Jonathan Asher

From StarFleet Bureau of Information

Lieutenant Commander Jonathan William Asher, M.D., is the Chief Medical Officer aboard the U.S.S. Valhalla (NCC - 18000), under the command of Captain Cameron Carver. He was assigned following the death of the previous chief medical officer Lieutenant Commander Dr. Jhael Ilias.

Jonathan Asher, M.D.
Lieutenant Commander Dr. Jonathan Asher in 2419
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Rank: Lieutenant Commander

(alternate reality, 2489)

Status: Active (2419)
Born: September 29, 2392 (age 27)
Place of Birth: Copernicus City, Luna
Affiliation: United Federation of Planets
Posting: U.S.S. Valhalla (NCC-18000),
chief medical officer
First Appearance: Introductions Foretold
Father: Jason Asher
Mother: Melissa Hawthorne Asher
Marital Status: Married
Spouse(s): : Sarah Asher (MIA, 2419)
Children: : Robert Asher
Portrayed By: A. Smith


Department: Medical
Office: Chief Medical Officer's Office, Sickbay, Deck 11, Section 23B
Height: 1.85 m
Weight: 61.68 kg

Lieutenant Jonathan Asher in 2414

Eyes: Brown
Hair.: Brown
Complexion: White
Spouse: Sarah Asher
Simon Asher
William Alexander Asher
Religion: Roman Catholic

Related Enlisted/Command Officers

Lieutenant Sarah Emery Asher, tactical executive officer (MIA, 2419), U.S.S. Valhalla (NCC-18000) (wife)
Admiral Jason Asher, medical operations command officer (retired), Starfleet Medical (father)
Captain Melissa Hawthorne Asher, commanding officer (retired) , U.S.S. Foster (NCC-20941) (mother)

Billet/Posting History

U.S.S. Valhalla (NCC-18000) chief medical officer (current)
U.S.S. Frontier (NCC-38912) chief medical officer
U.S.S. Hope (NCC-2784) xenobiologist
Starfleet Medical

Educational Background

A. Academic Institutional Background:
Copernicus City High School (2405-2406)
Starfleet Academy (2406-2410)
Starfleet Medical (2410-2414)

B. Service Schools Attended: Starfleet Space Warfare Officer Academy

C. Qualifications (MOCs):
-Medical officer
-Science officer

D. Starfleet Academy Record:
Academy Record:
Class Rank: Top 5%; Honors *Summa Cum Laude*
Academic Major:
Biology, Xenobiology
Professional Major:
Qualifications: Medical Officer, Science Officer

Commendations: 3
For Saving Life - Starfleet Medical Honor Merit Award (earned June 16, 2412)
William T. Hornaday Conservation Award for Biosciences & Research (earned March 09,2414)
Dr. Louis Pasteur Medical Excellence & Innovation Scholar Award (earned November 29,2416)

Reprimands: None

Activities: Racquetball, sports, reading, medicine, biological research, exotic cuisine,
hiking, cycling, rowing and wakeboarding

Biographical Notes

A. Chronology (tabular form):

2392 Sept 29 - Born at Johnston Hospital, Copernicus City, Luna to Jason Paul Asher & Melissa Asher
2406 - 2410 – Attended Starfleet Academy
2410 - Graduated Starfleet Academy; commissioned as Ensign
2410 - 2414 - Attended Starfleet Medical; promoted to Lieutenant (J.G.)
2414 – Promoted to rank of Lieutenant, Assigned to U.S.S. Hope, to serve as xenobiologist.
2415 May 12 - Married Lieutenant Sarah Emery, U.S.S. Hope
2416 – Promoted to Lieutenant Commander; transferred to U.S.S. Frontier, to serve as CMO
2416 October 6 – Son, Robert Asher, born on U.S.S. Frontier
2417 – Serve as CMO on U.S.S. Frontier
2418 – Assigned to U.S.S. Valhalla, currently serve as chief medical officer

Commander Jonathan Asher in an alternate reality in 2489

B. Background Summary:

Jonathan Asher lived in Copernicus City, where he participated in several sports and took an early interest to medicine after his close friend Nathan Rollins was injured during a game of racquetball that fractured his right leg. He attended Starfleet Academy in 2406, where he met his future wife, Sarah Emery, another young cadet.

After graduating Starfleet Academy, Asher pursued his dream and entered Starfleet Medical. While here, Asher was nearly killed three seperate times due to the ignorance of a defiant lieutenant named Regya Paxum, a Devronian.

After he graduated from Starfleet Medical, Asher was promoted to Lieutenant and served on the U.S.S. Hope, a science vessel. There, he was reunited with and married Sarah Emery in 2415. A year later, Asher was offered the position of Chief Medical Officer on the U.S.S. Frontier, a Sovereign -class ship commanded by Captain Scott Harriman. He and Lt. Asher transfered to the ship, as Lieutenant Sarah Asher was to be the ship's tactical officer. Their first child, Robert Asher was born later that year. He served aboard the U.S.S. Frontier as Chief Medical Officer, and during his service had had over 3500 patients, 3 of whom have died, and has discovered the first traces of at least 5 diseases, 8 new forms of microscopic life form, and 10 new plant species.

He currently serves as CMO on the U.S.S. Valhalla.

Official Starfleet Record

Dr. Asher's on duty uniform after promotion to Lieutenant Commander in 2416.

A. Promotion History:

100601 Commissioned as Ensign (O-1).
140601 Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2).
190601 Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3).
210501 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander (0-4).

B. Service History:

060615 Entered Star Fleet Academy.
100601 Commissioned as Ensign (O-1).
140601 Promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade (O-2).
190601 Promoted to Lieutenant (O-3).
210501 Promoted to Lieutenant Commander (0-4).

C. Medals and Commendations:


Skills Profile

Jonathan Asher is an extremely efficient and methodical man with many talents, and a genuine interest in discovery. He is somewhat rigid at times, but deeply cares for his patients and has an impeccable bedside manner. Those who serve with him know him as funny, creative, at times of stress somewhat demanding, but enjoyable.

Recent Fitness Report

Mr. Asher is a fine man with a drive for achievement and success in every manner, he is timely with assignments, is creative and open to outside influence most of the time, however, it should be noted that he can be stubborn. Mr. Asher has a magnificent work ethic, and is physically fit as part of the Academy racquetball and tennis teams. He has been honored many times for his biological innovations to the grounds and his science fair experiments.

Psychological Profile

Jonathan Asher is a kind, generous and outgoing officer who shows true care and dedication of purpose to his fellow officers. He is well recieved and has an outstanding sense of humor, however sometimes unorthodox. He has never been admitted to Starfleet Academy's counselors as the need has never arisen, owever, he would seek help if he needed it. That is guaranteed.

- Starfleet Academy Counselors Divisiion

Current Recreational Interests

Lieutenant Commander Asher enjoys outdoor areas, hiking, nature, fishing, skiing, swimming, racquetball, tennis, soccer, and hiking. He enjoys challenges and loves finding creative solutions to problems.

Miscellaneous Information


See also

Chief Medical Officer of the U.S.S. Valhalla
Preceded by:
Lieutenant Commander Dr. Jhaed Ilias
Lieutenant Commander Dr. Jonathan Asher
27 February 2419 - present
"font-size: smaller;" | (Officially took position upon confirmed assignment and the death of previous CMO)
Succeeded by:
Office pending (Currently active CMO)