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* played by [ Rafael Cabrero]
* played by [ Rafael Cabrero]

Name: Landor-Pensin, Luciano Albero
Rank: Lieutenant Commander (O-4)
Serial: 1992-275-814
Assignment: Task Force Sierra
Billet:  Operations Manager (OPS)
Race:    Male
Age:    36 Earth Standard Years
Height:  5'11"
Weight:  175 (swimmer, gymnast's build)
Skin Color:  Tanned
Hair:    Dark, Shoulder Length (wears it in a pony tail)
Eyes:    Dark
Parents: Father- Luciano Landor Cabrero (Diplomat)
        Mother- Teresa Maria Orozco Rodriguez (Attorney)
Spouse: Petrus Pensin-Landor
Siblings: None
Hobbies: Surfing, Dancing, Naval History, Traveling, Cooking,
                  Diplomatic History, Old Earth cartoons (especially
                  Warner Brothers classics), Aikido, and Kung Fu, Tai Chi.
Educational History:
            2396: Enters Georgetown University, School of Interstellar Service
            Joins Starfleet Reserve Officer Training Course
            2399: Meets Petrus Pensin while on vacation on Malaysia.
            2400: Graduates from Georgetown.
            2401: Marries Petrus at his hometown of Bandar Seri Bengaman, Brunei
            Joins Officer Candidate School
            Reprimanded twice for fighting with cadets who slighted his sexual
            2402: Graduates from Officer Candidate School. Assigned as Chief of
            Security to the Science Vessel USS MARIE CURIE
            Reprimanded for assaulting an Klingon Officer. Klingon Office comments
            that he "would be honored to have Luciano Landor fighting at my side."
            Ensign Landor suffered some abrasions but Klingon Lieutenant Mar'jhog
            suffered a broken arm and some cracked ribs.
            2404: Promoted to Lieutenant, junior grade. Assigned as Electronic
            Countermeasures Officer and Deputy Tactical Officer to the USS QUETZACOATL
            2405: Assigned as Tactical Officer/Chief of Security to the USS COCHISE
            2406: Successfully masterminds a counter to a surprise Dominion attack
            while the Captain and Executive Officer on Talus IV. Promoted to Lieutenant.
            2409: Assigned as Tactical Operations Officer on Deep Space Nine.
            2410: Promoted to Lieutenant Commander. Assigned to the USS IOWA
            2411: Assigned to USS LEVIATHAN as Chief Operations Officer.
            2412: Assigned to Executive Officer to the USS LEVIATHAN
            2413: Promoted to Commander after successfully helping defuse a hostage
            crisis on the Gorn Confederacy world of Thizarus Yzok.
            2414: Demoted to Lieutenant Commander after stealing the LEVIATHAN in an
            effort to rescue his father, who had been taken hostage while on a mission
            to defuse the increasing tensions between the Federation and the Tallarians.
            Assigned as Chief of Operations USS KUSANAGI
            2415: While working on an undercover mission to break up a piracy ring, boards
            and steals the USS VALPARAISO.  Starfleet Command does not pursue any action
            although it was not originally sanctioned by Starfleet Command. 
Personal History:
Luciano was born in San Juan Puerto Rico. His family lived near the beach so Luciano became
sort of a beach bum. His development was normal, until puberty when he found out he was attracted
to other guys. Coming from a traditional Hispanic family, he feared telling his parents about his
feelings. His family wondered why didn't he date girls or even go out on social events. They also
wondered why his son hung out in Condado, a section of San Juan known for its gay community. At age
18, he went to Georgetown University on a Interstellar Politics major. At Georgetown he joined the
Starfleet Officer Training Course.
During his Christmas Break in his junior year at Georgetown, he went to Malaysia, where he met Petrus
Pensin, a personal trainer, a nature guide, and a criminology student. It was love at first sight.
