
USS Feynman FEB 1996: Difference between revisions

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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Who's First to the Cargo Hold</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Kristen Gant 2-11-1996</h4>
Stardate: 80112.0040<br>
MD: 1:0915<br>
Scene: Dead? Ship<br>
>The away team beamed onto the ship. "I suggest we head to the Bridge," he said after they rematerialized.
Jenn looked at her tricorder. “It should be right over this way.” Jarren
nodded confirming Jenn’s reading. The away team headed in the direction
of the Bridge. Dr. Tok immediately began scanning for life signs, while
the other scanned for the source of the energy signature Krysa had
picked up earlier.
“Sir, the energy reading are coming from 8 decks below us. That must be
the engineering section. Perhaps one of us should head down there.”
Krysa suggested.
“Not yet, Lt. I’d like to scout out the Bridge first.” Maril said.
Entering the bridge, there were still no signs of life, nor were there
any bodies laying around. “Where did they all go?” asked Tok.
Krysa headed to the computer console just to her right. After fumbling
with the controls for a short time, she got a response. Slowly the
computer began to come on. An alien face faded in out from the screen.
“I think I got some logs here. I’m having a hard time getting them to
come in though.”
Maril walked over to the console to help Jenn. Within a few seconds they
got the picture to clear and the voice came through.
<Captain’s log, Flogden date, 2434.889. The FSF Crowden is approaching
the Ronden system. We should reach our destination with the next 2
Flogden dates. The crew is very skitish, and I shall be glad to reach
the planet and off load this cargo. So far we have had no problems,
however no one is willing to enter the cargo hold alone and
Sparks flew from the console. Jenn and Maril jumped back. Turning her
tricorder on it, Krysa reported that it was dead. The controls fused.
“That is really strange,” she said. “I can’t find a reason for the
blowout. Now of the circuits were over heating or over worked.”
“What do you think they were carrying?” asked Jarren. They all shook
their heads.
Jenn turned back to her tricorder. “According to this is looks like this
message was recorded almost 500 years ago. I can’t be sure on that
without running some of this information through the ship’s computers,
but 500 would be my guess. Could be more, though. I wonder why no one’s
ever discovered this ship before?”
Lt. Krysa Jenn<br>
NRPG: Okay, who wants to go to the cargo hold<VBG>
Max, I’m sorry, I’m still a little fuzzy on where Ein is going? Really
I wouldn’t hurt him<g> Just want to know how many NPC’s I’m going to
have to create.
