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USS Feynman<br>
USS Feynman<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Zane's Concerns</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 2-9-1996</h4>
> Stardate: 80209.1000<br>
> Scene: Staff Meeting on the Holodeck<br>
> This time it was Commander Zane who was chuckling. “Having difficulties, Lt.”
> “You’d think I had the plague or something.” Krysa smiled. “Maybe it’s a Vulcan thing.” Zane hadn’t > got up from the table yet, so Krysa took a seat next to him again. Lt. Commander Maril was also >still there, so she asked him to join them.
> “I am concerned about Fobok, seriously. Did you notice how distracted he was. I can tell you he
> was struggling to keep him mind block up.”
> They looked at her questioningly. “All Vulcan use mind blocks consistently. It usually isn’t
> something that even takes them hardly a thought. Jarren’s takes somewhat more thought then
> Fobok’s usually, because he’s only half Vulcan. Though since coming on board, I’ve noticed he’s
> gotten better at hiding them from me.” Krysa sighed, “I’ve gotten quite a feel for these mind blocks > being a Betazoid Counselor... and I can tell you there is something really bothering Fobok.
”Zane frowned. He was really only a security officer at heart and
truth be told, although he valued the thoughts of a counselor, especially
a Betazoid one, he was always a little uncomfortable in such situations.
"Has his performance been affected in any way?" Maril asked,
turning to face Krysa.
"No sir, but we've spent the past 4 days in spacedock. There
hasn't really been too much too do." She replied.
"That's true. But alot has happened over the last few days.
We've lost a captain that we all trusted and respected and we have a new
one to get used to. There were a few people who seemed a bit distracted
in this meeting." Zane cast an amused look at Onta. He knew his first
officer was been overwhelmed with his relatives.
"Sir I wouldn't bring this up if I didn't feel it important."
"I realize that and don't misunderstand, I value your judgements
and am not trying to downplay them. I just want to look at things from
all sides. I can't order Fobok to visit either you in a counseling
capacity or your replacement unless I have something more concrete to go
on." He raised his hands as she started to protest. "However, I'd like
the counselor and you, if your duties permit, to keep an eye on Mr.Fobok
and let me know if the situation changes. Agreed?"
"Yes sir."
"Good. Now Commander if you would be so kind to prepare us for
departure I'll meet you both on the bridge in a few minutes. I just want=
to make a few entries into my PADD."
Zane watched the two officers go. He was glad that Jenn had
brought up her concerns and had not backed down on them. The three
officers would make an excellent team.
Activating his PADD he examined all the paperwork he was already
behind in. Maybe this was the reason Paul had accepted transfer so readily=
As he began entering the required data he was startled by a sound behind
him. Turning, he saw nothing out of the ordinary. *Probably just the
wind* "Computer, delete wind from program." He continued to work but
could not shake the feeling that he was being watched. He fought down
the instinct. He was probably a little jittery. This was his first
mission as captain. *Yea that must be it.* He chuckled at the thought
of himself nervous in his own holodeck creation. Still, as he left the
castle he could have sworn he heard some one whisper. "You will all die."
"Status commander?" Zane asked as he stepped through the
turbolift doors.
"We are ready for departure and have been cleared by EPSILON control."
"Very well. Helm take us out. When we clear the system set
course for our patrol area, warp 6."
"Aye sir." The FCO responded.
Zane took a quick look around the bridge and then sat in his
chair. "Zane to Fobok, why aren't you on the bridge?"
[Commander, I must report that I am unfit for duty, sir.]
"What do you mean by unfit lieutenant?"
No reply.
"Lieutenant Fobok?.....Fobok report in...Computer, location of
Lieutenant Fobok."
<Lieutenant Fobok is no longer on the FEYNMAN.>
"Computer, last known whereabouts of Lieutenant Fobok?"
<Lieutenant Fobok was in his quarters.>
"Zane to sickbay."
[Sickbay, Tok here.]
"Doctor, Lieutenant Fobok has just reported himself unfit for
duty and has not responded to any further calls. His last known position
was in his quarters."
[I'm on my way.]<br>
Zane looked up over his shoulder. "Mr. Charles, is there anyone
in Fobok's quarters?"
The CSO quickly checked his security board. "Aye sir. 95%
probability that it is Mr. Fobok."
"Good, I think it would be best if we had some security with the doctor.
"Aye sir."
The first officer leaned over to the captain. "Sir, should we
delay our departure until this situation is rectified?"
Zane had been thinking that himself. "No, the admiral was clear
as to the importance of this patrol. We need Mr. Fobok's skills for this=
mission but we can't delay because of it. I'm sure the doctor can get to=
the bottom of this." He sat back and watched the viewscreen as the
interior of the spacedock spun about, lost in thought. He was very
concerned about his science officer.
> Andy, I didnt mean to cut your meeting short, feel free to finish
> it, I just wanted to get this idea out before I forgot to do it.
Not a problem....that's what back-posting is for. ;)
Quick anyone got some Plomeek Soup for Fobok:)
Max: Updated the roster with your changes. (The crowd goes silent in
Joesph: Ok, take us out for the asteriod belt that rings
the system. BTW, Max is right we have ALPHA, BETA and GAMMA shifts.
Jason: Just my small (very small) addition to your 'voices'
Lylse: If you want to backpost your mission briefing that would be
great. Either way you have a patient to attend to....
Colby: I didn't know if you wanted to stay on the bridge or join the
doctor so I left it up to you.
All: Its thurs day now, so let's say we arrive at the outskirts of our
patrol area Late Fri early Sat. Until then have fun.....
B.J: Love the Pon Farr idea. Will you be running 'Amok' (the crowd
groans at the bad joke.)
respectfully submitted,<br>
Andy-->Who really loves this ship!<br>
