
USS Feynman FEB 1996: Difference between revisions

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B.J. Baye (aka Fobok, Matty, R2-B1, and a few other names)<br>
B.J. Baye (aka Fobok, Matty, R2-B1, and a few other names)<br>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: Jerran's Morning</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by Joseph Baker 2-8-1996</h4>
SD: 80208.0143<br>
Ensign Jerran awoke from one of the best nights of sleep he'd had in the
entire two weeks or so that he'd been on board the FEYNMAN. His hand was
still resting ever so gently on the side of her head, where it had
remained all night so that they would be able to continue the link while
they slept. The result had been that they were both in each other's
dreams all night, an experience which is by far so indescribably better
than a holodeck.
He smiled down at her and gave her a kiss on the forehead. She reached
up sleepily and messed up his hair which had actually not moved much
during the night, as was usual. *Good morning* he thought to her.
*Don't you have the decency to look bad in the morning like everyone
else?* she thought to him.
They both laughed and then Jerran said, "Computer, time," almost
forgetting that the computer doesn't respond to thought commands.
<< 0755 >>, came the matter of fact reply.<br>
Jerran jumped straight out of the bed, uttering a few choice Bajoran
curses which the Prophets probably wouldn't have approved of as he pulled
off what he was still wearing of the dress uniform last night, which was
mainly just his pants and the standard black undershirt.
He threw on the nearest uniform which looked clean, and just barely had
his boots on as he gave Jennifer a quick kiss before running out the
door. Before it closed on him, though, he turned to her with a smile and
said, "You'd better get to your post, too, Ensign, before I have to put
you on report."
She stood up at mock attention and said with a smile, "Aye, aye, sir,"
saluting him in an outdated fashion. They both laughed as he grabbed his
leather flight jacket and ran out the door, hearing each other more
through the lingering mind link rather than with their ears.
Jerran was just barely able to get into the holodeck as the clock struck
0800 hours. He almost thought he was in the wrong holodeck when he
noticed the midieval castle with its gruesome looking gargoyles glaring
at him. Either this was the new CO's way of relieving the tension among
the senior crew, or this was some form of punishment for being tardy. He
just wondered where the torture chamber was, and if it would just be
easier for everyone if he found his own way there.
He walked up to the front door and taking the knocker into his hand,
slammed it down a few good times. An old man answered the door and said,
"Ah, we've been expecting you, Sir Terel of Jerran."
He followed the little holographic man, kind of pleased that he had been
able to use his name properly, but perplexed at the way he used it. The
old man brought him to the meeting room, where the other officers were
all already assembled.
He sat down at a spot near the end of the table, getting a rather knowing
look from Lt. Jenn.
He heard the entire report Commander Zane gave, but he wasn't really
paying attention at the time. He just filed it away for later
reference. Besides, he had already read the reports on the mission which
had been sent out to the department heads.
He was awoken from his daydreaming when the odd character came in with
the announcement of his and Ensign Fobok's promotions to Ltjg. He smiled
cordially to everyone who congratulated him as he absentmindedly put the
new pip on his collar.
Then the other officers gave their departmental reports. He wasn't
paying too much attention to that, either, untill Lt. Jenn mentioned his
name in her report, to the effect that he hadn't shown up for a psyche
evaluation lately. Boy would she be surprised when he finally did, though.
Then, came his turn to report...
<<<< Ens... errr... Ltjg Jerran's report (G) >>>>
Jerran picked up his PADD and glanced at it for a moment, collecting his
thoughts real quick. Commander Zane had had to call on him twice to
break the trance he was in.
"Ummm, departmental report for Flight Control, Ltjg Jerran Terel reporting.
"Repairs on the runabout Nogura were successful. The main things which
had to be done were as follows: the warp core had to be replaced, both
warp nacelles had to be rebuilt from the inside, no new parts were needed
for that phase, impulse engines required a backflushing in the impulse
intake system, and the sensor system required major degaussing and
recallibration. Medical department had also performed the
decontamination on the aft compartment before my crew got into it
"As for flight personnel: Most of the AFCO's are now up to at least
level 4 flight profficiency, with two at level five and one, Ensign
Jennifer Cartwright," he said, with a slight twinge of pride detectable
through his normally professional demeanor, "attaining level six flight
status. I have hence given her the position of Deputy Flight Control
Officer, with Petty Officer Arak t'Jon as NCOIC of the flight
department. Warrant Officer Charles Dunnon was given the position of
Senior Shuttle Pilot."
"And that's it," he said, placing the PADD back on the table with a
smile as he sat down again.
Kris: See, Jerran wasn't trying to avoid your look. He just wasn't paying
attention to you <G> And he doesn't visit because he's afraid of getting
your psychiatristy bill <EG>
Fobok: High five, man!!<br>
Respectfully submitted,<br>
Ltjg Jerran Terel<br>
