
USS Feynman FEB 1996: Difference between revisions

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Max and Lysle: Don’t get caught, okay<G><br>
Max and Lysle: Don’t get caught, okay<G><br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: New Friends</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 2-14-1996</h4>
<Warning... warning... shuttlebay doors opening.>
"Bridge to Dunnan, what is going on down there! Have you opened
the bay doors?" Zane asked half annoyed, half shocked.
[I uh... no sir. I've been running diagnostics. CPO Norris is the
only other person down here.] The WO replied.
"Well what the hell is going on down there?" Zane's patience was
thinning. There was no response. "Mr. Dunnon....Mr. Dunnon?" Zane
looked to the CSO "Get someone down there."
Things were getting much worse. Zane still had not been able to
find out what had happened on the shuttle deck but that was only one of
his worries. The away team had been investigating a seemingly dead ship
had been attacked by some sort of creature. Only two of the team had
been beamed back orginally but after some quick thinking by the
first officer the FEYNMAN was able to retrieve the rest.
"Sir, I'm reading explosions occurring on the alien ship. There are
more and more of them as it continues," Lt. Jenn reported.
"Sir! The explosions are reaching the ship. They're pushing us
towards the wormhole!" Lt.<jg> Charles exclaimed.
"Shields up," Maril ordered. After receiving a nod from Zane, he ordered,
"Full reverse until we can go to warp, Mr. Jerran."
"It's not working, sir. We're still going towards the wormhole!" Lt.<jg>
Jerran said with dismay.
"Brace for impact in 5...4...," Jenn ordered.
As Commander Zane was able to regain his balance again he
shouted, "FULL stop, Jerran! Let's find out where we are!"
They were already down to about half impulse as Jerran eased the
ships velocity down the rest of the way. "Scanning the area with the
navigational array now, sir." He furrowed his brow and frowned as the
computer paused trying to compute their position.
"Well, Lt?" Said Zane as he came to stand between the
helm and ops stations.
"I'm trying, sir. The computer's having a lot of trouble trying
to get our position." Jerran was just about to switch to manual
triangulation when the computer brought up the results "I've got it, sir.
The computer says we're not even in our own galaxy. We've travelled
almost 40 million light years in a few minutes."
The security chief looked up from his console and said, "We're
not alone, Captain."
The viewscreen changed from a starfield to a view of five ships which
looked similar to the frieghter which they had just watched explode.
Except, these ships were obviously not freighters. They were warships,
each about twice the size of a Galaxy class.
Commander Zane calmly turned to Lt. Jenn and said, "Open hailing
The image of the five ships flickered and was replaced by that of
a large, smiling cat, something closer to a tiger actually. "I am
Commander Zane of the Federation Starship FEYNMAN."
"Greetings commander. I am Tauk, captain of the Cesphalain ship
RESOLUTE. Welcome to the Galaxy Andromeda, well thats what you of the
Federation call it we of course have our own name."
"Thank-you for your warm greetings Captain Tauk. Please let me
apologize for dropping in on you like this..."
Tauk raised a dismissive hand. "Commander, apologies are not
necessary. We truly welcome your arrival. It has been some time since
we were visitors of your galaxy and look forward to hearing of its progress."
Zane seemed somewhat relieved. As good as the FEYNMAN was it
certainly couldn't take on five warships. "Captain Tauk how is it that you
happened to be waiting for us. Certainly you do not leave warships
protecting this wormhole."
Tauk laughed. "Well that is true and not. We leave one ship
here as a sentinel. But to answer your question we knew you might be
coming ever since you found our freighter. It is an unassuming probe
is it not? Once contacted it relays its findings to us and we arrive
to greet our guest." Tauk paused. "But surely you must no this
commander. The information files we left behind for you to find are quite
Zane briefly described the events leading up to their arrival.
Tauk was visibily dismayed. "I assure you we know nothing of this. That
ship was designed simply as a welcoming bouy to our galaxy. We have only
the most peacful of intentions. Thi creature you describe was not of our
Zane accepted the answer...for the time being.
"But commander I am being rude. You are our first guests in a
very long time and must be treated as such. Please escort my vessel
back to the home world. My leaders look forward to meeting with you.
Our last diplomatic mission to your galaxy failed and it is our
greatest hope we can establish relations with your Federation.
I would also like to invite you and your fellow officers to a
banquet in your honour celebrating the midday meal. Will you accept?"
"Of course Captain Tauk! My officers and I are greatly honoured
by your gracious offer and look forward to meeting you and your officers."
"Excellent! We will prepare for your arrival in 3 hours. Tauk out."
As the image of Tauk was replaced Zane turned to the OPS
officer. "Were you able to 'read' their feelings lieutenant?"
"Yes sir. I sensed nothing but good will and excitement. Tauk
and his crew see our visit as a momentous occasion."
"Good." Zane was clearly relieved. He turned to the CSO. "Any
word on the flightdeck."
"Secuirty is present but they has of yet ascertained nothing."
"Mr. Charles I want you to look into this investigation
personally." He turned to the FCO. "I think you better accompany him
down to the shuttlebay, Mr. Charleswill fill you in. Gentlemen I want some
answers to this before we beam over to the RESOLUTE.
As the turbolift doors closed Zane walked up to the Engineering
station to examine any damage the ship may have sustained through the
Just cut and pasting a few things together...
Hey, how did the wormhole get so close? <G>
Okay it looks like we have our first diplomatic mission. This could be
the first inter-galaxy treaty so make sure your dress uniforms are pressed.!
As for the evil presence lurking about....well I don't know you tell me!
