
USS Feynman FEB 1996: Difference between revisions

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<center><font style="font-size: 50px; font-stretch: expanded; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: 4px 4px 4px black;">U.S.S. ''FEYNMAN'' NCC-66000 February 1996 Posts</font></center>
<center><font style="font-size: 50px; font-stretch: expanded; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold; text-shadow: 4px 4px 4px black;">U.S.S. ''FEYNMAN'' NCC-66000 February 1996 Posts</font></center>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: NOGURA Medical Emergency</h3><h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Joseph Baker 2-1-1996</h4>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: NOGURA Medical Emergency</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Joseph Baker 2-1-1996</h4>
SD: 80201.0811<br>
SD: 80201.0811<br>
MD: 1.1445<br>
MD: 1.1445<br>
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====                              Canada ====
====                              Canada ====
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Departure</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Joseph Baker 2-9-1996</h4>
SD: 80209.2356<br>
LTJG Jerran deftly flew the FEYNMAN out through the large set of double
doors of SB Epsilon, fighting the overwhelming urge to kick the ship up
to impulse power while in spacedock. Upon leaving orbit of the planet,
he brought the warp drive up to warp 2 to navigate outwards toward the
rim of the system to jump to higher speeds.
He listened on as the medical teams tried to gain entrance to Lt. Fobok's
quarters, and, as a half Vulcan himself, he had a sinking suspicion of what
was going on with the science officer. Pon Farr wasn't exactly something
that he was looking forward to either, and he hoped that his Bajoran
blood would deter the event. He had gone through the first one at 15,
which was rather late for most Vulcans, but it gave him hope that if it
happened again, then it probably would be farther away than for most Vulcans.
As he flew the ship above the system's asteroid belt, slowing to warp 1
just in case something came up on unexpectedly, some of his thoughts kept
running to Jennifer and the time that they had spent together last
night. He wasn't so preoccupied that he was running into giant rocks, in
fact, he probably could have done a couple of other things at the same
time, but he chose not to.
When he had walked onto the bridge after the briefing and after going to
stellar cartography, she was there at the helm. She was almost
unable to contain her pride when she saw the extra hollow pip on his
collar, but her professionalism prevailed as she got up from her seat
calmly and shook his hand with a big grin saying, "Congratulations,
As they touched, their still lingering mind link from the night before
was strengthened some more, and Jerran was able to tell easily that she
actually wanted to say more than her words actually conveyed. "Thank
you, Ensign," he replied, sending similar thoughts accross the link as he
took his seat.
At this time, Jennifer was probably in the holodeck going over some
drills with the other pilots which Jerran had programmed into the
computer. He was quite pleased with their mastery of the Terran World
War I simulation, and so he had since moved onto the second World War.
This allowed him the flexability to put in programs involving bombers
which facilitated teamwork among the group of pilots as they all fought
to keep their plane int he air while obtaining their mission objectives.
They weren't doing all that well at that, though, but that was
understandible considering that those ungainly planes are essentially
sitting ducks for the enemy fighters to come pick off. So far, he had
done the simulation with his flight crew four times, and they had crashed
three times. But, Jerran was still confident that they would eventually
get the hang of it, and then he would put them into another simulation,
probably moving on to Bajoran raider tactics of the Cardassian Occupation.
The Feynman passed by the last planet of the system as Jerran brought the
ship up to warp 6, heading towards their mission area. He activated the
autopilot and turned to Zane to say, "We're now at warp 6 proceding on
course. ETA, 15 hours at present speed."
Zane nodded and said, "Very good, Lieutenant. Steady as she goes."
"Aye, sir," Jerran said, turning back to his consoles to perform some
simulations of his own. He was using the data from the stellar
cartography maps to determine the best approach angles to enter the
system for various tactical positions. It was essentially busy work to
give him something to do other than the normal monitoring of the
computers flight course, but it was necessary in order to give him an
idea of what to expect at the next mission sight. But, as he had learned
from the last mission, nothing was ever as expected.
We're off to see the wizard....<br>
Well, based on my ETA, I guess we'll get there at about 1900 hours on the
same day, probably around 1915, actually, to add the time it took to get
out of the system and jump to warp 6. If you want to make it a lower
ETA, that's fine with me. I just chose 10 hours as it sounds like a nice
round number :)
Respectfully Submitted<br>
Lieutenant Junior Grade Jerran Terel<br>
Flight Control Officer<br>
USS FEYNMAN, NCC-66000<br><br>  <br>
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
* Daisemi'in rhhaensuriuu * Of the chief parts of the Ruling            *
* meillunsiateve * Passion, only this can be truly                      *
* rh'e Mnhei'sahe yie ahr'en: * said:                                  *
* Mnahe afw'ein quii; * Hate has a reason for everything,              *
* rh'e hweithnaef * But love is unreasonable.                          *
* mrht Hes'he ehl'ein quii.                                            *
* Joseph W. Baker                                                      *
* Physics Major, College of Arts and Sciences                          *
* University of South Florida                                          *
