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<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN:  Holodeck Briefing (CONT)</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
B.J. Baye 2-7-1996</h4>
SD:80208.0037 (GMT)<br>
Scene: Ten-Forward, just after 'Party' post<br>
Fobok couldn't believe the emotions flowing from Amy, in their slight
contact. Amy loved him.
He smiled and squeezed Amy's hand. He had not felt this type of link, weak
though it may have been, in a long time.
Amy suddenly drew her hand away. She didn't say anything, and while Fobok
was recovering from such a quick break in contact, she walked out of
Ten-Forward. After a moment, when he realized what happened, Fobok stood up
and hurried after her.
*Have I done something wrong?* he thought as he ran out.
Unfortunately, she was long gone. He didn't bother returning to the party,
and just went to his quarters. He didn't feel like partying.
He walked in, thanked Ying for staying, and when he left, Fobok went right
to bed.
He awoke the next morning with a start. He was sweating heavily and
panting. That was the strangest dream he had ever had. Even after he had
calmed down, he still felt very strong emotions, and felt like his blood was
on fire. It then ht him. He knew what this was, but he couldn't accept it.
It couldn't happen! Ponn-far. He thought, since he was half human, it
wouldn't affect him. That was why he had married earlier..and had Matt
eight years before.
He thought a few moments and calmed down. It wasn't happening. It was too
late. It was supposed to have affected him about ten years ago. He had
refused to marry T'Sin, so he could marry Ivy. T'Sin had since married
someone else.
"Dad?" came a tiny voice from the next room. When Fobok didn't answer, Matt
came into his room, still in his pajamas. Fobok stood up, and started
getting dressed. He had a meeting to go to. He then turned to his son.
"You better start getting dressed for school."
Matt frowned, "School?"
Fobok smiled, and finished putting on his uniform, "Yes, school, had you
forgotton during all that time in sick-bay?"
Matt sighed and shook his head, then went back into his room to get dressed.
Fobok then put his communicator on, and went to the door, he was late, and
not thinking clearly as he left his son alone again. The fire still burned.
Scene: Holodeck, outside castle
Fobok walked up to the castle, and banged on the gate, harder then expected
as the thuds sounded extremely loud.
As the old man answered, Fobok had to refrain from pushing his way past and
heading in. When he was lead into the library, he sat down. Lt. Jenn
looked at him curiously, but he just waved it off.
>Scene:Main Briefing, Castle library<br>
>Timeframe: After all are present.<br>
> "I'd like to be underway in 2 hours so I suggest we get right too
>it. As you have seen from the mission overview that was forwarded to all
>of you we have been given a mission which is just as mysterious as our
>last. I hope it will remain an exploration mission but being so close to
>the Kzinti border, a possible treaty or not, I am concerned. If attack
>we will most likely be severely outgunned. However, they've never gone
>up agianst the FEYNMAN...."
> Zane was interrupted by the pounding of the door. The room grew
>silent as the assembled officers looked at each other in surprise. All
>the senior staff were accounted for so who could be at the door? The
>answer arrived several seconds later.
> A large man dressed in black rushed into the room. He was soaked
>from head to foot, his long hair caked against his face. He gave a
>polite nod to the group and turned to face the buffet. Picking up a loaf
>of bread he shoved as much as he could of it into his mouth and
>turned his head quickly to rip the portion off. Chewing
>furiously he reached for a carafe of wine and greedily drank it in to
>help wash down the bread. Satisfied he turned to face the bewildered
> He pulled a scroll from his leather pouch, unraveled it and began
>to read...
> "Hear one. Hear all. By order of his esteemed magnificence,
>emperor of all the holodeck, commander of too much time... and by the
>agreement of his is an honour and privilege to announce that
>you Ensign Fobok and you Ensign Jerran Terrel, in recognition of your
>devotion to duty, your professionalism and your selflessness are
>promoted to the much distinguished rank of Lieutenant junior grade with
>all the rights and privileges that go with it."
> Returning the scroll to his pouch the messenger pulled two small
>black boxes from his inside pocket and placed them, Fleet Insignia up,
>in front of the two newly promoted officers. With a dramatic bow to both
>he turned, bowed to the group, grabbed his hat from where he had thrown
>it on the buffet and raced from the room, on his way to the next
> "Congratulations gentlemen, well deserved." Zane paused to let
>the group settle down from the excitement. "Now that the festivities are
>over lets get down to business. He turned to hear the officer's report.
Fobok put the new hollow pip on, and then waiting to give his report. He
was surprised that he got the promotion, yet didn't dwell on it. When his
turn came, he did his report, but still had an edge to his voice. Despite
what he was feeling, he would not accept the idea that Pon-farr was
affecting him.
"The science department is ready for the next mission sir. The Delphi array
is functioning normally, as are standard sensors."
Zane looked at the Lieutenant (j.g.) for a moment, "Are you alright?"
Fobok nodded, "It's nothing, sir"
NRPG: Hope you like the post..took me long enough to write it..:)..thought
I'd add a little twist with the Pon-farr idea. Hope it doesn't mess
anything up. I have an idea how to finish this..which won't involve Fobok
going back to Vulcan..:)..
Totally addicted to Internet,<br>
B.J. Baye (aka Fobok, Matty, R2-B1, and a few other names)<br>
