is getting fun <G>
As for that wormhole, I don't know how it got there so fast. It just
popped up out of no where ;)
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
* I study nuclear science!        * *
* I love my classes!              * *
* I've got a crazy teacher,        ******************************
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel        *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
* And they're only gettin' better! *  USS Feynman/NCC-66000    *
* Joseph W. Baker                                              *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                  *
* University of South Florida                                  *
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Krysa's Experience With the THING</h3>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Krysa's Experience With the THING</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 2-14-1996</h4>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 2-14-1996</h4>
