
USS Feynman FEB 1996: Difference between revisions

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NRPG: Now, are you *sure* you need to be rescued<BG>
NRPG: Now, are you *sure* you need to be rescued<BG>
<h3 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">USS FEYNMAN: 10 Forward</h3>
<h4 style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS','Arial'; color: royalblue; font-weight: bold;">by
Andrew Catterick 2-6-1996</h4>
Scene: 10-Forward<br>
> Needless to say the room was packed. Paxwax was a popular Captain, and here it showed. Every
> senior officer was accounted for and there was a fairly long line to get an audience with him.
> Tarrant decided that he would catch Paxwax at a later time. Instead, he found that 'Commander'
> Zane was relatively free.
> "Congratulations on your promotion, Sir."
> "Thank you Lieutenant. " Zane tried to find something non-work related to talk about, but found
> it difficult. Luckily Tarrant spoke first.
> "Did you serve with him long, Captain?"
"Right from the start." Zane replied pouring himself a scotch.
"He and I, and Commander Maril as well, all started out together as fresh
young ensigns assigned to a brand new ship. We arrived before she had
even been commissioned and Captain West had taken command." Zane thought
back to those exciting days. It was hard to believe it was not so long ago.
"Captain West. Yes I've heard some of my staff mention him now
and again. Whatever happened to him."
"We were on our second mission. The captain had decided to lead
the away team to a planet that was locked in a civil war. I was still
CSO then and I was the security officer present. Of course I was
responsible for everyone there but you know the captain's safety is of
prime importance...." His voice trailed off. He had not thought of this
in some time.
"And?" Tarrant prompted.
Zane took a long drink of the scotch. "And we were ambushed. We
realized that we had put our faith in the wrong side and were now paying
the price. Initially we were pinned down but after a few lucky breaks
the tide began to turn. I left the captain to set up a little ambush of
my own, with incidently the then CMO, Paxwax. He went to one side I went
to the other. To make a long story short we were successful. We managed
to neutralize all of our attackers. Or so we thought. As we walked back
to the main group a soldier came out of no where and fired his weapon at
one of the away team. Seeing what had happened Captain West dove in
front of the officer and took the hit."
"He didn't make it?" Tarrant's Klingon blood welled with pride
for the fallen officer. It was truly honourable to die in combat while
saving a comrade.
"No he didn't die. He fell into a strange coma that the doctor
was unable to wake him from. We transferred him to EPSILON medical which
is where he is now. They have no idea if he'll ever come out of it."
The two men stood in silence for a few moments before Zane
continued. He didn't want to put a damper on anyone's evening. "After
that Captain Sarah Waylen became the CO. She was only here for a short
time as she got transferred to another fleet. It was too bad in away.
She was an excellent officer and I really learned alot from her. So did
Paul. When Captain Waylen left Admiral Nicholas was sufficently
impressed by him that he was given the FEYNMAN. Which just about brings
us to the present."
"It seems you follow a long line of distinguished, albeit it
brief, predescesors commander. You are worthy to join them."
"Thank you for the vote of confidence lieutenant." Zane allowed
himself and uncharacteristic scene of uncertainty. "Right now I feel I
need it. Those are big shoes to follow."
"Commander, I have found that to follow in ones footsteps is often
counterproductive. You must wear your own shoes." It was Tarrant's
turn to step out of character. "You know, the comfortable ones."
Smiling he turned and headed for the buffet. Happy to see all the
Betazed dishes that Bat had put out, especially the Mantickian Pate.
Zane watched him go and smiled. He really was lucky to serve
with such a fine group. Looking down he examined the glass of
Aldebaran Scotch he had been sipping and looked over at Bat and
Mike Larocque who had become good friends of late. As he looked at the
guilty expression on his aide's face and the one of smug satisfaction
on his 'uncles' he realized that 'partner's in crime' might be a more
fitting title. He didn't have to check with Maril to know that the
scotch and other rare items on the buffet were very new acquistions.
Too new to be entirely legal. He made a mental note to commend both
men's ingenuity.
I hope my memory came through, but that was the gist of it. :)
Our staff meeting will take place on the Holodeck but I have not yet
decided what the scene will be....I hope to begin the meeting about this
time tommorrow night or Thurs morning at the latest. It depends on how
the party ends up :D
The mission date clock will be activated once we arrive in our patrol area.
As for bridge shifts, all remains the same with the exception of Maril
who will take Zane's shifts and Jenn will take Maril's. Of course during
red and yellow alerts the relevant senior staff will all be on the bridge
unless occupied elsewhere...
respectfully submitted,
CDMR. Zane
<pre style="background-color: #303030; color: #ccc7e1;">
==== LT.Tarsa Rogers CEO USS TESLA                                    ====
==== CMDR. Zane COMMANDING USS FEYNMAN                                ====
==== LT.CMDR Nigel Brock ALB INSTRUCTOR HOLODECK 18                  ====
==== Andy Catterick St. Catharines, Ontario                          ====
==== Canada                              ====