Luciano had never  felt that way in his life. In fact, he never had any particular attraction towards
attraction towards Asians. But when he saw Petrus at a beach in Sabah, there was no question that he
was the light in his eyes. Luciano returned to Georgetown to end his education, but he would see Petrus
every time he had an opportunity. That Christmas, he invited his boyfriend to visit his family. Her
mother accepted her son's homosexuality, but his father wanted nothing with it. In fact, father and
son had not spoken since that Christmas.
Right after graduation, Luciano and Petrus married in the Buddhist fashion. Lucano was heartbroken when
no one from his family went to the wedding.
Luciano joined the Officer Candidate School after graduation. At OCS, he continued his training in Tactical
Operations and Small Vessel Operations. Luciano was a bright student, but got into various fights over his
relationship with Petrus. He was reprimanded twice for fighting and once for assaulting a Klingon officer.
Although he graduated 4th out of 199 in his class, his initial assignment was the  Science vessel USS
MARIE CURIE. He was shuffled around in various mundane assignments until his assignment to the MIRANDA-class
light cruiser USS COCHISE, when during an surprise attack by two Dominion ships, he took a page from the old
Starfleet by rerouting the phasers through the warp drive. He ordered the ship to vent plasma and fired the
COCHISE's phasers towards the plasma cloud. In a single shot, the COCHISE destroyed a Dominion fighter and
severely crippled a Dominion cruiser. 
Promoted to Lieutenant Commander and assigned as Chief of Operations on board the LEVIATHAN, where he was
later promoted to Commander and Executive Officer. However, his promotion was overturned after an incident
where he stole the USS LEVIATHAN when he learned that his father, with whom he had reconciled after a mission
in which both worked together on the Gorn Confederacy, had been taken hostage by pirates. 
After being court-martialed and demoted to Lieutenant Commander, he was assigned as Chief of Operations on the
Psychological profile and Fitness Reports:
Luciano is a very passionate man. He is loyal, honorable, intelligent, but has a chip the size of Antares on
his shoulder. For things that would be considered trivial, Luciano could take personal insult. Although he's
the size of a normal human, he took on five cadets in his first fight and three others in the second one, beating
them on both occasions. He has learned to control his temper, thanks to his relationship with Petrus, but whenever
someone even looks bad at his lover, he will slug it with whoever it is. 
Counselor Lerana Drel, Star Fleet Academy
Lieutenant Landor-Pensin is a superb officer. His ingenious tactical solution during the Dominion attack on
Talus IV saved this ship against overwhelming odds and while my Executive Officer and I were on the surface in a
mission. Although sometimes volatile of character, in general he's an inspired tactician and a loyal and honorable
officer. If I were to choose anyone to fight at my side, I'd choose Lieutenant Landor.
Capt. Shrat, Commanding Officer, USS COCHISE
A good officer. He makes a impressive investigative team with Ensign Pensin. It seems Star Fleet is finally listening
to our needs as they have helped crack
some of the hardest cases in the station.. Too bad they have to be transferred. I hope that Lieutenant Landor's
replacement is as good as Lieutenant Landor.
Constable Arnet Lim, Deep Space Nine
A reliable officer. Inspired tactician and loyal to a fault. An asset to any crew.
Star Fleet's got an outstanding officer in Lieutenant Commander Landor. Only problem is that he loses his temper.
The Counselor and myself have tried working with his temper, but to no success. A good officer all around, but he
must learn to control his temper.
Capt. Adar Tallon, USS IOWA
A good and loyal officer. Good tactician. Always able to come up with creative solutions to problems. However still
needs to work with his temper. The incident in which he stole the LEVIATHAN while on drydock was another example of
needing to stop and think before acting. Although he was able to rescue the hostages, the LEVIATHAN was destroyed.
His inability to detach himself from the situation was costly, especially with the loss of a battlecruiser. 
Admiral Denton “Buck” Vargas Commander-in-Chief Gold Fleet and former CO USS LEVIATHAN
Miscellaneous Considerations [NRPG]:
Luciano does not fit your stereotype of what is a gay man. He acts like any other man, except that he likes men
and has a male lover. He's got a short temper when someone makes an insulting comment about his sexual orientation
or about his relationship with Petrus.

''This biofile is currently unavailable.''

