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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Dead Ship (Cont.)</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Joseph Baker 2-11-1996</h4>
SD: 80211.0000<br>
MD: 1.0730<br>
As was normal for Jerran, he got onto the bridge and sat down at his duty
post a half an hour before it was really scheduled to begin. PO t'Jon,
who had been on duty before him, briefed the FCO on what had been
happening with the ship for the past eight hours, mostly a bunch of
impulse maneuvers through the system. They were going pretty slow as
they weren't really sure what was out there. The stellar cartography
info they had on the system was very sketchy at best.
After the report was through, Jerran relieved the Andorian NCOIC of the
Flight Department and watched as she walked off the bridge, probably for
ten forward, as was usual for her on her off shifts. Jerran sat down and
proceded to make a double check of the navigational logs over the past
two shifts to see if t'Jon's report had missed something, but as he had
come to expect from all of his AFCO's, the report had been completely
He was running a diagnostic cycle on the navigational sensor and
deflector array when Lt. Jenn reported for duty at 0745. He noticed her
glancing around the bridge as if something was wrong. He hadn't really
noticed anything out of the ordinary, but then he decided that it might
be some sort of empathic thing.
He hadn't had a chance to tell Jenn about his little psychic episode
outside of the holodeck yesterday as they had both been rather busy for
the past couple of days. He was just about to mention it to her when she
strode over to the Captain's ready room. He heard the captain mention
something about Lt. Koreth, but he wasn't really paying to much attention
to it. She then came out, saying that it wasn't too important and that
she'd catch him later.
She sat down at her OPS console after taking a report from WO Ein, and he
was just about to lean over to her to ask her about the incident he
experienced when something flashed on his navigational sensor board. It
came accros on Jenn's panel too, and she promptly told Cmdr. Maril about it.
After scanning the ship extensively, she determined that there were no
life readings iminating from it. Jerran continued to slowly bring the
ship in for a closer look. He looked down at his own panel and brought
up a magnified image of the ship.
He frowned at it as he continued scanning. The computer hadn't been able
to identify it, but Jerran did recognize it somewhat.
"Yes, Lt?" said Zane from the command chair.
"I think I recognize that ship somewhat. In some of the old Kzinti
legends that I've come accross, they mention a race of beings who came to
the Kzinti about two thousand years ago to conquer and enslave them.
They had barely started when for some reason, they just mysteriously
retreated from the Kzinti system. Of course, the Kzinti legends claim
that it was their great prowess in battle which helped them to survive.
"Those archaeological expeditions which have been allowed into Kzinti
space have been able to corraborate some of the stories, but they haven't
been able to find the reason for the retreat, either. They did, however,
find some drawings of the invaders' ships, and they look a lot like that
one there."
Zane nodded in contemplation as Jenn said, "What kind of technological
level were they on, do you think?"
"Well," said Jerran, looking at the other ship with an interested look on
his face, "The archaeologists have been able to guess that the aliens
were had a technology which was at least on par with ours, maybe even a
little bit higher. That's why it's so unlikely that the Kzinti were able
to scare them off so easily, as they were barely at the same level that
Earth was at that time. Of course the Kzinti would never admit that
because of their fierce pride. In fact, the archaeologists had to
Just then Cmdr. Zane cut him of and said, "Uh, Lt."
"Yes, sir?"
"You're babbling."
"I'm sorry, sir," he said, and turned back to his panel to continue
bringing the FEYNMAN closer to the other ship.
Jenn had continued to scan and then turned to look at Jerran as she said,
"You're not going to believe this, but I'm getting energy readings from
that ship."
Well, here's my two strips of latinum worth :)<br>
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
* I study nuclear science!        * *
* I love my classes!              * *
* I've got a crazy teacher,          ****************************
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel        *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
* And they're only gettin' better! *  USS Feynman/NCC-66000    *
* Joseph W. Baker                                              *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                  *
* University of South Florida                                  *
