
USS Feynman FEB 1996: Difference between revisions

From StarFleet Bureau of Information
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* I study nuclear science!        * *
* I study nuclear science!        * *
* I love my classes!              * *
* I love my classes!              * *
* I've got a crazy teacher,         ****************************
* I've got a crazy teacher,       ******************************
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel        *
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel        *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
Line 2,785: Line 2,785:
* I study nuclear science!        * *
* I study nuclear science!        * *
* I love my classes!              * *
* I love my classes!              * *
* I've got a crazy teacher,         ****************************
* I've got a crazy teacher,       ******************************
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel        *
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel        *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
Line 3,088: Line 3,088:
* I study nuclear science!        * *
* I study nuclear science!        * *
* I love my classes!              * *
* I love my classes!              * *
* I've got a crazy teacher,         ****************************
* I've got a crazy teacher,       ******************************
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel        *
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel        *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
Line 3,523: Line 3,523:
* I study nuclear science!        * *
* I study nuclear science!        * *
* I love my classes!              * *
* I love my classes!              * *
* I've got a crazy teacher,         ****************************
* I've got a crazy teacher,       ******************************
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel        *
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel        *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Ready-Room</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Jason Bostjanic 2-13-1996</h4>
Scene: Shuttlebay<br>
MD: 10950<br>
WO Charles Dunnon was on duty in the shuttlebay, and unfortunately
he found himself paired up with CPO Norris. It wasn't that Norris was
hard to get along with... it was quite the opposite.
"..and then, get this sir, little Betsy started to eat the marigolds!
Just up and started chewin on them right in front of Mr. Yorktown
himself. "
The skinny petty officer couldn't have weighed more than 105 lbs.
In fact, Dunnon found it partially amazing that the PO was able to
go down in the turbolift without being lifted off of the floor.
After a while he was usually able to phase him out, but then other
times his stories were so ludicrus that he couldn't help but remark
on them... and that would always lead to another story.
"A goat... on the grounds of Starfleet Academy, eating the Admiral's
flowers." There was a tinge of disbelief behind those words.
Dunnan had hoped that his counterpart would have picked it
up, but it blew by.
"Yes sir, you can imagine how hard it was for us not to start cracking
up laughing, because well... you see there was this one time that me
and this guy Brian laughed at... did I tell you about Brian?"
"Let me see, he was the one whose mother claimed to be transwarped
back in time, and gave Zephram Cochran the idea for warp travel,
but then was pulled back through the Mt. Fiji time portal to come home."
He stared, dead eyed, at Norris, almost praying that he would get the
"That's the one! Only it wasn't Mt. fiji, it was the Great Pyramid in
Egypt. Mt. Fiji was the volcano that my Uncle first dove into with
his thermoprotective tephlon suit... "
Duncan could only shake his head. There was no way to get through.
Luckily the sound of his communicator beeped in. Mouthing the
words 'thank you' he tapped his badge.
"Dunnon here."
<This is Cartwright, I need you to start running some diagnostics on
the TOMONAGA. The lieutenant is planning on making some
changes on the shuttle, but we need a full check on it before we
"It will be a *pleasure*, in fact I'll get right on it."
Bringing up his most sympathetic face he turned to Norris, "Sorry,
duty calls. You'll just have to tell me some other time."
Without waiting for a reply, he turned and headed towards the
TOMONAGA. Once inside, Dunnan fired up the shuttle and began
running the checks. The soft hum of the power was such a
nice change compared to the non-stop chatter he would normally
have to bare.
'Ahhh.. yes. It is time. I had wanted to just start with one.. but
the both of you should do fine. Let's see... I'll let the
little one watch as you die.... warrant officer.
Let's see, should I break his neck, or cut it. Cutting caused
so much blood.. but it would also cause the most fear, and
it was certainly more... disturbing to watch.
Yes I... No. He's talking... the communicator. No.. where
are you going? Don't... ahhhh. That's it, go to the shuttle.
It will make things so much more interresting. In fact...
*That* is it! How perfect... YOU will be the first little one.
It won't be as painful as I'd like... but you will do just fine...
It would have been only a matter of time anyway...
you all must die.
<Bridge to shuttle bay>
"Norris here. What's up?"
<Where's Officer Dunnan? Sensors and visual just went
off line down there. The back-ups too. Is everything all
"Looks so to me... Dunnan is running diagnostics on a
shuttle, I'll look into it. Norris out."
He never got a chance to turn around. A hard blow to the
back of his head brought the CPO into blackness.
<Warning... warning... shuttlebay doors opening.>
Dunnan looked out the shuttle window and found that
the doors really were opening.
<Bridge to Dunnan, what is going on down there! Have
you opened the bay doors?> It was captain Zane, and
he sounded.. well pissed.
"I uh... no sir. I've been running diagnostics. CPO
Norris is the only other one down here." The WO
was about to open the shuttle's door when the computer
sounded again.
<Warning.. Shuttle bay containment field deactivating>
"Norris... Norris!" franticly WO Dunnan tried to get the man
to answer over his communicator. There was no reply.
The shuttles were magneticly attached to the floor, and he
had sealed the TOMONAGA before entering with the hopes
of keeping out Norris's constant chatter. All he could do now
was turn and watch as the containment field dropped.
In horror, he watched as the artificial atmosphere inside was
sucked out. Later he would think it to be some kind of
whirlwind effect. He saw the engineering kit he left outside the
shuttle get sucked into the vaccum of space. And behind
it CPO Matt Norris.
The computer terminal from which both men had just talked
only fifteen minutes before blicked with just a single message.
"NO MORE" Norris's comm-badge was magneticly attached...
It begins... but oh so carefully. <VBEG>
A suicide??? NO... but it may take some looking into
before that is ruled out.
For security: There are no traces left as to who might
have disconnected the sensors and visual cameras (and
the backups) inside the shuttlebay.
For medical: Well, from what I hear, the leftover results
leading from being 'vaccumed' don't leave much. But
should you be able to somehow find out anything, you'll find
the head trauma was caused by a blunt strike to
the head... whether or not it was caused by something hitting
it or it hitting something is inconclusive.
For engineering (ME): The sabotage is quite simply the
crosswiring of the sensor power sytems into the sensor
output. Works every time.
For counselor(s): Norris's logs and what not show that
he was disappointed at not having advanced further
within the two months on board, but he was understanding
why. There is no mention of suicide.
Jason Bostjanic
Lieutenant Tarrant L. Koreth - CEO - USS FEYNMAN
Lieutenant (jg) Laryn Spyyre - CEO - USS HUNTINGTON
"Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore'"
