
C'Rala: Difference between revisions

From StarFleet Bureau of Information
187 bytes added ,  26 April 2020
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D. Star Fleet Academy Record:
D. Star Fleet Academy Record:
Honors: Magna cum Laude
  Honors: Magna cum Laude
Academic Major: BSc(Hons) Physics & Maths
  Academic Major: BSc(Hons) Physics & Maths
Professional Major: Astrogation
  Professional Major: Astrogation
Class Rank: 7/302   
  Class Rank: 7/302   
Reprimands: 0
  Reprimands: 0
Commendations: 2
  Commendations: 2
Athletics: artistic gymnastics
  Athletics: artistic gymnastics
Activities: Academy Band, painting
  Activities: Academy Band, painting

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A. Chronology (tabular form):
A. Chronology (tabular form):
  0-17:        Attended Public School system
0-17:        Attended Public School system
  17-20:        Attended Caitian Militia Training
17-20:        Attended Caitian Militia Training
  20-23:        Attended Star Fleet Academy
20-23:        Attended Star Fleet Academy
  23:          Attended Space Warfare School (naval officers).
23:          Attended Space Warfare School (naval officers).
  24-Present:  Active duty in Star Fleet
24-Present:  Active duty in Star Fleet

B. Background Summary:
B. Background Summary:
  C'Rala (pronounced, roughly, as if written KeRAHlah, with an
  almost mute 'e' and stress on the 'Ra') is a rather typical
  Caitian, except when she's not. Intelligent, ingenious,
  resourceful, loyal, all the usual traits of Caitians are
  all there. However, she is more of a pacifist as modern day
  Caitians, and has a higher degree of sensibility towards
  violence than the average Caitian, which are already
  incredibly pacifists.
  Her sensibilities pushed her to study Music and Art History,
  not just Caitinan, but from the Federation at large. She is
  quite profficient in playing several recorder-type instruments
  from several cultures. She is also an excellent dancer and
  it's actually one of her favourite hobbies.
  As an Starfleet Officer, she is analytical and passionate,
  but incredibly patient. She is a brilliant tactician, often
  with out-of-the-box solutions not even computers can predict.
  She has become very apt in guessing when someone is lying to her,
  no matter the species, and, as all Caitians, she despises lies
  and would never lie.
  She is fiercely loyal to her family and clan, like all Caitians,
  but has an unusual detachment to the idea of forming her own. She
  is also very xenophilic and has been known to have several
  romantic partners from other species and genders.
  Under that soft voice hides an adamant will. She is always
  respectful and even cheerful, but performs and expects
  top performance from everyone. She has been known to
  confront situations in a tranquil and logical way, but
  she will usually not let things unspoken.
  As one of the really rare white furred Caitians from the mountains,
  she is exotic to everyone who looks at her. From a Caitian
  perspective, she is very attractive, some had described her as a
  rare beauty, and Humans find her "very cute", which is something
  that amuses her a great deal.

C'Rala (pronounced, roughly, as if written KeRAHlah, with an
  As most Caitians, she is tall and slender, and wears a slightly
almost mute 'e' and stress on the 'Ra') is a rather typical
  modified version of the SF uniform to allow room to her tail and
Caitian, except when she's not. Intelligent, ingenious,
  legs movement, as well as breathing room for her furr coat over
resourceful, loyal, all the usual traits of Caitians are
  all her body. After her training in the Caitian Millitia--a
all there. However, she is more of a pacifist as modern day
  period of time she really hates--, she has become an excellent  
Caitians, and has a higher degree of sensibility towards
  hand-to-hand and close quarters fighter, as well as using a long
violence than the average Caitian, which are already
incredibly pacifists.
  As a pilot, she has flown all kind of cratfs from personal flyiers
Her sensibilities pushed her to study Music and Art History,
  and combat spacecrafts to heavy cruisers. She feels that space
not just Caitinan, but from the Federation at large. She is
  returns to her the 3D selvatic freedom her long time ancestors
quite profficient in playing several recorder-type instruments
  enjoyed when living in forests.
from several cultures. She is also an excellent dancer and
it's actually one of her favourite hobbies.
As an Starfleet Officer, she is analytical and passionate,
but incredibly patient. She is a brilliant tactician, often
with out-of-the-box solutions not even computers can predict.
She has become very apt in guessing when someone is lying to her,
no matter the species, and, as all Caitians, she despises lies
and would never lie.
She is fiercely loyal to her family and clan, like all Caitians,
but has an unusual detachment to the idea of forming her own. She
is also very xenophilic and has been known to have several
romantic partners from other species and genders.
Under that soft voice hides an adamant will. She is always
respectful and even cheerful, but performs and expects
top performance from everyone. She has been known to
confront situations in a tranquil and logical way, but
she will usually not let things unspoken.
As one of the really rare white furred Caitians from the mountains,
she is exotic to everyone who looks at her. From a Caitian
perspective, she is very attractive, some had described her as a
rare beauty, and Humans find her "very cute", which is something
that amuses her a great deal.
As most Caitians, she is tall and slender, and wears a slightly
modified version of the SF uniform to allow room to her tail and
legs movement, as well as breathing room for her furr coat over
all her body. After her training in the Caitian Millitia--a
period of time she really hates--, she has become an excellent  
hand-to-hand and close quarters fighter, as well as using a long
As a pilot, she has flown all kind of cratfs from personal flyiers
and combat spacecrafts to heavy cruisers. She feels that space
returns to her the 3D selvatic freedom her long time ancestors
enjoyed when living in forests.
C. Personality Summary:
C. Personality Summary:
