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* University of South Florida                                          *
* University of South Florida                                          *
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Bridge ---> Holodeck</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Joseph Baker 2-10-1996</h4>
SD: 80210.0600<br>
Ship Time: 1300<br>
A little more than halfway through his shift, Jerran decided to go down
to the holodeck and see how his flight crew was doing on their training.
He called Warrant Officer Dunnon up from the main shuttlebay to take his
position at the helm, and upon receiving permission from Cmdr. Maril to
leave the bridge, he walked out to the turbolift. The holodeck the
pilots were using was down in the stardrive section of the ship, one
which was pretty well out of the way from the normal crew traffic.
As he walked down the corridor from the lift to the holodeck, he noticed
just how oddly quiet it was when there wasn't anyone around. He felt
almost alone on the deck. But then, he suddenly got the sensation that
he wasn't alone. It was definitely a telepathic impression of some kind,
but he couldn't quite tell what it was.
He stopped for a moment and turned to look down the hallway. He thought
it might possibly be Lt. Jenn getting back at him for the creative mind
block he gave her, but then he remembered that she isn't that powerful of
a telepath to be able to project a presense like this one. The only
other person that would bother to do a practicle joke like this on him
would be Cartwright, and even though their telepathic link was still
strong from their night together, she wasn't that well trained in ESP to
be able to do something like this.
It didn't really scare him, but it did annoy him. It was an unknown, and
if there's one thing that annoys the hell out of a Vulcan, even a hybrid,
it's the unknown.
Jerran opened up one of the storage panels in the side wall and pulled
out a tricorder. Just as he was about to begin scanning, though, the
presense was gone, just as quickly as it had arrived. He continued
scanning the deck anyway, just in case it was some sort of a mind block,
but he saw no one that wasn't supposed to be there.
Putting the tricorder back into the wall panel, he chalked the whole
experience up to just some bad after effect of the bump on his head, and
decided that he must talk with Lt. Jenn about this sometime.
Just as he was about to open the door to the holodeck, though, he felt
more than heard a voice saying, *You will all die*
Oooooo, this is fun :) Eat your heart out Steven King :)
Jason: I hope I didn't take too many liberties with your story idea. I
just couldn't help myself :)
Kristin: Oh, what a shame. Krysa's bridge shift starts just as soon as
Jerran gets off duty. It doesn't look like she'll be able to malpractice
psychiatry on him afterall <EG>  <br>
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
Joseph Baker (PHY)'s profile photo
Joseph Baker (PHY)
Feb 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM
to SFRPG USS Feynman Crew -- Adm. Nicholas
SD: 80210.0600
Ship Time: 1300
A little more than halfway through his shift, Jerran decided to go down
to the holodeck and see how his flight crew was doing on their training.
He called Warrant Officer Dunnon up from the main shuttlebay to take his
position at the helm, and upon receiving permission from Cmdr. Maril to
leave the bridge, he walked out to the turbolift. The holodeck the
pilots were using was down in the stardrive section of the ship, one
which was pretty well out of the way from the normal crew traffic.
As he walked down the corridor from the lift to the holodeck, he noticed
just how oddly quiet it was when there wasn't anyone around. He felt
almost alone on the deck. But then, he suddenly got the sensation that
he wasn't alone. It was definitely a telepathic impression of some kind,
but he couldn't quite tell what it was.
He stopped for a moment and turned to look down the hallway. He thought
it might possibly be Lt. Jenn getting back at him for the creative mind
block he gave her, but then he remembered that she isn't that powerful of
a telepath to be able to project a presense like this one. The only
other person that would bother to do a practicle joke like this on him
would be Cartwright, and even though their telepathic link was still
strong from their night together, she wasn't that well trained in ESP to
be able to do something like this.
It didn't really scare him, but it did annoy him. It was an unknown, and
if there's one thing that annoys the hell out of a Vulcan, even a hybrid,
it's the unknown.
Jerran opened up one of the storage panels in the side wall and pulled
out a tricorder. Just as he was about to begin scanning, though, the
presense was gone, just as quickly as it had arrived. He continued
scanning the deck anyway, just in case it was some sort of a mind block,
but he saw no one that wasn't supposed to be there.
Putting the tricorder back into the wall panel, he chalked the whole
experience up to just some bad after effect of the bump on his head, and
decided that he must talk with Lt. Jenn about this sometime.
Just as he was about to open the door to the holodeck, though, he felt
more than heard a voice saying, *You will all die*
Oooooo, this is fun :) Eat your heart out Steven King :)
Jason: I hope I didn't take too many liberties with your story idea. I
just couldn't help myself :)
Kristin: Oh, what a shame. Krysa's bridge shift starts just as soon as
Jerran gets off duty. It doesn't look like she'll be able to malpractice
psychiatry on him afterall <EG>
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
* I study nuclear science!        * *
* I love my classes!              * *
* I've got a crazy teacher,          ****************************
* Who wears dark glasses.          *  LTJG Jerran Terel        *
* Things are goin' great,          *  Flight Control Officer    *
* And they're only gettin' better! *  USS Feynman/NCC-66000    *
* Joseph W. Baker                                              *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                  *
* University of South Florida                                  *
