Rheema VI

Rheema VI
Circumference at Equator: 78006.4km
Population: 294.4 Billion Humanoid
Continents: 7
1. Asaana 12000km2 approx. (NW Hemisphere)
2. Bel Staan 7500km2 approx. (S Hemisphere)
3. Sezaara 15600km2 approx. (SSW Hemisphere)
4. Yosh Kemla 34000km2 approx. (NNE Hemisphere)
5. Tsung Du 22000km2 approx. (NE Hemisphere)
6. Batak 3500km2 approx. (NNW Hemisphere)
7. Ilara 9200km2 approx. (SSE Hemisphere)
Unified Capitol: LaCresh (Asaana)
Water/Land Ratio: 62:22 (16% Polar Ice)
Technological Information
Warp Capable: Yes
Warp Barrier Broken: 2312
Current Warp Capability: 4.43
Diplomatic Information
First Contact Made: Yes
First Contact Year: 2312
First Contact Made by: Ambassadors for Trill and Betazed
Diplomatic Alignment: Friendly
UFP Membership Status: Pending
Historical Information
Unified Planet: Yes
Unified Upon Discovery: No
Years To Unification: 417
Unification Method: Aggressive Dictatorship
Current Government Type: Passive, Participative Democracy
The 2270 Intervention Crisis
As Rheema VI approached Warp Capability, the Governments of Trill and Betazed agreed to establish a cloaked Observation Facility with a view to efficiently making First Contact when the Warp Barrier was broken. Primarily facilitated by the Trill government, the Observation team was lead by Lazan Marr and chaired by Kazana Kur, both symbiont-bearing Trill hosts of some political stature on Trill.
At the time, Rheema VI was under the control of Eastern Asaanian Coalition (EAC), from the northwest continent of Asaana and lead by matriarch Selema V'Kar. This brutal xenophobic regime was responsible for the deaths of over 5.6 million non Asaanian civilians on the planet and significantly delayed the planets technological advancement.
The EAC perpetrated many strikes against Warp-Tech Corporation Research Facilities near a town called Veltahr on Asaana and in the years preceding their First Warp flight, the EAC engaged a citizen lock down on the Asaanian capitol of LaCresh. Never before had Selema V'Kar moved against her own, Asaanian People.
This sudden escalation in violence caused a division in the Observation Commission. One side: 'The Reformists', lead by Kazana Kur, argued for an intervention into the genocidal aggression on the planet and the immorality of abstaining from said intervention on a planet that was imminently going to break the Warp Barrier in the next few years. The other: the so called 'Determinists' argued that to breach UFP Conventions would be an immoral act in itself and that the people of Rheema deserved the right to Self-Determination, as did all other members of the UFP.
The division resulted in many heated Political debates, both aboard the Observation Facility and in the Trill Parliament. Several Official Enquiries were made into the teams conduct and the crisis ultimately lead to the defeat of Desala Judd's Trillian Peoples Party in the election of 2272.
Despite the argument, no consensus was ever reached on an appropriate course of action and the matter remained unresolved until 2312, when Rheemian cosmonauts made the first Warp Flight and first contact was made. During this 40 years, 10.7 Million innocent civilians fell to the EAC and Selema V'Kar's brutal regime. The EAC was finally ousted in 2300 via a coup d'etat from the People's Resistance, a worldwide network of rebellious citizens of Rheema VI, but regrettably, the damage had already been done.